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Messages - Yacht Lady

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I just stumbled across this post.  I must say you have done wonderful things with your semps and sedums.  Some of your's look better than the ones I pulled them from.  Great job.  Maybe this is one of those times the teacher need to take lessons from the student!!!!


Yes, Kim, That is strange plant.  Thank you.  I haven't been able to decide if it is a Kalanchoe or a Crassula.  It definitely does not winter over.  Are you sure LeeAnne that it is a kalanchoe?  I was leaning toward the crassula. 

Kim, I kept it in full sun and it was much fuller with bigger leaves and they were much closer together on the stem.  Have you had it in the shade or partial sun?  In the brighter light, the edge of the leaves will get pinkish.  Wait till you see the great flowers.  They are too kewl.

Oh yes, they are one of the easiest plants I have ever started from a pinch. 

Kim, did your sleeping dog hosta come back.  If not, drop me a note.  OK?


LeeAnne, My guess from your description is that you probably have Sempervivum tectorum.  Do you have a picture? 

Make sure to send out at least two of them to you tradee because if one flowers and doesn't pup, then you tradee won't have it come fall.  The Hens almost always set pups after they flower and before they die off, but not always.  If they both flower, same thing, but I always send at least a big and a little one and hope for the best.

I got a large collection from one of the wholesalers a few years ago and about a third of the hens flowered and died and left no chickens.  ARGH!


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Looking for toad lily
« on: June 04, 2007, 12:05:18 PM »
LeeAnne, I have been so busy filling orders to update it from last year and that link is broken!!!!!!  I'm still not certain what I have left.  I know I don't have any more Blue Mammoth, Krossa Regal, Sagae or Regal Splender.  I am also adding some of the ones I didn't offer last year.  Some are about 20+ years old and beauties.  I just need time.  If you are on DSL I can send you last years catalog, but it isn't totally up to date.  If you are on dial up it takes about an hour to upload on DSL a minute or three.  Just drop me an email.  If I had it last year, I apologize, but my computer did a mind melt when a field mouse urinated on my mother board this past winter!

A whole lot more hostas came back this year in my beds than I ever expected considering what went out of here last year.  I've got left a plethera of Tokudama flavocircinalis, Golden Tiara, Blue Cadet, Feather Boa, Gold Standard, Royal Standard, Honeybells, Hiachynthina, WalMart Special, August Moon, Albomarginata and the ever popular Undulata variegata (which I have about 2000 of if anyone wants to build a big bed of Undulatas.)  I also just found a large cluster of Sieboldiana Elegans tucked away in the woods where I forgot I'd put them!!!  Other than those, I'm not sure what else I have right now, but there are lots of them. 

Now, how can I sign up for a 40 hours day in order to get the new catalog out. . . .


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Yachtlady Hosta
« on: June 02, 2007, 08:30:37 PM »
Kim, I think I have more of what I was calling sleeping dog hosta, but I will have to check.  Has it still not come up?  I will check tomorrow and see if and how much I have.  I will drop you an email when I know and we can decide what we are going to do.  Thanks so much for being willing to send me the start of the strange plant.  Did I give you enough to send me a start?  I know I just threw it in the bag at the last minute as a Just Cause, since you got the other succulents!!!

luvmyasagis, I don't believe this, but I don't have a picture of the strange plant.  Do you have a picture of it Kim? 

It is a succulent that I took a little snippet of in Kauai and it multiplied and multiplied.  It is obviously not cold hardy.  Leaves are light steel blue and the flowers are odd with pinks and yellow.  In the summer it forms baby plants at the many nods on the leaf.  That is the one you are calling strange plant, isn't it Kim?


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Looking for toad lily
« on: June 02, 2007, 06:19:09 PM »
luvmyasagis, Thank you so much for thinking of me and my toad lily and the heads up email.  I am YachtLady here on American Ponders and that is my post just above yours.  That's the same picture I sent you. Monica is one of my best customers and I am just finishing up a very large hosta order for her, so she kind of knows me pretty well.  But there was no way for you to know any of that. 


