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Messages - nokwes

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Re: Painted turtle just moved in
« on: June 11, 2010, 07:42:08 AM »
Thank you for your responses, we were just scared when we saw him heading across the yard and jump into my pond.  We were on our way out but we saw him climb back out and head away from the pond.  We have a fenced in yard and we thought he might not know how to get back out.  But this morning my husband saw him again in the pond.  He is a good size 6 - 7 inches across.  My fish are small to 10 inches.  I have about a dozen.  I think he is okay in there for now.  We will watch him and see how he acts, ready to relocate him to a nearby farm pond if we have to.  The grandkids are excited about coming out and seeing him.   Right now he looks like he is enjoying the pond.  Later Jackie

Pond Chat / Painted turtle just moved in
« on: June 10, 2010, 03:15:15 PM »
Hi, a painted turtle just moved in and I am worried about my koi, will he eat them?  Thanks Jackie

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