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Messages - JohnR

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Re: Sad way for our street to make the news
« on: July 22, 2009, 10:32:57 AM »
We have had 3 houses burn within site of my house in our neighborhood. Unfortunatly on the last one not everyone made it out  :'(. I also got a visit from the firemen two weeks ago when one of our cars caught on fire in the driveway.

Glad to see everyone made it out. Oddly enough after the fatal fire it actually brought everyone on the street closer. There is actually a feeling of community here now instead of everyone not even knowing their neighbor

Pond Chat / Re: Our pond today (pic)
« on: July 21, 2009, 01:24:15 PM »
I like it.  ;)

Pond Chat / Re: Where does everyone buy their pond plants from?
« on: July 21, 2009, 10:55:16 AM »
Mine have come from a mixture of Local ponders, Local pond stores and even the big orange box. I havn't tried internet sources yet.

Pond Chat / Re: some of my ponds click on pics twice
« on: July 20, 2009, 09:47:03 AM »
VERY pretty ponds!  Everything looks so nice and green and healthy in them!  Thanks for sharing!

(Just a little sidenote - last night when I clicked on one of your pictures it brought me to a porn site :o that I couldn't get out of right away.  I ran all my spyware programs overnight and all seems ok today thankfully. O0 )

Same here.

Pond Chat / Re: New here.
« on: July 19, 2009, 06:42:10 PM »
Welcome John. You certainly have a great pond, stream, fish and plants. They look very well cared for.

As for naming  your lilies, I had the same problem and the professionals will not try to identify lilies from pictures. I'm not an professional either, just had that experience. I asked and noone would say because they said that is how lilies begin to be passed around with the wrong title on them. The professional lily growers need to be sure what they have on their hands when they are cross breeding them. But of course mine will never make it to the home of a breeder. Some times I think that people are showing off (just a little) when they spout the names of their lilies. I personally don't care what their names are as long as they are pretty and blossom well.
Gotcha, I know that can be a problem. People do it with corals in the aquarium industry all the time. As far as the lily's I am kind of like you. I could really care less just figured it would be cool to know the names.

Pond Chat / Re: New here.
« on: July 18, 2009, 02:43:35 PM »
JohnR, Welcome.  For a guy who wrote "Just figured I would introduce myself and dive in."  You've made quite a splash.  There are some very creative ideas in your pond.  Thanks for the pix.

LOL, I have had the pond a while just seem to have a renewed interest lately. I havn't been very active on the forums but fixen to change that. My first love is my saltwater reef tank so my pond always seems to take a back burner to that. I don't really know all the names of the lilies and lotus or what kind of koi I have. I just happen to be lucky and know a bit about fish husbandry and water chemistry. I have been learning quit a bit reading on here. Hope to learn lots more.

Speaking of that can someone tell me what lilies I have? I know the pink one in the first pick is an antares and I know my lotus is birthday peach. Just dont know waht the other ones are.

Pond Chat / Re: New here.
« on: July 18, 2009, 11:16:32 AM »
Nice looking pond and waterfall  ;D. Love all your plants and you have quite a large koi in there with your pretty goldfish. Does he ever make a meal of them  :o?
Actually no. I have two large ones in there and they dont really even feed on the lilies. They are pretty well fed considering I have a kid.  I do plan on getting them out soon. I here the larger they get the more destructive they become.

Pond Chat / Re: New here.
« on: July 18, 2009, 10:39:20 AM »
o(:-) 8-)~ @O@

And what part of the country is your lovely pond located in?
Thanks, I'm in Atlanta. Here are a couple of more shots.

Pond Chat / Re: New here.
« on: July 17, 2009, 09:22:55 PM »
Hi johnR...Welcome....U have a very pretty pond....Look sooo relaxing to sit next to...Love all the plants.... o(
Thanks, we really enjoy it.

Pond Chat / New here.
« on: July 17, 2009, 09:03:57 PM »
Found your comminity a few weeks ago and I'm liking it so far. Anyway we have a 9x14 pond with a 10' streem bed. Its 3 ft deep at the waterfall and 18 inches deep at the skimmer end. Its been running around three years. We have a mixture of fish. Shabunkins, comets and couple koi. Just figured I would introduce myself and dive in. Here are some pics of the pond.

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