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Messages - Kirby

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Re: Huge Blue Heron
« on: August 20, 2011, 09:56:19 AM »
Thanks for the replies.  Looks like Jerry's canopy would be a great solution although with the frequent winds we have it may be hard to hold it from blowing down.
I'll give it a try.

Pond Chat / Huge Blue Heron
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:04:02 PM »
Came home this afternoon and found a HUGE Blue Heron standing next to the pond.  Had to scare it away several times during the afternoon since it returned after several minutes.  Not many of this years little ones left.  The Heron must of been dining for awhile before I saw him.   What is the best way to keep these critters away from the pond now that it has found a place for a free meal?

Pond Chat / Re: Pilated in a Pear Tree
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:22:42 PM »
Great pictures.  I have walked thru many of woods  in southwestern Michigan in search of a Pilated woodpecker but have never seen one myself.  What an experience you had.

Pond Chat / Re: Question
« on: April 22, 2011, 05:31:25 PM »
Along the same line as  bringing plants in from Australia, my wife purchased a plant in Hawaii a few years ago and she was not allowed to bring it back home.  Can plants such as Water Hyacinth be collected from ponds in Florida or Alabama where they are considered invasive and transported back to Michigan?  Were do pond supply stores get their water hyacinth and other invasive plants from?  I will be going to Florida next winter to get out of the Michigan weather and had thought about collecting some water hyacinth while down there.


Pond Chat / Re: Water Temperature
« on: October 28, 2010, 04:48:55 PM »
Thanks for the input.  That's what I thought but wanted to make sure. 


Pond Chat / Water Temperature
« on: October 26, 2010, 02:38:44 PM »
This time of year the pond water temperature fluctuates several degrees during the day depending on the amount of sunshine the pond receives. If we are suppose to stop feeding the fish when the water temperature reaches 50 degrees, what if the temperature goes up during the day to 55 degrees?  Do I start feeding then or not?  The fish are sluggish in the morning when the water temp. is 50 or less, but in the afternoon if it has been sunny, the fish are active and the water temp. can be 55 or 57 degrees.
Thanks for any help.

Pond Chat / Re: Looking for Ponds in Sarasota, FL
« on: February 04, 2009, 10:29:28 AM »
I'll check them out.  I'll also Google for pond info.  I seem to never think of Googling for some info.

Pond Chat / Looking for Ponds in Sarasota, FL
« on: February 03, 2009, 11:52:55 AM »
We just arrived in Sarasota, Fl from the cold and snow in Michigan and I was trying to locate area businesses that have ponds and plants so I can get my fix before spring arrives back home.  Does anyone know of such places around the Sarasota area?


Pond Chat / Re: A reminder.
« on: January 07, 2009, 07:17:52 AM »
Thanks Mike,
It sounds like overcrowding is my main problem.  I am using the square plastic baskets designed for pond plants, but I put 2 fairly large tubers in each on.  As soon as the ice is gone and the water warms up some,  I will replant putting just one plant per basket and I'll get some new soil for the baskets.  The pond gets between 6 & 8 hours of direct sun daily which I think is fine. 
Thanks for your advice.

Pond Chat / Re: A reminder.
« on: January 06, 2009, 05:52:25 PM »
Very nice. Lots of flowers. I have about a dozen lillies but only have a blossom now and then.  Also my leaves are much smaller than the year I purchase them.  I know I'm not fertilizing them as I should.  How often and with what do you fertilize them?   Here in Michigan I only get about 4 months of growing time before them start dying back.


Pond Chat / Re: Anyone
« on: January 06, 2009, 01:08:49 PM »
I did until we moved into this house 5 years ago.  Then I got into ponds, which is alot more enjoyable, less maintenance, and I can spend more time outdoors enjoying it.

Pond Chat / Re: trying to keep an opening in a frozen pond
« on: January 06, 2009, 12:55:08 PM »
Here in SW Michigan I use an aquarium air pump that is large enough to supply lots of movement.  I was told not to put it in the deep end of the pond so the bubbling will not stir up the warmer, deep water.  I also used larger tubing so the condensate would not freeze in the tubing.  The hole in the ice is about 12" with 3" of ice else were.


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