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Messages - wayner

Pages: [1] 2
Pond Chat / Spawning orfe video
« on: November 26, 2013, 04:16:52 PM »
The orfe spawn every April for two days. :hug:
It is satisfying to watch because it shows that they are healthy and happy in the pond.
They remind me of salmon the way they go up and down the stream.
After the spawn they are content to stay in the upper pond.
I usually rase about 2 to 3 hundred fry every year.


Pond Chat / Re: No GH blues
« on: November 21, 2011, 04:38:01 PM »

Pond Chat / Re: Shutting pond down soon, so sad.
« on: November 03, 2011, 04:46:21 PM »
Don't be sad. The winter is what makes spring so enjoyable, fresh and new.
I know my place would look like an over growen jungle if it were not for winter.

Pond Chat / Re: Clear tarps
« on: October 24, 2011, 05:45:22 PM »
Here is what I do . There is no view from the road  or neighbours at the back of the house so I tolerate what it looks like for a few months.

The trade off is that I get to watch the orfes  all winter.
This pic was taken  inside the in-closer the same day as the first pic.

Yes , thats a hot tub. For the wife and I ; not the fish. LOL

Pond Chat / Re: Rainbow over the pond pic
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:24:30 PM »
I am sure the mist would keep the surface cooler if left running all the time. But just to clarify, I just did this for about 15 minutes. Just long enough to get a picture. I must try it again sometime.

Pond Chat / Re: Pics today
« on: August 09, 2011, 04:40:28 PM »
Very nice . Thanks for sharing.

Pond Chat / Re: Pictures
« on: August 09, 2011, 04:38:35 PM »
Very nice.
All your plants look happy. :)

Pond Chat / Rainbow over the pond pic
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:27:56 AM »
Here is a picture I took a while ago that I thought was kind of neat.

One sunny day I was blowing  off the patio by the pond with my pressure washer and I saw a rainbow  in the mist.
The first thing I thought was:; "thats what the pond needs, is a rainbow" :)

So I proceeded to mount the wand on the pergola and tied it in the open position and turned on the pressure and TA DA.

Sometimes you just have to make your own entertainment. :D

Pond Chat / Re: Fish swim above the surface of the pond
« on: August 02, 2011, 02:58:45 PM »
Wayner,  lol Too funny!

My wife didn't think so    >:(

Pond Chat / Re: Fish swim above the surface of the pond
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:41:25 AM »
That is amazing.  o(:-) Really dumb question; how do you get the food in there?

 The open end of the vase is 1" under the water , so I just reach under the water at the open end of the vase open my hand and the floating pellets float to the top of the vase and the fish follow.
  The vase stays full when it is inverted because of the principal of a vacuum.
  I realized this principal when I helped my wife do dishes one time. {:-P;;

Pond Chat / Re: Fish swim above the surface of the pond
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:01:10 PM »
Wow! I bet that 48" one was funt o watch! Do you have pics of that one to post? How often did you have to clean the algae off?

I have to clean it every two weeks.
I don't have any pics of the 48" one.
Being acrylic it wasn't as clear as glass and way two heavy to rehang every two weeks after cleaning.
The funniest thing about that 48 incher was, I had it hanging about 4' away from the bay window of the house and as the window comes down to the floor ,you could see about 3' of it sticking up from any point in the room.
  One night we had guests over for the first time and they didn't know I had a pond out back. As the lady sat at the other side of the room away from the window and I was sitting with my back to the window , she interrupted the conversation with the puzzled statement," excuse me , but there is a fish swimming out side your window."  I replied " ya they do that around here".

Pond Chat / Re: Fish swim above the surface of the pond
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:29:44 PM »
That's what I was thinking too - I don't know how to suspend it. How far underwater is it?

It is 1" below the surface of the water.
I have a pulley on the pergola that I hoist it up with.
It is very heavy when full of water.
I have another one that I made from a 8" acrylic tube that was 48" above the waters surface and the fish would swim all the way to the top.
I don't use it anymore because it was so heavy. Took two men to get it in place.

And to answer frogman3......  I will have to sleep on that one . But I like the way you think. O0

Pond Chat / Re: Fish swim above the surface of the pond
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:50:31 AM »
That's so cool!!  Does it create a vaccuum - is that how the water gets in there?  I want one!

Yes it works on the principal of a vacuum.
My wife thought I was nuts when she caught me looking at glassware in the store and then purchasing this vase.
She said" WHAT ARE YOU BUYING THAT FOR". I replied "never mind ,its just a idea". :-\


Pond Chat / Fish swim above the surface of the pond
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:47:52 PM »
As per request from photo album.
This is what I call my fish condo.

It is a flower vase 8"D X 20"H inverted and suspended from the pergola with 4 30lb fishing line.
The fish love to swim up and get the food that I release in it.
It also servers as a fish inspection station as the fish are magnified behind the glass.

Pond Chat / Re: mutiple blooms
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:38:16 PM »
You have been feeding those guys.

Looks great

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 22, 2011, 05:22:22 PM »
Wow your pond and planting are beautiful, I wish you would tell me about the glass condo the fish are in, and a closer pic. Would also like to see more pictures of the stone work on the building.
Just keep the pictures coming they are all candy to the eyes.

