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Messages - DavB

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Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Midnight
« on: June 10, 2011, 06:21:44 PM »
Hey, somebody scarf that one up!  I got a Midnight earlier this year, and it just might boot Rhonda Kay right out the puddle.  What an awesome bloom.

Hi Pete, we have traded before.  Still got the tubers?  I'd like a couple of each I think.  Any other tropicals?  David

Pond Chat / Re: Nightbloomer tuber
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:40:49 AM »
Think I will try that technique.

Oh, Craig's List...  Here I come! 

Pond Chat / Re: Worms eating my lilly pads
« on: May 25, 2010, 12:20:50 PM »
I used the liquid form, Thuracide HPC. There are two types of BT. one works on caterpillars and the other works on mosquitoes.

Dang, Pondman, I didn't know THAT!  Learn something new every day...

Hi Jessica, sent you a PM.  Cool to see some of my old pond scum (I mean friends, friends!!!) still hanging around.   ;)

Pond Chat / Re: Worms eating my lilly pads
« on: May 25, 2010, 03:47:53 AM »
Thanks Kat, I will ramp up the BT attacks.

Hi Joyce, Looooong time, eh?    Joyce, do you use that soap in a fish situation?  Do you treat the plant away from the fish, and then return??? 

Thanks for the replies

Pond Chat / Worms eating my lilly pads
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:25:54 PM »
Hey guys.  I have those clear worms eating my lilly pads.  They are doing a good job trying to distroy my young tropicals!  I have mosquito dunks in the tanks already, would have thought the BT in that would have taken care of these things.  Anyway...  What is the best way to be rid of them?

I picked all the surface pads one time, and the worms came back.



Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: putting a pond in
« on: April 28, 2010, 03:43:20 AM »
Bog areas right next to the wall will allow some large marginals to soften that wall.   

All together now;  "Make it bigger, make it bigger, make it..." 

Pond Chat / Jump starting tropical tubers:
« on: April 26, 2010, 06:01:34 AM »
I live in Virginia where we have a good 30 some days to go before we hit true tropical lily tempertures outdoors. I had to 'import' my tubers this year as I lost everything of my own over the winter.   None the less, now that I have sprouted tubers at the time of the year I normally would, it is time to move them outdoors to capture real sunlight and grow so they are ready to go into the fish pond in the near future.  AND...  I don't want to be July waiting for my first blooms either!

What to do?

This:  I have a 30 gallon half-wiskey barrel liner with a (forget the size) heater inside.  On the warm days, the sunlight hitting the black plastic helps heat the water.  On the cooler days and at night, I use a sheet of bubble wrap over the surface of the water to lock in the heat.  It REALLY works!

Pond Chat / Re: skimmers and floating plants
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:54:43 AM »
I corral mine behind my hardy Thalia, a vigorous bog plant than be planted pretty deeply, and grows 4 ft. above the surface.  Goldfish, no Koi.  My lilies make the skimmer almost worthless for a few months of the year anyway by totally blocking the surface water flow.

Sent Pete my paypal in late in the week, Pete sent the lilies out early the next.  Mid-week the tubers arrived in fine condition and I ploped them into the heated tank that was waiting for them.

Chit Chat / Re: So I look out my window and say,....
« on: February 23, 2009, 10:30:36 AM »
Man!  I come here to lurk and escape the pressure and hassle of the real world, only to find this thread!
 {-) >:(

Chit Chat / Re: Moon Flowers...
« on: September 29, 2008, 07:35:37 PM »
Thanks Annette.  Actually though, I am as mean as a snake most of the time.  I just have this soft spot for dogs...

Chit Chat / Moon Flowers...
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:47:48 AM »
(Closing thoughts, yet to be published in Spirit's Dogster Diary.)

