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Messages - LostInWestTexas

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Are you still offering these? Can I order a Burgundy Princess and a Firecrest? Thanks!

Pond Chat / Pond plant help, please
« on: July 20, 2011, 09:05:01 PM »
I'm in far West Texas, and it is hot as a mother here. 103 temps are like a cold front. We've hit 117 several times this summer.

My pond is in almost full sun, about 85% of the day. I have shade cloth over 1/2 the pond, and it's deep enough that the water stays cool. My problem is, several of my plants have cooked. My lilies, cattail, and parrot feather has done okay, as is my Hornswort, when I can get it to say on the bottom.
 Pickerel, and about 6 other plants I can't remember the name of, went belly up. DUCKWEED dies, for heck's sake!!! What are some good hot weather plants?

I get my shubunkins Friday - can't wait!!!

Pond Chat / Re: To all who bought lotuses from me
« on: June 06, 2011, 07:41:45 PM »
Beautiful pic!!! My lotus didn't make it. I will try another one later this summer. :(

Pond Chat / Help!!
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:38:38 AM »
Got my new pond lined, and all filled up. Everything was going pretty for a day or 2, and then we have 4 days with 50 - 65 mph winds. My pond was/is a mess! There's about an inch of dirt (caliche, really) on the bottom, and all this brown scummy stuff floating in and on top of my pond. Do I need to drain it and start over? Thankfully, I hadn't put my fish in yet, just my lotus pot and some lilies.

Ugh. Damn West Texas!!

Chit Chat / Re: We need rain !
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:28:32 PM »
Sue, I feel your pain. We haven't had rain since last August. There's wildfires all around my area. I'm extra careful when I go feed my horses, there's been snakes, skunks, foxes and coyotes, so far.

Pond Chat / Just wanted to say thank you
« on: April 23, 2011, 03:28:42 PM »
I haven't posted much here, but I've read almost every thread for pages back. I figured most questions I might have, have already been answered in triplicate. Between here and koiphen, you guys have been a wealth of information. I appreciate all the time you guys have spent answering questions for pond noobs like me. I've avoided a lot of mistakes I might have made without you guys. My pond is about done, and I owe all of you a lot of thank yous!!! Love this site!

OMG -Kat!!!!!!!!! I am in pond plant heaven!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!! They all look great, and are hanging out in some jugs of water until tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Got my plants in today, didn't have time to check, I was home for lunch, but the top layer looked great! I'm sure they're fine. Thank you so very much!!!!! @O@

Pond Chat / Adding beneficial bacteria to new pond?
« on: April 17, 2011, 07:37:25 AM »
I'm getting ready to add my liner and fill it up. My question is, do I add one of the beneficial bacteria products they have out there? If so, which one? I'm somewhat confused as to what they do. Are they like the good bacterias that I've been hoarding out of my aquarium filters, for use in seeding my pond filter?

Also, what should the levels on my test strips be at before I add my fish? I've seen so many numbers in threads, my head is spinning. :)

Thanks for any help. This is my first big pond, I'm trying not to screw up too bad, lol.

Pond Chat / Re: I am sooooo disgusted and disappointed
« on: April 12, 2011, 06:16:36 PM »
Hey Lisa- Oh that's terrible. I am sorry to hear that the postal workers treated it like that.    Hopefully the plants were okay inside though. Good thing it was not lotus being sent; I'm sure the tips would have been broken in that case. 

No worries, they came thru just fine. My current fishies in my baby pond are loving playing hide and go seek in them! I got a bare root lotus the same day, and I was really happy it wasnt the abused package, lol.

Julles - there was no WAY I was bringing any of that mess home. Yuck. On the bright side, between 3 of the wonderful members here, my pond is going to be nicely stocked!  O0 @O@

Pond Chat / Re: I am sooooo disgusted and disappointed
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:48:07 PM »
A question about shipping fish....... how does that work? They don't die from shock, or getting sloshed around? I got a pond plant from greenthumbs the other day, and it looked like the PO used it for soccer practice. Not sure I'd want to put fish thru that.  :)

If he doesnt get it, I'd love to have second dibs!!!  :)

About to go pick up my Hornswort from the PO. Thank you soooooo much!!! My fishes say thanks too!

