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Messages - Shae

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Pond Chat / Re: pondovac 3
« on: July 22, 2007, 06:59:05 AM »
Lynda, that is an excellent suggestion about the cable ties and aluminum extension pole. I've gotta try that with my wet/dry vac.

Kat, I'd love to have an Albert Greenburg if it's still available and a Green Smoke if you might have it too.

Pond Chat / Re: I'm tickled pink!
« on: July 09, 2007, 03:57:12 PM »
Well now I know that both of the albino catfish made it. I finally saw both swimming around yesterday. 2 more to go!

Pond Chat / Re: Blushing Bride
« on: July 08, 2007, 05:23:47 AM »
Very nice shot! I bought a james brydon @ walmart this year. It hasn't bloomed yet, but is putting up pads. I love that Gloire de Temple Sur. Must put that one on my list!

Pond Chat / Re: I QUIT!!!!
« on: July 08, 2007, 05:22:34 AM »
I'm sending you good vibes Jen. Hope it works! :)

Wow! I've never seen one like that before. Very nice shot. I love dragonflies!

Pond Chat / Re: Couple of shots from today of the pond Featuring
« on: July 07, 2007, 10:48:05 AM »
Those are beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen one as blue as that before. What's the name of the lotus in bloom? That's my favorite one.

Pond Chat / Re: I QUIT!!!!
« on: July 07, 2007, 10:13:31 AM »
Jen, I hope things are going better for you today. Be sure to post and let me know if any of my suggestions helped.

Pond Chat / Re: I'm tickled pink!
« on: July 07, 2007, 10:04:59 AM »
Esther, the job is going great! I've been there a month now and I really like it. I don't even mind the long drive to work. I'm really hoping it will turn out to be permanent. I've been really busy this past month with the new job, my mom's real sick again and my niece was in a bad car wreck last week and had to have surgery. I haven't posted in a long time, but I've missed everyone and have a lot of catching up to do. I've lost 3 of my biggest shubs so far this year, but other than that I'm really pleased with how the ponds are coming along.

Pond Chat / Re: New multi petal Tropical Hybrid
« on: July 07, 2007, 05:06:05 AM »
Gorgeous! I love the deep color!

Pond Chat / I'm tickled pink!
« on: July 07, 2007, 05:04:44 AM »
About 3 months ago, I bought 5 really tiny new fish for the pond, 3 really golden orfe and 2 more albino catfish. They all decided to hide, and I didn't see any of them for over a month. I finally saw 1 golden orfe about a month ago, and just figured the others didn't make it. Last night when I got home from work I went out to the pond to feed the fish, lo and behold, there's 1 of the catfish just swimming around. It had about doubled in size. Now I'm hoping some of the others made it too and are just not ready to make their debut.

I took a few pics of the ponds on the 4th and thought I'd share.

These are Colorado, Queen of Siam and Texas Dawn

These are Pink Grapefruit and Surfrider

Chit Chat / Re: What A Glorious Day Today Was!
« on: June 03, 2007, 04:37:14 AM »
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it! I was getting so discouraged. I've never met Teresa, but we're only about 30 miles away from each other I think.

Chit Chat / Re: Prayers for Tranquilitys MIL
« on: June 01, 2007, 07:10:41 PM »
Just read this post tonight Lawanna and wanted to say your family is in my thoughts and prayers and I hope your MIL continues to get better.

Chit Chat / Re: New grandbaby
« on: June 01, 2007, 07:06:26 PM »
Congratulations indeed! What a beautiful little boy! He's precious.

Chit Chat / What A Glorious Day Today Was!
« on: June 01, 2007, 07:02:26 PM »
I've been doing the job search for over 8 months now and haven't had any luck at all. I've had a few interviews, but nothing ever came of them. I've been really discouraged. My DIL told me told me about a position in the IT department at the company she works for a few weeks ago. This company is located in downtown Atlanta, and I had always said I would never work downtown because of the traffic (it's about 40 miles from my house), so I didn't really consider it at first. Then DH found a way for me to get to work going the transit system. Seems there's an express bus that picks up about 5 miles from where I live and then goes downtown nonstop. After finding this out, I decided what the heck and applied for the job.

I received a phone call on Wednesday of this week from the Director and we had a really nice conversation and schedule an interview for this morning. Then later on Wednesday evening, she calls me and tells me of a project she is thinking about outsourcing, and would I be interested? I said definitely! I couldn't believe she was offering this to me after just a telephone conversation.