PS - Monica, I am shipping your order Monday cause I just finished it moments ago (did you see the post that I am sending you some Japanese Maples).  If you are interested in the Toad Lily, let me know before that so that I can include it in your box.  OK?

Hi Steve,

Please describe Thalia dealbata "Blue Cup" for me.  I can find very little on the web other than she comes from Africa and has dusty blue leaves.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Looking for toad lily
« on: June 02, 2007, 05:06:59 AM »
Mine was spectacular this past fall.  Here is a one of the arching stems from her:

I am not interested in any plant since we are planning to move this winter, but I would consider selling you a nice start if you want one.


Do you know what variety of Hen and Chickens you have?  I have a collection of about 200 different varieties and always want more.  I have some extra Thalia, Golden Reed and some Spatterdock (gets big - I wouldn't do it in a natural bottom pond - only in a pot).  If you have hens and chicks I don't have, I'd be interested in doing a trade.

Here are a couple of my favorites:
I love the cobweb ones.

And this is what I have to trade:
Golden Reed

Hey Monica, I have been selling Japanese Maple volunteers.  I have quite a few mature Japanese Maples that seed very heavily every year and I end with many volunteers.  I could easily be living in a Japanese Maple forest if I let them all grow.  I have potted them up over the years and have ended up with some beautiful trees.  I've not been disappointed in any of them.  Two of them I just sold last year to an estate for $100 each.  They were about 9 years old and beautiful standing about five feet tall.  One is the focal point of the landscaping in their front yard and she absolutely holds her own.

I was sending your package out in the morning, but will send it on Monday so that I can include a seedling for you and a one year old plant for you to play with.  The seedlings are only about 2" tall and the yearlings are about a foot tall.  The ones I am going to send you are from a 20' tall x 24' wide mom that stays red with some green veining all year.  The red will go to a deep burgundy in the fall and stay that way until it turns red in the spring.  She is just now setting bright red seeds in clusters.  She goes through about four color changes in a year.  She is a beautiful tree.  I've had a number of experts try to identify her with no success.

Of course, her babies have not always been the same coloring, but they have been beautiful.  You will see that her one years olds in the picture below exhibit some green.  They have more red that you can see if the picture on them, but much more green than mom.  I just sold one that had a green leaf with burgundy spotting.  Really, really pretty.  But my point is, you never know what you will get.

Here is a picture of some of the seedlings.  These are all sold out, but I spotted a really nice yearling growing under my wisteria tree yesterday when I was digging your hostas that I can dig for you.  I also have more of them.  I just like the looks of the one under the wisteria.


PS - If you still want seeds, let me know.  I don't have any mature seeds yet but my Crimsom Queens and Vridis (which are both beautiful lace leafs and magnificient coloroing) are setting seeds at the moment and I could send you some shortly.

Ewe, Lilypons!  That place is so much fun.  I love spending a day there.  Glad you found what you were looking for.  Oh yes, btw, I checked my thalia today and the stems are just now turning pinkish burgundy red, so I wonder if the color comes as they mature.


If you are still looking for some more Thalia for "the experiment", I have some major nice starts available.  The stems have some red with a bit of pink and great pink (and other colors) flowers in the summer.  I think the red comes on the stems when they mature a bit on mine cause they haven't shown much yet, but the were red last summer.  If you are interested, just drop me a note.  I'd send you two nice stems for $5.00 plus shipping.

The Yacht Hosta Lady

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Yachtlady Hosta
« on: May 29, 2007, 12:32:25 PM »
Hey y'all, Yacht Hosta Lady here . . . be patient on those hostas that haven't come up yet, my Blue Ice just started to pop yesterday.  No lie!  My plants are always late, so maybe they just need to adjust.  When the daffodils in town are done blooming, mine are just popping open.  My entire yard is that way.  Not sure why.

If those plants don't come up, please drop me a note and we will see what we might be able to do about that. 

Jennie, thanks for the thread.  I have only been able to talk to a few of the folks who have gotten my babies.  It's good to know what is going on with them.

