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Messages - louis

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Pond Chat / Re: Strange multicolor hybrid
« on: June 22, 2014, 06:21:30 PM »

The color is just on one portion of the bloom, just about 1/3 of the bloom. Its interesting to note that the yellow petals have no other hints of color in them. just pure yellow.

I have to keep an eye on it. Thanks for the reply.


Pond Chat / Strange multicolor hybrid
« on: June 22, 2014, 05:44:42 PM »
Hi everyone,

Been a long time. My watergardening has been taking a back seat to my flying career.

However, I have something strange here. I have a mud bottom pond and in it I have the yellow Joey Tomocik and the multicolor Wanvisa.
I had a strange bloom open up this morning, and it appears to be a new seedling. It has the colors of both plants. I dont believe I have ever seen this before.

I dug down into the mud and its a new plant, this is the first  year it has bloomed. All I can think of is that its a bloom that has the traits of both parent plants.

Since this is the first bloom, its going to be interesting to see if this happens again.

Has anyone seen this before?


Photo Album / Re: Louis' meager collection
« on: June 27, 2013, 04:45:32 PM »
Sue, yes that last lily is Wanvisa. She is a non stop bloomer. Grows  and multiplies like crazy.
Blooms are quite large and stand high like a tropical. I would say the blooms are around 7-8 inches in diameter.

I have managed to keep the deer away with the electric fence. And also kids, dogs and next door neighbors.

I stop in once in a while to see what is going on. Lots of nice stuff here as usual.


Photo Album / Louis' meager collection
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:08:47 PM »
hi everyone,
been a too long time. hope all is well with everyone. I am more of less out of the waterlily business. Last year, all my prized tropicals and my own hybrids were destroyed by the deer, they left me nothing but the pots.

I picked up an Albert Greenberg from a local watergardeninging center and will treat it as an annual. The plant has one pond all to itself and it has a 10 foot spread. The pads are 18 inches long and almost as wide. the blooms are huge at 8 inches.  Also i have a new hybrid lily that i got this spring. immediately the deer pulled it out of the pot and ate most of it. it has come back and its stunning with the speckles and stripes. they also ate the tag also, so i don't remember which one it is. can anyone help me with the name?

i also have tons of pink ribbons and texas dawn. gonna stick with the hardies. oh, and the deer keep the pads trimmed about 3 feet from the pond's edge.

So, I decided to fight them. I bought a cattle electric fence and have it around my raised pond. i packs a 5000 volt zap. i put it in two months ago and the plants in the pond are fantastic. i have the electric fence on a timer, it goes on at 8 pm and off at 8 am. funny thing, the day after i installed it i found the fence wire bent and a pile of deer poop on the grass. i assume he or she got the xxxx scared out of them. they have not been back in that pond since.

all your photos and plants are grand. its nice to see a lot of the old timers here.



Pond Chat / Re: Greg Speichert
« on: November 08, 2010, 05:52:37 PM »
Its been a long time since i talked to greg.
hanging on my wall is a framed cover of the 2004 may-june issue of watergardening magazine.

sue and greg used one of my photos for the cover. i was thrilled.

he was still a young man with a bright future.  life is so fragile.

condolences to sue.


Pond Chat / Re: Some blooms in the pond today
« on: August 18, 2010, 05:12:20 PM »
Louis, hello.  You don't post enuf to suit  me. Always wanting to see your gorgeous
pictures.   Somehow  I can see you out there getting blasted with water, deer hiding
and laughing at you!!  Know it is aggravating. Have turtle here who is likewise

That last pic, silver moon, I just love it.  Was given a tuber of it, knew it look
deformed, and sure enough couldn't do anything with it, was a dud.  Gorgeous plant.


hello marie,

mother nature can be cruel to us ponders at time.

hope all is well with you.


Pond Chat / Re: Some blooms in the pond today
« on: August 18, 2010, 05:10:33 PM »
Beautiful pics as always.  o(:-)

Are your lilies in a lined pond that the deer are getting into?
We have a lot of deer but they don't get in the pond.