Got my Lotus today, many thanks!!!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Clams and snails
« on: April 02, 2011, 10:28:53 PM »
I googled your question. From what I've read, as long as you avoid the Zebra variety (which proliferates like mad) you should be okay. I appreciate your post, I may get some after what I've read. It does say not to add them in a pond one swims in, as they will cut your feet. And never to release any in a lake or river, etc. Thanks for adding something new for me to consider!  ;D

Will be ordering tonight for Wednesday's shipment. Thank you!!!!

I'm going to order a Grand slam tonight. So any random payments of $21 will be me ...... :)

Pond Chat / I am sooooo disgusted and disappointed
« on: April 02, 2011, 09:12:16 PM »
in my "local" pond center. I called last week to ask about her plants, and she said everything was out, due to our super warm temps (it's been in the 90's since the beginning of March.) I specifically told her how far I was coming from, and she said everything I could ever want was looking lovely.

So, we drive an hour and a half over there. And wow. Her actual ponds looked great. The ponds holding the plants for sale... not so great. There is string algae choking everything, and clinging to all the lilies. One tank had lilies and fish, and was the color of strong tea, no pump, no filter, nada. Too bad, I would have bought 4 of the fish in there on the spot. They had gorgeous markings. But. I couldn't tell if they were healthy or not. She had several umbrella plants, all in various stages of death. Nothing else. She said it would be several more weeks before anything else was out.  {nono}

She had the fish in a greenhouse, in huge stock tanks. Water color was horrible, you couldn't make out what any of the fish looked like at the bottom. There were at least 4 dead fish floating in every pond. Apparently, they occasionally scoop out the dead ones and fling them to the side of the walkway, or wherever happens to be easiest. There was old fish bodies every where. The coup de gras, was as we were walking out the door of the fish house, my 9 yr old son stepped on a huge goldfish, maybe 8 or 9 inches. That had been laying there maybe 4 or 5 days. Nasty, nasty, nasty. He almost left them a present, and he walked back to the truck in his socks. Shoes were thrown in a trashcan conveniently located outside the door. Maybe this was a common problem?

Her pond supplies were located in a quaint old cabin, that had no light, except from the open door. Probably so you couldn't read the prices. A barley bale was 35$. THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS!!!!! Really? Wow. Her de-chlorinator was $29. For maybe 6 oz. Who knows, maybe I misread and it was actually liquid gold?

After touring the whole facility, she finally shows up. We shall leave unsaid the things I told her. Just use your imagination.... >:(-  ~ I'm glad my kids were in the truck already, my DH hurried them off when he saw her arriving.....

Needless to say, I am planning to buy most of my plants off of the wonderful members here. I am planning a trip to Albuquerque (6 hr drive, one way) to visit the Albuq. Water Gardens, whom my mother has used for years. At least I KNOW I can count on her fish/plants to be super healthy and in fantastic shape. P.S., if anyone is ever there, swing by. Her place is a desert oasis, and I vouch for her completely.

So, in conclusion, Never. Ever. use Natural Ponds and Gardens in Odessa, TX. Unless, perhaps, you ARE in the market for algae and dead fish.  ::)

P.S.S. - I did happen to find mini-cattails and an odd plant (can't remember the name) at Lowe's, in the pond section. I would normally pass, but they were growing like crazy in the container, and stood straight up within 5 minutes of removing them from the bag. Wish them luck!  :)

I'm interested in a large box of Hornswort, and any Parrots Feather you can spare. (If you decide you have extra) I'm starting a new pond, and the nearest pond place is 1.5 hrs away. I'm going to be buying a ton of plants from people here.  @O@

Pond Chat / Re: Almost ready for liner!! (photo)
« on: March 26, 2011, 06:06:41 PM »
Nice pond!!!! Wish I had planned mine better. I just get an idea and run with it. Your way is much better. lol It will be gorgeous once the plants fill in!

Oh, yes. One other thing. Do I want a submersible or out of pond pump? Thanks.

I'm now trying to figure which pump and filter to get. I found this: filter, (my pond is roughly 2500 gallons). It seems to be a good price. What pump would work with it? Do you guys have any suggestions for a better brand/filter? Help please! See what happens to me when I never plan anything out? This is what I get, . Thanks, guys~

ETA: I added this in pond chat and here. Don't know where it would best belong. Sorry.