Yes, I am updating the catalog.  It seems my babies liked me moving out about 1000 hosta last year.  They are coming back stronger than last year.  Some have come back that I thought I was sold out of and two came up I haven't seen in a couple of years!!!!!  Forget Blue Mammoth though.  That one was a steal as all of you who got one knows and I am sold out of them.  I managed to keep one division for myself.  Oh yes, I have a massive pot that I am planting up with my favorite hostas to go on the yatch with me.

Give me about a week or so to finish out the catalog.  I want to open up some of my specialty hostas this year to sale that I didn't offer last year.  Some aren't up enough to be sure what they are yet, but they are coming.  Also, those of you who know me know that if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all (but I'm still smiling anyway).  Fell two weeks ago in our garage in the dark when I was home alone for hours.  I laid there for hours until I finally found my wheelchair (by the braille method) and was able to get up.  Doc thought I'd broken 4 bones in my left foot (oh the pain) and popped off the nail on big toe on right foot.  Ends up just torns ligaments and tendons and bruise muscles in the left foot, nothing was broken, but you should see the surgical shoes I have to wear.  They give ugly a new meaning and I'm hobbling around a bit, so I'm moving especially slow.  So, as usual, I appreciate your patience.

Oh yes, we are going to Baltimore on Wednesday tomorrow to look at a yatch.  Just maybe it will be our new home.  Just maybe this year (I hope) we will finally make that much needed and much wanted move.

Kim, a personal favor, if I may.  My "Strange Plant" didn't winter over.  Michael said he'd brought it in.  He brought in the wrong strange plant!  Can I get start from you?  It sets baby plants all over the leafs in early summer, so a start would give me plenty in no time.  And what mini hasn't come up?


We old timers forget that not everyone knows.  Uh duh!  :D I am sorry.

Here is the link to the Hosta Finder web page.  There is a link at the bottom for an email contact should you wish to ask the author any questions.

There is a link at the top for buying books about hostas.  I would highly recommend The Hosta Handbook By Mark R. Zilis.  It is listed under that link. I've used mine so much that it's falling apart! 

Haven't put an email together for you yet Monica.  We are in the midst of putting together more orders.  Probably be this evening before I get to it.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Instant Gratification Hostas
« on: September 13, 2006, 04:54:14 PM »

It is so sweet of you to ask.  My medical endocrinologist put me on a brand new insulin on the market and my sugars are finally starting to be within acceptable range, so I am feeling better.  Still have a few medical challenges, but we are coping through those and trying whatever we can. Finally got Michael into the doctor who adjusted his meds and it seems to be stablizing him a bit.  Here's hoping.

As you know Kim, we are still packing and shipping.  Had quite a few more order come in and some are still in the works.  At the present time, I think we have about 10 orders left to fill.  We are hoping the weekend is productive.  I know you are too, cause you are about third of that group.



You didn't ask me where you could find the rest on your list!!  I will be happy to tell you where I would get them and where I would not get them.  I am in the midst of finishing up yet another package and then going to cook some dinner.  I think the best bet is that I will write you an email tomorrrow on that.  If you don't hear from me tomorrow, hit me up side the head with a 2 x 4 in the form of an email.  Josh is definitely correct on some of them, but then I have some sources.

Kim, Thank for the plug on my hostas.  o(:-)

btw,  Last I heard there were only two Gertie's in existance, that was about four years ago.  I wanted one very badly because that was one of my dear grandmother's names.  I can tell you who has one of them.  The author of the Hosta Library, Bob (I can't remember his last name, it's something like Axemear, but I have his email address).  He offered to sell me a couple of divisions a couple of years ago. 

Josh, Spritzer Sport is evidentally a new one introduced this year.  I was just talking to one of my customers who has a massive collection and he told me about it.

Considering the hostas you are getting from me and what you already have, you definitely need a Hosta Finder.  It is a great reference for anyone into hosta.

btw, I have White Christmas and it looks like we will be here in the Spring due to something that just happened, so just maybe she will have an extra eye or two in the Spring.  It's been a slow grower for me.

