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Messages - suzy-q

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Anyone have recommendations for Pond designers/installers in the southeast Michigan area?

Pond Chat / Frog dilemma
« on: August 19, 2016, 05:34:11 AM »
I am getting ready to embark on a major pond remodeling. So major that the pond and everything in it are going to have to do. Oddly enough, I am most worried about evicting the frogs. Any suggestions on how to create a suitable winter retreat for them? I am in Michigan, so the winters are pretty cold (well below freezing for most of the season). The current pond is so overgrown, that there is a nice thick layer of muck at the bottom that the frogs have been enjoying for the past few years during the winter. Thoughts and/or suggestions? The one constant is that the existing pond hole will be filled in with dirt a year or so before the new pond will be created. Thanks

They most of them are still in the bulb stage. One or two have leaves, but they probably won't ship well, so I had not planned on including them. However, if you are game for those, I can send them. At this point, I am running out of room, so I really just want to find them a good home. They grow pretty well in my yard, so I always end up with 5 times more at the end of the season than when I started.

I've run out of room to plant! Is anyone interested in Red Canna's? You pay for shipping and they are yours.

I have some red Canna's, would really like to have some Orange or Yellow ones. Anyone have any to trade or get rid of?

Pond Chat / Floating Oase Skimmers?
« on: June 06, 2010, 06:19:13 AM »
Has anyone tried the Floating Skimmers? Unfortunately when we built our pond, we did not design it to accommodate a skimmer. I haven't figured out a way to modify the pond without serious tear up. I saw a floating skimmer and thought that might be what I need. Just didn't want to shell out the money unless I read some reviews.


Am looking for a some water hyacinths to add to my Michigan pond. Anyone have extras they could send for postage?

Chit Chat / Suggestions on what to do with padded mailing envelopes?
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:28:48 AM »
I have a box of padded mailing envelopes that I have collected over the past few years. Any suggestions on what to do with them? The have been used at least once, but other than that they are in pretty good shape. I normally take all my other "shipping" stuff (packing peanuts, bubble wrap) back to the UPS store, but I doubt they want "used" envelopes.


For all you "pros" out there who regularly ship lilies, what is the best way to ship them? With all the leaves or trim the larger ones off and just leave the smaller ones? Do you trim any of the roots back? Or does it not matter?

Thanks for the advice,

Dear Desperate - If you don't need to know exactly (100%) what the lilies are - I have some I can send you. I am fairly certain they are Colorado - since my Colorado's grow to gargantion sizes and that is what I accidently uprooted last fall while cleaning out some gunk from the bottom of the pond. Regardless, I uprooted some huge lily, about 3 feet in diameter and I couldn't get it to sink back to the bottom of the pond. So I divided up and put it into some netting bags and anchored to the bottom with some rocks. The neighbors probably thought I was getting rid of my husband  ;D
So now I have 20 lilies floating around waiting for either a good home or for me to get them potted.

Let me know what you think.


Jerry - do you know how the sizes run? I assume these are Men's sizes?

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Keeping track of lilies
« on: May 15, 2008, 06:17:42 AM »
Okay - all you experienced Ponders - how the heck do you keep your lilies labeled?  :D Each year I try something new, and after a year or two - the tag is unreadable.  :( Then when I have to divide - I can't tell what is what.  >:(-

I definitely have the Mayla if you want it. Let me know what your postage tolerance is - so I know what size to send.

I have a bunch - the only problem is that they are unknown color. But all are hardy lilies and they are probably Colorado or Mayla. Let me know what your postage tolerance is. You are free to drive up here to Michigan to get them  :)

Pond Chat / Re: Monster lilies living in my pond!!!
« on: November 26, 2007, 08:31:30 AM »
Jerry - we are in Zone 5 - Michigan. Which means I have an inch of ice on the pond, or at least I did yesterday.

Pond Chat / Monster lilies living in my pond!!!
« on: November 15, 2007, 05:22:42 AM »
As I was getting the pond ready for the winter last weekend, I was attacked  :D by a monster lily. Actually the darn thing tried to trip me  >:( (not a good idea when the water is really cold.) By the time I extricated myself from it, I had uprooted the thing. It was so large I made my husband get the tape measure out, turns out it was 3 feet in diameter  8-)~. Guess it has been a while since I divided that particular one  {:-P;;. I had a bit of a dilemma on what to do with the thing. I can't get it to stay on the bottom because I uprooted it. I temporaily anchored it down with some rocks. Does anyone need any pink lilies, I have a few divisions :D

Pond Chat / Looking for tool to remove lily pads for winter cleanup
« on: October 11, 2007, 07:18:03 AM »
As the temps here in Michigan have dipped into the 40's, I've begun to think about cleaning up the pond. I would love to find something that would allow me to remove the lily pads without getting into the pond. My pond is about 20ft x 20ft and 3ft deep. I bought a tool from a company a few years back that had piece of metal on a pole, but was never able to get it to work right. Anyone have something that works? Thanks.

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