Pond Chat / Help me pick a compatible pump and filter, please!
« on: March 25, 2011, 10:30:12 AM »
I'm now trying to figure which pump and filter to get. I found this: filter, (my pond is roughly 2500 gallons). It seems to be a good price. What pump would work with it? Do you guys have any suggestions for a better brand/filter? Help please! See what happens to me when I never plan anything out? This is what I get, lol. Thanks, guys~

ETA: I hope this is in the right forum.

Pond Chat / Re: Hello, newbie here
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:58:45 PM »
Sue, our "dirt" is nothing but clay, and hard as a rock. I spent yesterday afternoon/evening and this afternoon working on leveling the side. My back is pretty mad at me, lol. I made a shelf on one end, for marginals, and I may make a bog area around the front edge. The shelf is about a foot deep, and maybe 2.5 feet wide. I'm going to support the shelf with a couple cinder blocks. Then I'm lining the pond with someone's old carpet. My dad's friend did this about 6 years ago, and it's worked great. It will cover any rocks I've missed, and keep the cinder blocks from cutting thru my liner.  Then I will put the liner on top. I'm going to make a 1 1/2 foot wide lip around the edge of the pond, to prevent yard water runoff from going in the pond, and make the edges a bit more stable. I'll cover that with liner and rocks, to hold it down/hide it. The bottom will be flat, other than the shelf area.

I'm going to be ordering the bio filter, pump, ect next week. I'm still kinda undecided. I'm horribly impulsive. I've wanted a real pond for years. My little 100 gallon preformed pond wasn't cutting it. So when my husband took the fence down, I jumped at the chance. I have the hole, and a thousand ideas, but haven't really planned. I'm winging it, lol.

I think my pond will be between 2500 - 3000 gallons when all is said and done. I will go research the sub-forums tonight, and see what you guys think is the best for pumps and filters, ect. Any advice, along with what has already been given, is very much appreciated. Thank you guys, I love hearing your opinions! And the squito fish are going to be sent packing to my horse tanks out in the pasture. Hasta la vista, babies.

Pond Chat / Re: Mangkala Ubol & PF
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:50:46 PM »
Very pretty! I can't wait to buy pond plants. PF looks to be a good one. It gets so dang hot here, I'm going to have to cover a lot of my pond to keep the water cool enough.

Pond Chat / Re: Hello, newbie here
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:14:06 PM »
Hey guys, sorry about last night. My internet kinda died on me. I was having withdrawals/fits all night. I have pics.
So, when I ordered the backhoe, I told them I needed the smallest one they had. (Think: Bobcat) This shows up.


I tell the guy, "Excuse me, but I just needed the small one"

"Ma'am, this IS the small one."
Holy crap.

So, dear sweet Lorenzo proceeds to BACK it into my yard. Between a fence pole and a wishing well. Between a swing set, veranda and a baby tree. Oops, watch out for the power lines and the clothes line. He was unbelievable. He dug that hole with the precision of a brain surgeon. Every scoop, he had to bend and twist perfectly, so he didn't hit the power lines.

Anyways, here is the semi-finished result. I have some digging to do, my kids got in and dumped half the dirt back in. I'm going to go back and add a shelf around the whole thing for bog plants, ect.

It's not much to look at so far, but it will get there.

Pond Chat / Re: Hello, newbie here
« on: March 22, 2011, 11:30:29 AM »
I promise to post pics as soon as there is something other than flat dirt to look at. :)

Pond Chat / Hello, newbie here
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:53:09 PM »
Hey guys. My name is Lisa. I'm 31, in West Texas, near the Midland/Odessa area. I'm getting my first pond soon. They start digging tomorrow. Can't wait. So far, it's marked at 15 x 9, and 2.5 at its deepest. That may change slightly tomorrow.  ;) My dearest husband isn't quite on board yet. He didn't like the area I picked first, so I moved it to a corner of the yard. My first marked pond area was maybe 9 x 6. He somewhat complained about that size/location. So I moved it. And made it bigger. I told him every time he complains, the size will magically grow. Really though, he's not completely against it, just hesitant. I want a massive pond, but I'm trying to behave myself. It's not easy.

Anyways, I'm just making it for goldfish and some mosquito fish. My boss's dad is trying to give me his 15+ year old Koi, but I'm not sure I want Koi. I am dying to add all the plants, and the 2 don't mix well. Plus, it would need to be bigger/deeper for Koi. I have a 5 yr old who is as much of a water baby as I am, and if she manages to fall in, I want her to be able to stand on the bottom.

I'm hoping to become pretty active here. I'm sure I'll have a million questions!

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