Wasn't it you that lost your koi to a predator?  Did you ever get anymore?
I'm just full of need to come around more often. ;D


hi karen,

yes it was me on the koi. a mink got them all one winter. even the inch long babies.

no fish for me anymore.

the deer are not getting in the pond, just reaching over to get anything within 4 feet.  i have since moved the plants more to the middle


Pond Chat / Re: Some blooms in the pond today
« on: August 18, 2010, 05:07:42 PM »
Great pictures of the lilies... but I want to see the water blaster ones! ;D

hi tammie,

i have to start to carry my camera with me at all times.

the expression on their faces, is priceless.


Pond Chat / Re: Some blooms in the pond today (Added photo - 8/17)
« on: August 18, 2010, 05:06:13 PM »
I really like that pic of Silver Moon. That is one awesome lily. Is it for sale anywhere?

hi gander, no its not for sale yet. hope to get a few more going.

thanks for asking.


Pond Chat / Some blooms in the pond today (Added photo - 8/17)
« on: August 11, 2010, 05:05:46 PM »
hello everyone,

i have been hiding in the bushes trying to rid my place of deer. they are killing me this year. as soon as i put my tropicals out for the summer, they came along and had a buffet. i now have the waterblasters all over the yard. its working but a big pain, i am the one that is getting hit. i keep forgetting about them.

first bloom is the great aquarius:

second bloom is the spectacular charlie's pride.

and finally - silver moon. this is the first year that i am getting huge blooms from this plant, they are at least 8 to 9 inches in diameter.

This is the most accurate reproduction of the Silver Moon color that i have gotten so far.


Pond Chat / Re: Some blooms at Sean's Pond on a misty day...
« on: August 11, 2010, 04:58:30 PM »
hi sean,

i am always amazed what you can do in a restricted area and of course in canada.

very very nice,


Pond Chat / Re: World's First Purple Hardy (ISG) revealed.
« on: August 11, 2010, 04:53:02 PM »
Hello Mike,

WOW, STUNNING. congrats to you. a great milestone for the aquatic world.

thanks tim for posting the image.


Pond Chat / Re: Pink Ribbon Hybrid Lily Photo
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:56:20 PM »
Louis, That is the best pic of "Pink  Ribbon" that I have seen so far. Great Job!

its a stunning plant. thanks.


Pond Chat / Re: Pink Ribbon Hybrid Lily Photo
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:45:34 PM »
Beautiful! I just got a pink ribbon from Kat I can't wait for it to start blooming! I hope mine does as well!!  o(:-)

miss doll,
it likes lots of room and lots of fertilizer.


Pond Chat / Re: Pink Ribbon Hybrid Lily Photo
« on: July 05, 2010, 06:31:08 PM »
So pretty. Are you still doing the photography?

hello esther,
yes i am very busy with the photography at the theater that i work at. our season is coming to a close and i will have more time.

nice to hear from you. :)


Pond Chat / Pink Ribbon Hybrid Lily Photo
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:44:37 PM »
Hi everyone, been a long time. ponds are getting a slow start, however my 4 pink ribbon plants are going gangbusters. this plant had 7 blooms on it last week.

I dont remember where i got this plant, its been split several times and keeps getting bigger. blooms are quite large, i would say about 8 inches in diameter.


Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: October 11, 2009, 03:18:02 PM »
Hey Louis
 i see you are in Conn.     I am in zone 5 and also love hibiscus. Ours are in doors now as we have had frost already and last night it froze pretty good. The water in the bird bath was ice. My question is:
How do you over winter yours?
Do you cut them back at all?
Ours only get morning sun in the winter and just seem to survive but not shrive
Any help is appreciated

hi freddie,

i bring mine is early september and they stay in a sunny room where they bloom all winter. around march, i cut them back to a manageable size and then put them out around early june.

hope you can overwinter yours, get them in quickly.


Pond Chat / Hibiscus - Sleeping Beauty
« on: October 08, 2009, 06:46:10 PM »
hi all,

got me a new plant from hidden valley hibiscus. this is a second day bloom. bloom is 9 inches in diameter.

thought i would share one of my "wintertime waterlilies"


Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: October 08, 2009, 06:21:44 PM »
you're right - that is MAGNIFICENT!  I just bought a pink one with flowers about 4.5 inches across - I think it was steal at $12.  Except the blooms stopped right after it got it home 3 weeks ago :(

hello fox,

hibiscus do not like to be moved, they will usually drop the buds. give it some time to get used to a new environment.


Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: September 19, 2009, 07:23:41 PM »
Lou, that is just gorgeous. But then I'm sort of partial to hibiscus.  If you want an awesome one,
get that Fifth Dimension.  It is past gorgeous!!!


hello marie, i do have fifth dimension, its a bueaty.


Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: September 19, 2009, 06:36:31 AM »
o(:-)  Beautiful...

How large is that bloom...looks huge.

hi sue,
the bloom is indeed large, measures 9 inches across

thanks,  louis

Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: September 18, 2009, 04:46:16 PM »
Hi Louis:

I like the photos.  I know you've been to Longwood, but where the Hibiscus in bloom.  Quite a spectacular room in the Conservatory that in mind rivals the Orchid room

hello gary,

yes i have been to longwood and visited their hybiscus room, outstanding.

been a long time, how are you?


Hi Everyone,

I apologize for posting these photos here, I am not sure if everyone joins in the chit chat forum.

As most of you know Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary fame passed away this morning from complications from cancer.

One of Mary's last public performances was at our Palace Theater last March of 2009. I had the privilege of photographing the show and meeting the wonderful lady

When I took photos of the show, i resisted the urge to add them to my Palace Performer page and show them to the public. I thought it might be exploiting a very sick lady.

Now that she is gone, I would like to share some photos from her concert at the Palace theater.

She was on oxygen and confined to a wheel chair but still sounded like an angel.

Their music was an important part of my younger life.


Pond Chat / Re: New Photo-Lou Belloisy's 'SILVER MOON' at Duke Gardens
« on: September 16, 2009, 06:25:42 PM »

What does Duke Gardens do with the plant once winter comes?  I am about an hour away and would like to volunteer to host it in my garage this winter if it can vacation in my pond next spring!!!  It is a GORGEOUS lily!  Congrats!  The people have spoken and I do believe they may be closer to right than the judges were!!!


hi steve, thanks for the offer. i am sending the plant down south to a friend's nursery for evaluation.

appreciate the offer.



Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: September 16, 2009, 06:22:25 PM »
Very big do they get?

hi jw, in their natural tropical state, they can get 10 feet or more.


Pond Chat / Re: New Photo-Lou Belloisy's 'SILVER MOON' at Duke Gardens
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:41:40 PM »
You are very welcome.  It was a pleasure to be able to see your lily in person.  It is a gorgeous lily. 

The temp was in the mid 80's there last Saturday, with bright sun, when I was there.  I was there about 12:30pm, so that is probably the reason that the lily was more white than blue.  I had hoped to go back later in the afternoon, but was not able to.

I have attached a photo of the label for you to see.  Also, I attached a photo of the pond that your lily is in.  Unfortunately, your lily flower in the pond photo is almost hidden by some foliage in the foreground.  I did not notice this when I took the photo.

Enjoy,  Ruth

hi again ruth, thanks for the photos. appreciate it.


Pond Chat / Re: The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:36:32 PM »
That's beautiful! Do you know what part of Cali they come from?

hi, i really could not find the city they are in, all i know is that they are in southern calif.

i looked for the shipping label and must have thrown it away.



Pond Chat / Re: Beautiful Foxfire today
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:38:27 PM »
One of Craig's creations, stunning plant and great photo.


Pond Chat / Re: Lily Fest in San Angelo
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:33:12 PM »
hi tim, nice series. great looking garden.


Pond Chat / The most magnificent Belle Du Jour Hibiscus
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:28:34 PM »
Most of my hibiscus plants come from a wonderful company in Calif by the name of Hidden Valley Hibiscus.

See here---

I purchased this plant last week on tuesday and i received it on friday, shipped by UPS. their packing is unreal, the plant was in a 2 gallon bucket, pot is wrapped with a heavy plastic, bamboo rods are inserted in the pot the height of the packing box and plant and all placed in a paper sleeve and then in the box. no matter how you turn the box, the plant is not crushed. these photos were taken the day after i received the plant, the only damage in cross country shipping was two broken leaves. the plant is a little over 3 feet from crown to tip of plant. the plant came with 20 buds in all stages of opening. main trunk is about 2 inches in diameter, its a fairly older plant. blooms are about 8 inches in diameter

what do you think?


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