Recent events have caused me to bring up a childhood memory of the Moon Flowers out at Grandma’s place in the country.  These plants bloom at night, hence the name.  Even better, the flowers pop open in a matter of a minute or two not long after dark.   Summer nights, I would be allowed to stay up late, and watch this magic as the buds opened right before my eyes.   We would often choose buds and “bet” which one would bloom first.
Spirit was my Moon Flower bud.
Of the dogs needing a home when the time was right for a temporary dog, Spirit looked like an easy foster.  He was a good looking boy!  He had a heart wrenching story, and at just forty pounds, was a perfect size for adoption.  So, he had three legs...  Tripods aren’t so rare, one of my friends even had one.  Thinking I would have this extra dog for just a month or three, I placed my foster “bet” on this bud, and invited Spirit into my life.
Things began quite well.  It only took a matter of days for Spirit to house train. He quickly learned basic obedience and even a few tricks.  Spirit was popular at the adoption stand too.  Everybody visiting wanted to know his story, and many gave him hugs and pets.  I was even inspired to create a Shutterfly story book all about him…
Many other dogs came into the rescue and were adopted out.  But several months went by without us receiving a single application for my little guy. After time, Spirit like many dogs, became grumpy in the stressful environment of the adoption stand, so we showed him less.  He began to have issues, mostly with my male dog, Manny.  I never planed to have three dogs at home forever, and began to wonder if my chosen bud might be a dud, and never fine a forever home.
How could this be?  I had spent quite the effort nurturing this bud!  I provided a good environment for him.  There were others of his kind here and they were doing fine.  I trained Spirit.  I fed him.  I watered him… I can’t say I fertilized Spirit.  More like he fertilized me, or at least the back yard.   How I was to free myself from this needy dog that couldn’t seem to land a home?
It was at this somewhat stressful point in my foster of Spirit that THE application arrived.  Having lived with Spirit for half a year, I had a good idea of what his forever home should look like:

Spirit would not be a good dog for the novice owner.  He needed that perfect combination of a firm but gentle hand, rare even with experienced dog owners.  I know occasionally I frightened Spirit with my own loud and boisterous manner.   Spirit doesn’t like surprises. His great surprise in life was suddenly being hit by a car.  That ruled out houses with children bouncing about, and pouncing of my already damaged dog.  Nor would the party crowd be a good home, for many of the same reasons. Spirit liked to play with my Sadie, my female dog.  I wanted him to have a pal… 

The perfect application would begin with:  Stable, married couple, no children, female dog….  This application had all that and more!  This couple had recently lost their special needs dog, and wanted to reach out to another hard to place dog. They even had a female dog, the perfect canine companion for Spirit.  In my wildest fantasy, I’d never thought to include both Behaviorist, and Counselor for the mentally ill in the job titles section.  They had a cat; I was worried about that since I didn’t know what Spirit’s reaction to a cat would be.

A meet was set up at my Mom’s house, neutral territory for all involved.  I can’t say things started out well.  Spirit cowered up on Mom’s porch for much of the first meet, while Binger their dog marked off Mom’s yard better than any surveyor ever did.  Meanwhile, I am thinking; “Nooooo, Spirit!!!  This is the best chance you’ll ever have for a real life. Don’t blow it!”  Fortunately the couple was interested enough to arrange several other meets, and during that time, decided that they would like to give Spirit a try in a foster-to-adopt arrangement.

It was time to transplant my little bud.

Instead of potting my little guy up for the move, I ended up washing off the home dirt.  Can’t deliver a dirty boy!  As I drove over, I thought of all the horrible things that could happen.   (My friends will agree I am a pessimist at heart.) There was a cat.  How would Spirit react to this new creature he was expected to share his life with?  Would Binger, the existing dog accept Spirit as a pal in her home?  Would Spirit be so defensive in this new environment that he growl and snap at everyone?  Would I even end up bringing him back home with me that night?  These thoughts chased each other through my mind as I drove over…

But, last night my little Spirit finally bloomed!

I count myself privileged to be there, as Spirit partially blossomed in front of my eyes just like a Moon flower.  He and Binger, the female dog where zooming around like old pals not long after our arrival.  Tails wagging, it was time to bring the dogs inside Spirits new home…  The cat?  Invisible!!!  Spirit didn’t even pause to sniff him.  I brought in some dog supplies to launch Spirit off to a good start, and watched a bit more.

Seeing smiles on all the faces except the cat.  And cats, being cats don’t smile much anyway.  It was time to leave Spirit with his new family.  While he was happily exploring his new home, I whispered my good-bys to the couple and quietly closed the front door.  I drove home with a tear in my eye, but with a smile in my heart.   

Next year, I think I’ll grow some Moon Flowers...

Pond Chat / Re: Overwintering Options for Tropicals ? ?
« on: August 15, 2008, 01:38:02 PM »
Well...  I take a couple of routes...

I have a unknown night bloomer that fathfully produces good tubers every fall.  I also have a good number of new plants thanks to Kat.  Those non-viviparious plants I grow in one gallon pots.  About mid September, I stop fertilizing all my tropicals.  I like to think the crowded lily, and it lacking fertilizer, helps it make a tuber.