I know where you can find Allen C. Haskell (originator stock), the price I almost paid for a four division plant about 3 years ago was $55.00! ?)(?


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Instant Gratification Hostas
« on: September 05, 2006, 07:48:01 PM »
Susan and Rebekah,

It is so good to know you are pleased with your plants.  I have to give my sweet husband credit for the packing.  He is a marvel at it.

We are continuing to fill orders and are just finishing up a massive one that has taken us over two days to dig, clean, label and pack.  We hope to get it finished up tomorrow morning and shipped.  It even blew me away because a gentlemen ordered full big (the biggest we have) plants from us and he's getting a truckload.  After we get it out, then we can get on with the remaining 12 orders outstanding (there are still more order coming in as well) and get all the plants out to you who have ordered.  Thank you all for being so patient with us.  This thing snowballed on us and became much more than we ever expected.  I feel very good about my babies finding good homes.

Back to packing and labeling . . .


Jennie, the Pack and Ship Carousel is not moving as quickly as we would all like.  Neither of us has been feeling well again.  Michael has got another of his raging migraines today and my sugars are out of whack again taking my strength away.  We are getting then out slowly.  I do apologize.  They will get there.

Audrey, if you wrote to me, I did not get it.

Myra, Earthlink is driving me nuts.  I have spent hours on the phone with them trying to get my connection fixed and they keep telling me there is nothing wrong with it!  Try sending it to another email address please. seems to be working ok.


If any of you have tried to email me and not gotten a response, I have just learned (after spending many hours on the phone with Earthlink over the past 3 days) that Earthlinks web services and email has been intermittant at best the past couple of days.  So, please leave a message here for me or phone me.  My phone number is on the catalog.

We are still digging, packing and shipping as fast as we can go.  We had a couple of very large orders that took us quite a while to fulfill, but we are spending the week getting your plants out to you. 

I did a cursory count and it looks like we have sold over 800 plants in the past two months as of this evening!   @O@ So you can see why it is taking a while!  But we do still have some left if anyone else is interested.  I don't plan to leave these plants behind.  I want good homes for them.  If I were to tell you about the collection I left behind in California and what happened to it, you would fully understand why.


Yes I do have some water plants left.  I have a separate little catalog I send out on those with pictures.  If you want to email me at, I will send you a copy of it.

I look forward to working with you to get some nice plants.


An update on shipping, we did work a good part of the weekend, shipping and packing and got a few out.  Not as many as we had hoped for (we did one real big order that took lots of time), but if things go according to plan we will get out a few each day this week.  We did get rain twice over the weekend which is so good for everyones plants they are getting.  It's a great thing to happen in order to get them hydrated naturally for their trips.

I will let each of you know when your package ships out.

General concensus is that they are indeed Blue Mammoth.  I don't even have a division left for myself to take with me!  I sure wish I did.  I could have sold at least 75 of those babies.

Shipping depends on the weight of the plant(s) and your zip code.  We use US Priority Mail, unless you request a different way.  We never charge more than what they charge us.


Thanks Ed.  I have those reserved for you.  That's a nice cross section.  I am so glad you got the hyacinthina.  Hardly anyone has gone for them (which I don't understand) and they are absolutely beautiful.

When you call, please let it ring for a little while.  I'm going to be outside the area where the phone is.  Being handicapped, it sometimes takes me a little time to get to the phone.  It just depends on the power level on my wheelchair.  I often run it down and need to recharge.


Oh thedahlialama, I tried to find you in my emails and couldnt for the life of me. I am so sorry.  Yes, I remember our disussion about Hostas in Southern California.  We'd better talk soon.  There is something in the works with a major collector and you need to get your order in before they do. 

Thanks so much for the good wishes.  Michael is definitely feeling better.  He'd better he's got a lot of work to do over the weekend!!!!

