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Messages - MuddyOkie

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Plants arrived right when tracking said... I brought them home and let them out of the box... The Yerba was the only thing seriously pouting. They all got potted up and settled into holding, with new tags... the metal embosser works great.  The teensy tiny Imperial Taro baby-let stuck onto or in with the division, was totally over the top. It had two leaves maybe dime sized and I potted it up and put it on the kitchen sink shelf to see if it will do anything too.

All plants were clean and healthy starts/divisions, fair size for price and reasonable to ship. Packing was good, they were plenty soggy and mostly all okay for their couple of days in the PM box.

Very Happy Customer!

Yes yes yes yes drool...

28th is fine

Interested in other stuff.

I bought some tubers of taro and just getting them to come up, it's okay, more taro are okay. One I'm waiting on that might not come up is the Hilo...

I had a question....

I have an embosser that does 1/2" wide metal tape. Be willing to be your slave and make you some permanent tags in trade for some stuff. ?
It is aluminum no-adhesive tape and I can punch small holes in one or both ends with the embosser. No is an answer... just thought I'd offer. I got so tired of nothing holding markings and finally bit the bullet and got one.

I consider pond mucking my way of getting trace nutrients and all those buggies that keep my immune system healthy... plus fresh air, sunshine, exercise, meeting all sorts of wildlife (a nearly 2 year old dragonfly nymph is LARGE and can they PINCH) and feeding the bugs...  People pay thousands to go to a resort to get stuff like that smeared on them... think of the $ we are saving ourselves. :)


I had some thing survive and some things didn't, over wintering in my greenhouse. I just spent most of yesterday sorting out just one lift of 'glurp' (you know, string algae, last season's leaves and stems, and stuff I don't want to know what it was) and I need to start over on some things with lots of knowledge of what NOT to do :)  I think I will have $ Tues, and can Paypal on Wed.

Got anything else you can part with? 

Still more of an update, taking break from water lily massive overhaul...  my better half posted where we took the big pond apart and I get to do 'chopNtrim' the seriously overgrown chunks we have  back into semi-tame lilies. The 1000 petals, Pink ribbons and Lily Pons went into my greenhouse in cut off 'lifts' to winter and are all with me yet I think. Thank you, if that one is the Lily Pons it's doing wonderfully... have to feel around the pot and see if the ID is still with it.

I am looking for about a 1 gallon pot clump of rootbound tri-color chameleon plant. I KNOW *all* about this plant and yes I also know quite painfully how hard it is to get one going, then what they will do once they DO get going. I will gladly pay priority mail postage. If you have some taking over your life and will dig me a good shovelful and get me some good healthy clump of the roots/rhizomes/runners too; this is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!

Updating, still looking for a chunk of this stuff rootbound.... Thanks.

I'm still in the market for a rootbound clump of tri-color chameleon plant...

An update... your Red Indian Goddess has settled out to two tangled clumps and one 'podthing' that was just planted into a small pot. I was working hard today in my greenhouse, installing a lift cutoff as a flat pond (40x48" and about 15" if I really fill it) and moved some things from half filled feed tubs (about 18" diameter and 18" tall) to that... this lady will stay in her feedtub for a while yet... 

You can see the pod in pot and one of the two gnarls' pots,and some leaves are from the other plant. I am going to fertilize it finally and hope it takes over the world. I had to crop this 9 times to get it under the attachment limit, but the leaf in lower left would stick out around a quarter laid on it all the way around...

I do hope the hosta is doing well.

Just an update, been out ponding and not on here much or for awhile.

The ones you sent me, all are still with me and even the little tuber-goober is starting to make roots. (it loves to pop out of the pot even with serious R*O*C*K*S to keep it in bounds). I saved the pictures you posted, think I'll print them and put them up to encourage them. Small was not a problem, they are coming around. Next year they might gift me with a bloom. I will say the Lily Pons is doing the best, but I still have all three going. :)

Thank you very very much!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: After a shock, dormancy?
« on: June 16, 2012, 07:38:24 PM »
I purchased a few beautiful lilies from a list member recently, everything was going well until about a week ago, apparently a deer ate all the leaves, and uprooted the rhizomes and left them on the lawn, the roots were still damp when I found them, I replanted them immediately, put them in shallow water, in a protected area, and gave them fresh fertilizer tabs.

My concern is that I have not seen any re-growth since then, despite the weather being warm and sunny.

Any thoughts?


It may take 2-4 weeks for them to come back. Peek to see if any little leaves are making tiny spikes off the rhizome... and don't give up hope. If you have them shallow so they get nice and warm every day, they should come back.

The only way to deer proof something is 10k volt 30' spike topped electric fences of razor wire, I think, and even then they'll find a way... raccoons love rhizomes too (and your fish). The difference between deer and raccoon damage is the deer will often eat the leaves, the raccoon will use the rhizome for a chewtoy (little needle teeth holes) like a dog. [pond friend bought a Miss Lily Pons the year they were released, 3rd night  a raccoon walked his pots out to that one, dug it up, chewed the beejeebers out of it and left it float. He did everything possible but it ended up $125.00 of compost]

I am looking for about a 1 gallon pot clump of rootbound tri-color chameleon plant. I KNOW *all* about this plant and yes I also know quite painfully how hard it is to get one going, then what they will do once they DO get going. I will gladly pay priority mail postage. If you have some taking over your life and will dig me a good shovelful and get me some good healthy clump of the roots/rhizomes/runners too; this is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!

{:-P;;  If you live in the're my neighbor   @O@

Depends on where you are... TX state line is 15 mi from where I'm sitting (hiding out from 95f in my greenhouse shell, spent a few hours losing weight in there earlier today). If you're 6b zone then you have to be north of Amarillo somewhere (that's still two hours of TX to be lost in)

And PS, Tranquility's got GREAT plants ;) <reason why I've been sweating the pounds off the last few days>

Your lady is beautiful, I did find her blooming eventually on the website link you posted, but. I have a house hosta that doesn't like the treatment or light it gets, plain humdrum typical hosta... it was given to me by someone else that was killing it with too much water. If you want it... my hosta's kinda weedy too. I did sort of get all the leaves to quit dying back from the tip and it is putting on a few new greens.

They arrived in good shape, are soaking in a feed tub in my greenhouse at the moment and I have a few potted up. 90f and sun drove me in for a bit. Looked great, all of them. THANK YOU.

I would be interested in pieces of all three.... as for pond space, I'm always willing to dig more...lawns are vastly overrated!

I would like a great sampler of these goodies, I sent an email asking for the shipquote. Repeat customer, your water lettuce and water hyacinth were just lovely.

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