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Messages - Camper Man

Pages: [1]
Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: pond vacuums
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:18:05 PM »
I have never heard of a vacuum that filtered sludge-laden water well enough to discharge back into the pond.  The stuff that my Matala "Muck Vac" collects is so dirty that it must be discharged into flower beds or any other location well away from the pond.

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: UV Pressure Filters
« on: May 22, 2009, 08:49:04 PM »
C'mon, I'm interested in hearing this answer, too.  Anyone who owns a pressurized filter by Tetra, Laguna, Oase or Pondmaster (those seem to be the leading brands) -- how well does the backflush system work?

Oldgeezer: What don't you like about the Fishmate?

I'm ready to upgrade to a pressurized system. But I'm not prepared to spend $1K or $2K for a bead system.

Pond Chat / Re: What is the temperature of your pond water?
« on: March 21, 2009, 05:15:39 PM »
48 degrees today ... 46 degrees last weekend in North-Central Virginia.  My four koi and assorted goldies all survived the winter but they're still staying near the bottom of the pond.

I took my bio-filter out of storage and started the stream for a couple of days, then shut it down today.  I figured at this point all I'm doing is chilling the water even further.  I think my pond needd a couple more weeks before things really come to life. 

Pond Construction & Filtration / Re: Rebuilding my pond
« on: January 15, 2009, 07:33:36 PM »
Beautiful pond (I liked the first one, too.)  Why did you replace the filter that you had at the top of the previous falls?  Was it to make the filter less visible, or was it not filtering efficiently?

Pages: [1]
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