Thanks Zydia

I will get some new pics soon and post them

Photo Album / Re: Wayner's waterfalls and pond
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:24:48 PM »
Thank you on your plant descriptions.  They sure are beautiful especially without a care.  Oh btw are you near the capital of Ice Wine vineyards?  Love Niagara on the Lake town.  Many memories there.

There are many Wineries in this area and many make the ice wine.
We are about 30 min. from NOTL, up on the escarpment.

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:16:01 PM »
Nice shoes WW  ;)

Thanks T.

Those are my Sunday go to meeting shoes  :D

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:14:01 PM »
OMG!  I didn't know peacocks could fly that distance!  That's how they get onto roofs and such around some places here.

Wayner, Do your peacocks fly elsewhere during the day or do they stay put?

They will sometime walk about 200 yards to the neighbors and then fly home if their dog cases them.
They sure slow traffic down when they are in the front yard. I have met many neighbors because of them.

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:05:33 PM »
what a pond!  I usually forget to look in here for photos and yours is amazing.  You need me to send you a lotus for it!  can I send to Ca?  well you just have to come here and get one :)


Thanks for the offer tink but I tink  :)there are too many hoops to jump through to ship plants across the border.

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:51:30 PM »
Maybe you should get yourself a whistle like this guy WW !

LOL Tom.
The neighbors already have their suspicions about me being nuts, I don,t want to remove all doubt,

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:24:47 PM »
Thanks for all your nice comments.

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:51:27 PM »
Wayne, love Billy your peacock.  I had been thinking of getting a peacock but was not sure what the care and down side of caring for a peacock. And love your pond and waterfall too.  I need to see a closer pic of the waterfall if you do not mine, please. 


Hi Myra. This is the closest one I have right now. Did you want to see anything specific ? I could take any pic you like.

And a night shot from 2 years ago.

Photo Album / Re: Billy on the waterfalls
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:39:53 PM »
o(:-) I did not know you could have a pet peacock. Where did you get him?

Peafowl are native to the Himalayan Mountains , so they do well in cold climates. They only ask to be fed and protected from the cold wind.

About 6 years ago his father ( now decided) wandered onto our property and was hanging out. Fearing for his life I built a large pen for him.
After 2 years I bought him a peahen and they raised Billy and Jane. I now have the one male and two females.
They are fun to have around  and are very strong flyer's if danger is near.
The only down side is they are extremely loud when they call to each other. On the plus side , you don't have to set your alarm clock. &-) 6 am every morning if you like it or not. :o

Photo Album / Billy on the waterfalls
« on: June 25, 2011, 02:58:21 PM »

Here he gets a drink from a small water feature

Then he comes over for a bit of fish food .

Photo Album / Re: Wayner's waterfalls and pond
« on: June 23, 2011, 06:37:24 PM »
Ok, I waited this long, Wayne, are ya going to tell us what's planted so beautifully around the waterfall and pond!?!  Inquisitive minds want to know.  BTW, So glad you are here!

The plant  on either side of the waterfall  with yellow flowers is the easiest plant to grow in the world. And BOY do I like easy. ;)

It is some kind of sedum. I found it  on one of my walks growing on bed rock protruding out of the ground about a 1/4 mile from home .  I simply ripped up a few handfuls  brought it home and sprinkled it on the limestone rock and what do you know, it took. It stays short in full sun and grows about 3" tall in shade.
I am sure I am the only {:-P;; one that has spent 100s of dollars on plant over the years only to have them die in a couple months and this was free.
I have taken this approach. Look for the beauty in nature around you and just move it to were you can enjoy it. With permission of coarse. {-)

Photo Album / Re: Wayner's waterfalls and pond
« on: June 23, 2011, 03:14:53 PM »
O0 magazine cover quality pond & pic.

Not to embarrass WW :redface: but his pond has been published before. He has quite the peaceful pond setting at his place not to mention he is one cool dude  8)

Thanks T.
 I tell people that all its good for is looking at , so go ahead and look at it. ;)
I think I like it here T. Although you have a good site also.

Photo Album / Re: Wayner's waterfalls and pond
« on: June 23, 2011, 02:53:05 PM »
Come on WW show them a pic when the Epi was blooming.

This is me carrying the plant to its summer perch behind the waterfalls were it only receives filtered sun light a few hr. per day

Photo Album / Re: Wayner's waterfalls and pond
« on: June 23, 2011, 12:22:36 PM »
Annette, I was hoping you would see that monster epi! 

Wayne--do you have someplace in the house you keep the epi, or do you have a greenhouse it lives in in the winter?

In he winter I bring it into a insulated  storage shed with a skylight and keep the temp at about 55 degrees.

Photo Album / Re: Wayner's waterfalls and pond
« on: June 23, 2011, 04:21:07 AM »
The surroundings and your waterfall and pond are gorgeous!  This is the second time this week I've seen a waterfall with an arch rock over the second falls....I love it!

How long have you had your epi, it's so large!?!  And where in Canada do you live to have such beautiful lush plants?

 I saw this epi in a green house 5 years ago for the first time and fell
in love with it. It was 36 inches in dia. then and is now 54 inches in dia.
   I have since made 4 other pots from it.
   I live in the Niagara Region  which is southern Ontario. Lake Ontario to the North 4 miles and Lake Eire to the South about 25 miles.

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