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Messages - MJ

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Re: My Neighbor got a MAC !
« on: February 04, 2009, 06:26:01 PM »
All Windows is, is a version of the Mac platform.  They simply are trying to build the PC to operate like a Mac...and with building it on the old format, it isn't as easy to operate as the Mac.
True, it is cheaper and there are a lot more applications for the PC, but the popular ones are readily available for both the PC and the Mac.  The Mac products seem to be more innovative...with Steve Jobs and his crew developing the Mac, that is expected.  There seems to be more bells and whistles with the Mac leading the way with new ideas and such.
I have both and by far, prefer the Mac.  It's pricier, but worth every penny.

Chit Chat / Re: Best car you ever owned (Apologies to Mikey)
« on: February 04, 2009, 06:17:43 PM »
I've got to say it's my 25th Anniversary Edition Camaro Z28.  I have had many cars and this is by-far my favorite.  I love to take the t-tops off in the summer and go for a ride up the canyon.  It gets good fuel mileage for a V-8 Corvette engine and it certainly gets me down the road. I will never sell or trade-in this car.

My 2nd favorite is my 1976 Triumph TR-6 Roadster...I don't have a pic but it's in my garage.  Never selling it either!

Pond Chat / Pics of the walkout basement level
« on: July 01, 2007, 12:51:39 PM »
Now the lower part of the system.

This waterfall is more of a trickle type being that the mini pond is small.  I also like the sound sounds tropical to me...and because it is an amphitheatre type of design, the sound echoes off the rocks and house...very peaceful and relaxing...
The water is coming down and over the smaller cream boulder and down the large gray one....also have a mini fountain in the mini pond...

The wicker chair above the pond....

The little snowman who refuses to melt....even in the 100 degree weather....

My double recliner lounge 'bed' on the lower patio...1 month ago this was a pile of dirt here...laid the pavers a couple of weeks ago...

The view from the bed...

I hope you enjoyed this...

Pond Chat / Re: Some pics of the upper pond to start with
« on: July 01, 2007, 12:35:15 PM »
Thank you everyone.  I appreciate your nice comments. 

I have put a lot of work into my yard and aside from the boulder placement, have done it all myself...

Sue, the lavender 'bush' is Russian Sage.  Does very well in dry heat conditions with very little water.  Perfect for our weather conditions here in Utah.

I am now working on the post for the lower waterfall...and small pond.

Again, thanks everyone!

Pond Chat / Some pics of the upper pond to start with
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:14:52 PM »
Some pics of the upper pond/waterfall...just three years old now.  The rock waterfall is about 6 feet high. My system is quite large so I will piece it out, bit by bit as to not post too many pics at a time. This is new construction here so we don't have any large trees for shade,'s a 'desert' take on ponding...
I hope you enjoy....

The wicker chair is overlooking the lower pond.  The main level pond is in the background:

The view from my room.  I have a remote control that turns everything on/off from my room:

Chit Chat / Re: Whatever happened to Eagle Eye and Bullfrog?
« on: June 27, 2007, 01:46:17 PM »
Thanks Shanna...
I appreciate your's really GREAT to be back.
Looking forward to some more great times here.... :2thumbs:

Chit Chat / Re: Whatever happened to Eagle Eye and Bullfrog?
« on: June 26, 2007, 10:21:52 PM »
Hi Debbie,
Nice to meet you...
There have always been great people good support for those who need it.
I wish you well and look forward to hearing more from/about you.
Thanks Debbie!

Chit Chat / Re: More Partying in Portland
« on: June 26, 2007, 09:40:41 AM »
You worry too much! (smiling)   We ALL have weeds at one time or another! (8:-)
Just go and have a LOT of fun....and YES!...we want pics!

Chit Chat / Re: Whatever happened to Eagle Eye and Bullfrog?
« on: June 26, 2007, 09:35:09 AM »
Mikey, Jerry, LeeAnne.....thanks!  It feels great to be back.  Looking forward to some good conversation.
This really IS a great site, Jerry.  You and Sean are doing a very good job here...
LeeAnne...I have started to take some pics....I should have known better about questioning whether to post 'em, huh? lol  :D   Gotta get back in the 'groove'!

Chit Chat / Re: Whatever happened to Eagle Eye and Bullfrog?
« on: June 23, 2007, 07:47:38 AM »
Okay....I'm back...
Just been having a little life struggle but it's all good now.
Been trying to get the pond system looking naturalized.  It's been 3 years now since I put the system in here.  I think it's finally fine-tuned. Maybe will post some pics of my progress. 
Shanna, LeeAnne, Viv....Thanks for thinking of me. Shanna, thanks for 'working' on me! (smiling) It's good to be back, and I'm VERY glad to be here amongst friends and looking forward to making new ones as well...

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