I went in this morning for the interview, even drove myself downtown and said a prayer for guidance along the way. I met with her for about 30 minutes, and then she escorts me into a conference room where 4 other staff members are waiting. These were all members of the IT department. I had heard from my DIL that the company likes to do panel interviews, but I had not been told I would be meeting with the staff all at one time. I thought it would be on an individual basis. The Director introduces me to everyone and then leaves for about a half hour. I was really nervous at first. It's one thing to interview with 1 person, but 4 at the time? Sheesh! Anyway, I took a deep breath, sat down and the interview started. This part of the interview went well, better than I expected. One of the managers even said it had been fun. The Director comes back to get me and we talk some more. She says the CIO, big boss, likes to meet with the candidates, but that would probably be on Monday. I excuse myself while she's taking care of some email and make my way to Help Desk unit and sit with one of the guys that I had interviewed with earlier. A little while later she comes to get me, and next thing I know she is offering me the job. While I thought things were going well, I never dreamed I'd be offered the position today. Needless to say, I accepted and asked when do I start? I start Monday and I am so excited! The first thing I did when I got in the car to come home was say Thank You Lord! 

Then when I get home this afternoon, there's not 1, but 9 water lilies blooming in the front yard pond. 2 Surfriders, 3 Attractions, 2 Texas Dawn, 1 Pink Grapefruit and 1 Hevola. By the time I got around to trying to take a pic though, most of them were closing up, so I didn't get a picture today.

Today was definitely a glorious day!

Pond Chat / Re: What are these critters?
« on: May 31, 2007, 10:01:38 AM »
Beats the heck out of me....maybe mosquito eggs???

Pond Chat / Re: Bye bye fish pond
« on: May 31, 2007, 10:00:58 AM »
Rain!! Praise the Lord!

Looks great! I love DIY projects. Can you do a tutorial for us please???

Pond Chat / Re: Bye bye fish pond
« on: May 30, 2007, 04:11:47 AM »
Aw Jen, I'm sorry things didn't work out like you had hoped. A lily pond will be a lot less demanding on your time and pocketbook tho, and you'll still be able to enjoy it. Sure wish I could come down and help you with it, but I need to be up here right now for my mom, and I'm still job hunting.

Pond Chat / Re: My new "potting" shed
« on: May 26, 2007, 02:25:11 PM »
Karen, your pond is gorgeous and it looks so natural! I'm in awe at all the lily pads!

Pond Chat / Re: ya pays ya 25 cents and ya get to feed the fish!
« on: May 26, 2007, 02:23:35 PM »
Beautiful as always, and what a cutie pie!

Pond Chat / Re: First bloom in TX: Green Smoke (pics)
« on: May 26, 2007, 02:21:09 PM »
Oh my! That is absolutely beautiful! Green Smoke is one of my favorites, gonna have to get one one day.

Pond Chat / Five More Blooms Today
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:42:28 AM »
My lily pond is starting to come alive.  @O@  These are Colorado and Attraction,both courtesy of GAJen

and  Texas Dawn, and Surfrider.

Pond Chat / Re: Yesterday's bloomers
« on: May 25, 2007, 06:28:22 AM »
Beautiful lilies! I especially like the green smoke, pamela & peaches and cream. What itty bitty babies too!  :)

Pond Chat / Re: Feeding my Fearless Frog (video)
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:05:35 AM »
I love this video! You should post it on YouTube and send it to American Funniest Videos. It's priceless!

Pond Chat / Re: Twin Spider lily blooms
« on: May 24, 2007, 03:35:04 PM »
Kim, I don't think I've ever seen that type of lily either, but it sure is purty!

Pond Chat / Re: Daily Maintenance
« on: May 24, 2007, 03:34:07 PM »
Jen, I have the 6 of the Black Knight brushes in my skimmer and I only have to clean them right now about twice a week. They do hold a lot of gunk. When I was using filter pads, I had to clean them everyday. The brushes have really helped the daily maintenance problem. The skippy is great for filtration. I have both the floor scrubber pads and the sprinflo media in mine. I'm not having to run the uv anymore and my water is clear except for the fines floating around in it. I was using my submersible enclosed with a mesh bag and quilt batting to clean the fines, but I was having to change out the batting once a day, and that got old real quick. It's been a couple of weeks since I vacuumed the bottom.. Do you think Shep can come up and vacuum mine this weekend?  ;)

Pond Chat / Re: Painted Turtle laying eggs
« on: May 24, 2007, 10:18:36 AM »
Karen, you were definitely at the right place at the right time. What great pics! Please keep us posted.

Pond Chat / Re: Two more blooms today
« on: May 24, 2007, 10:15:26 AM »
Just checked and the surfrider has two blooms today, and there's another bud ready to break the water.

Chit Chat / Re: It's sprinkling rain!
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:10:43 AM »
Jen, I talked to my dad last night and he told me it rained in town, but he didn't get a drop of it. Can't smell the smoke up here this morning.

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