I'll pull out a few plants when weather trends colder in October, and the rest a few weeks later after a frost or two.  The night bloomer has done great just be cutting off the stems a couple of inches above the crown and tilting the pot sideways to drain.  I've stored the whole pot, dirt, tuber and all, right in the furnace room, which get HOT mid winter when I use it.

I will treat some of my non-viviparious lillies that way.

The rest, I might search for the tuber late fall and try to store it in sand like some here do.

The viviparious ones I try to overwinter as young plants.  I'll keep a sucession of small vivis going and keep the healthiest looking ones when the weather caves in.  That is more trouble, which is why I am trying more 'regular' tropical lillies this season, and hoping for good tubers.  I think good tubers will give you more plants early in the season too. 

I still reserve the right to go begging at Kat's door next spring!

Pond Chat / Re: Overwintering Options for Tropicals ? ?
« on: August 15, 2008, 08:39:33 AM »
Hee hee, how 'bout I ship mine down to you guys?   I'll let someone from your zone give you the advice, but you should have plenty of time in zone 9-10...

Pond Chat / Re: Planting vips - Do you leave on the leaf pad?
« on: August 14, 2008, 06:46:44 PM »
I like to leave about a fifty cent sized piece of the pad and maybe an inch and a half of stem on too. 

The only reason, is it makes it easier to pots up like that.

Time to think about your overwintering options soon...

Pond Chat / Re: My wife has learned the benefits of patience.
« on: August 10, 2008, 07:36:48 AM »
Wish mine would...        (learn patience...)

That Rhonda Kay has jumped to the top of my favorites.  What a bloomer!

Pond Chat / Re: Its a Whale!
« on: August 04, 2008, 07:13:23 PM »
How come there's no picture accompanying this thread?  lol

I dunno, but every time I go swimming seals throw themselves up on land, and when I sun myself on shore, a crowd gathers to push me back in... o(

Pond Chat / Its a Whale!
« on: August 04, 2008, 11:51:27 AM »
The other day I was standing in my pond, dead heading my lilies, pulling fading pads, that sort of stuff.  My daughter walked out, turned back around toward the house and shouted;  "Hey Dad, when did you get the Whale!?!

I threw pond water at her.

Willing to trade ALL of my hot pink nightbloomer tubers that still have plants sprouting from them.  I got all I need from them for this year. Should be something like 5 hickory nut sized tubers.  A ton of baby plants clinging on...  You might squeeze in a bloom or two this year, but this is a good investment for next season too.

VERY reliable making tubers, just keep it is a smallish pot to stress it.

Willing to Paypal if you just want to do it that way...


I just got my package from Kat.  VERY well packed, well tagged, and nice healthy looking stuff!  I'd feel comfortable doing this again...

Pond Chat / Re: not 31 but 36!
« on: May 20, 2008, 11:22:03 AM »
Ya know...  I could see putting one of those in my back yard at that.

Pond Chat / Re: not 31 but 36!
« on: May 20, 2008, 10:45:45 AM »
I otta do that to my backyard...  No more grass cutting!  I think the dogs would have a problem with it though. 

Hmmm, I'll have to take a closer look at those top three...  How to do that... 

Well it's been a couple of forums ago and a few years since I last traded, so here goes...

I have sprouted tubers of an unknown hot pink nightbloomer.  The tubers are the size of hickory nuts and are sprouted in my outdoor heated lily tank.  The sprout is ready to break off.  And if something bad happens in shipping, and the sprount is destroyed, I fully expect the tuber to easily sprout another.  In fact, it otta pup off plants for much of the summer!

I would like most any tropical in return.  I remember enjoying the Woods Blue Goddess...  I'd like to try a white night bloomer...  Things that make strong tubers for the next season are very cool...

Lets see, I have Ruby and Innosence from trades seveal years ago, so I don't need those.  Other than that, make me an offer!

Also, I'd like to keep the trade on the east side of the Rocky Mountains, to have the best chance of us both getting fresh, strong plants. 


Chit Chat / Re: Horrible, horrible dog abuse/neglect
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:46:40 PM »
Hey, glad to see another rescue person here!   O0  Good luck with Duncan. Too bad they won't charge the owner.

Chit Chat / Ahh, a weekend off from the rescue...
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:40:30 PM »
I volunteer at a dog rescue.  This past Saturday I was officially 'off' from the rescue and just stopped by for a minute.  Things quickly degressed from there...