Do you care if the hostas are named?  There is a really pretty unnamed blue one in the catalog with those pretty white chunky type flowers and I still have some.  It is on the same page as my sleeping sheltie, bottom right corner.  The one above it an the one to the right are also very nice, fairly low growing hostas. OPPS!  That is not the blue one, it's a nice green one with lavendar flowers.  I think I have a picture of it.

And here's is another fairly small blue one I missed when putting together the catalog. I just came across it the other day that is not in the catalog, but is unnamed.  It isn't very tall.  Maybe 14 inches. 

btw, that is mud on the leaves.  This pic was taken just after a heavy rain. There's probably only about a five eye division of either of these cause I want to take them on the yacht with me.

If you want a blue green that is a bit bigger, the Hyachinthinas are beautiful hostas with very pretty white flowers.  They are very elegant looking.

You can't beat Gold Standard for Blue and Yellow, but how short do they need to be for you. 

I love Golden Tiaras and have some very nice ones left.  I had a thirty foot long border of Golden Tiaras and that looks amazing.  They border my 900 hosta wave bed on two ends.  They bloomed their pretty little purple flowered heads off this year and they are small enough to tuck into those places that nothing else seems to work in. 

The green with the blue edge in the unnamed section is really striking and only about 20 inches tall.  I'm not sure it fits your criteria, but I really like it.  Heck, I just like hostas.  I love carefree plants that look spectaculor. 

You can't beat Krossa Regal for showy blues (I love their matt powdery upright vase look), but they get about 3 feet tall with flower scapes as tall as 7 feet.  They are in bloom right now and it's way kewl looking.

If you want short, Alan P. McConnel is a small and a very neat little thing.

All the hostas I mentioned are in the catalog other than the two pictured above. 

I just thought about something.  I have a Blue Mouse Ears originator stock and a Blue Ice.  They are both minis and finding originator stock of Blue Mouse Ears is not an easy thing to find.  If you are interested in either of those, let me know.

Does that give you enough to work with?  There are more, but I think those are probably the best ones for your description.

We can talk about sedums.  Tell me what you like.  Tall, short, showy, blue, green, red.

Do you want to contact me at or give me a call.  The number is on the catalog.  I am having troubles with my email connection.  Earthlink has been working on it for four days and tell me it is fixed, it is not.  So if you don't get an answer from me within a few hours, please let me know here.

I am so sorry I haven't written you back.  The memory in this ole grandma isn't what it use to be. ?)(?


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Instant Gratification Hostas
« on: August 18, 2006, 06:51:48 PM »
By the way, I decided to chance my username when the forum got wiped out.  I figured since we are going to sell everything we own and move onto a yacht, what better name could I have.  I just informed my dh that I do plan to have a pond on the top deck of the yacht along with my garden.  He can't fuss at me because he bought our hats the other day and mine is the admiral, his is the captain.  He says I tell him where to make the boat go and he makes it happen. 

We have had so many delays in shipping out the plants.  We've gotten a few out, but then the heat wave held us up for about ten days, then Michael, my dh and digger, packer and shipper, came down with the worst migraine he's ever had.  He was down and out with it for a solid five days, then I got terrible ill this week.  I am feeling better today.

Bottom line, we plan to spend the weekend digging, labeling and packing and then ship on Monday.  We are hoping to get out all of the completed orders by Moday.  Here's hoping life doesn't get in the way.

Our postmaster is going to love us on Monday.  YIKES.  She sometimes gets a little upset with all our packages.  Maybe I should call her tomorrow and forewarn her!!!!! 

We are terribly sorry for the delays.  Your new babies should be home with you soon.


btw, we do still have some plants left. 


and the hosta in the unknown section that I said looks like HOSTA JUNE
Hosta Love Pat
Hosta Auremarginata
Hosta Regal Spendor
Hosta Blue Cadet

Thank you all for the orders. o(:-)


The way I see it, your sleep is the most important things right now.  We will all be here when it's up and running.  And please don't let the bums who did this get you down. 

I wouldn't run a forum for anything.  My hat is off to you.  But please go get some sleep.  You've busted your's enough for right now.


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