This is copy/pasted from Sadie's Dogster diary:

Yesterday I was doing personal errands.  I stopped by the adoption stand to drop off some paperwork.  Just as I was getting ready to leave, Cindy mentioned she had a pup at Prevent-a-Litter (PAL) and she could use some help picking it up.  Well that figures, I had just come from there!  I had dropped off some Spay and Neuter material borrowed for the AM Davis school fair the weekend before.   Yeah, they said they had a couple of AARF dogs when I was there, but didn't say anything about them being ready to go leave. I didn't say I was going to the AARF stand either...


Always eager to lend a helping paw, er hand, I went back to PAL to get the pup. The front desk people and I shared a laugh as I came B-A-A-A-C-K just a few minutes after leaving.   I signed out the pup, said:  'Well, twice in one day is enough.  Good bye! ", and walked out the door.  Oh, those fateful words...

The pup was a stolid Pitt/Boxer mix, maybe 30 pounds already.  He had just been neutered and I expected he would be groggy and maybe sick.  Let’s just say, he certainly met those expectations!

The clinic area is in the olde part of town, with buildings crowded next to each other, and limited parking. I ducked into the narrow walkway between PAL and the next business over, to get to my SUV parked in the rear. 

As soon as the pup saw the first bit of open grass, he stopped and had THE WORST POO I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!  And a large one too!  It was an awful, smelly mush that was too solid to come from the small end, yet too liquid to attribute as something belonging from the rear.

To make matters worse, just as this is going on, the neighboring business owner pulls up. He scowls over at me,  and says, "You ARE going to clean that up, right?"  (I really can't blame him.  How many dogs must have gotten sick on his property, being next door to the Spay/Neuter clinic?)

I reply "Sure!", while at the same time thinking it is going to be impossible to pick up this liquid goo.   I decide to park the pup in my SUV before tackling the poo.  On the way to the SUV, he peed a bucketful...

Back I go into PAL looking for cleaning supplies. Armed with plastic bags and a few paper towels, and barely holding back adding the contents of my stomach to the existing mess, I got things cleaned up to the best of my ability. I returned to PAL yet again to wash my hands.  As I left this time, I just rolled my eyes and just said; "See ya soon".

As I am driving back to the adoption stand, I thought, well at least he didn't puke... About then, you guessed it; "RALPH!". The sour smell came forward to where I am driving. I just roll down the windows and drive the remaining several blocks to the stand.

Arriving at the stand, I go to the back of the SUV to observe the large pile of puke in the cargo compartment. At least that was much more solid than what the poo was...

Thinking my ordeal is now over, I walk the pup toward the stand. He is slow walking behind me, and I am thinking; "Aww poor little guy, bad day at the office, huh?" As I get closer, everybody starts yelling at me, "He's pooing, he's pooing! Oh gross"!

I turn around and all I can say is, he has a geyser shooting out his butt! A steady stream of liquid poo, looking something like what I imagine a high pressure leak in a crude oil pipeline must look like. Projectile pooing, it was landing almost a foot away from the spewing end!

My friends shout; "Take him back to the grass, take him back!"

I turn around to head for the last grass island before the sidewalk area. As the dog turns around, he points this steady stream of poo right at me, AND I AM ON A SHORT LEAD!!! I frantically jumped the poo stream.  The AARF people that saw me, said they quite enjoyed the expression on my face as I did that.

Naturally, when I made it back to the grassy area, the pup was all done.

My AARF friends cleaned the sidewalk area with water and bleach, as I went back to my SUV to clean up the barffy mess waiting me there.

And that’s today's poo, pee, and barf story.  I have the bad feeling I will have more to share at another time...

Pond Chat / Re: Few pics of the wet pets today
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:18:23 AM »
What...  No wet dogs?    :)

Pond Chat / Re: Dog and pond question (now with pictures)
« on: April 08, 2008, 10:39:39 AM »
I have two dogs and foster for a rescue...     

I use an invisible electric fence.  Instead of keeping the dog in the yard, it keeps them out of the pond...   The rest of the back yard is all theirs.  The resident dogs stay out of the area already.     $100 Home Depot...

Chit Chat / Re: Welcome back, DavB!
« on: April 03, 2008, 05:48:51 AM »
Hi guys.  LOOK, I'm actually reading the forums!  Thanks for the welcome.   :)

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