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Messages - JoshS

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Enjoy, Frank :)

Yes, Frank.  Total will be $8.50.  Thank you :)

All still available, Luke :)

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Taro Sale
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:25:33 PM »
Full sun to part shade.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Taro Sale
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:38:54 AM »
Sue, they are hardy to zone 7/8.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Taro Sale & Siam Ruby Banana
« on: July 24, 2013, 10:00:15 AM »
Been a while since I've checked in here!  :-\  I've got some nice looking new hybrid Taros that I would rather get rid of than mess with over wintering.

Some of the big specialty nurseries are getting big bucks for these.  I've been selling them for $9, but will offer them here for $5 each.  I'd prefer orders to be for at least 2 plants or more.

They are growing in quart pots and the foliage stands between 14" to 24" tall.

Shipping will be $8 for up to 2 plants and $0.50/plant for each additional plant.  Plants will be shipped bare root.

PM me here or email me at with questions or orders.  I will send out PayPal invoices which can be payed through your PayPal account or by credit card (you do not need a PayPal account!).

I have these varieties (descriptions copied from my website):

Black Coral

The most dramatic of the Royal Hawaiian series of elephant ears, yet! Large, arrow-shaped leaves are puckered with wavy margins and the color of an inky-black oil slick. Colocasia 'Black Coral' forms a striking 4' tall specimen at the margin of a pond or the back of a bed. Thrives in the heat, with rich soil and lots of moisture. Neon-blue veins an an electric spark!


'Mojito' is one of the wildest Elephant Ears out there! This sport of Colocasia 'Black Marble' has large green leaves that are splattered with dark purple markings. No two leaves are the same. Colocasia 'Mojito' will grow to 6' tall if planted in rich, constantly moist soil.

Noble Gigante

What do you get when you cross the gargantuan Colocasia Thailand Giant with the richly colored Colocasia 'Black Magic'? A huge, purple elephant ear that will stop traffic!! Leaves can reach 3' long and 2' across and are the color of grape juice when grown in full sun, or softer, smokey purple in the shade. New leaves emerge with green veins that color up as the leaf matures. The lightly ruffled foliage is by far the largest of the black taros. Colocasia 'Noble Gigante' grows fast, reaching 6-8' tall and wide in a single season, given lots of heat, water, and rich, fertile soil. This is a real WOW plant!!

Puckered Up

One of the most unusual elephant ears we've ever seen! Deep purple-black leaves are glossy and strongly puckered. A most unique texture for an elephant ear! Colocasia 'Puckered Up' quickly forms a vigorous, compact clump about 3-4' tall and 3-4' wide that thrives with rich soil, warm temperatures, and lots of moisture.

Lemon-Lime Gecko

Set this colorful gecko loose in your garden and turn your yard into a tropical escape! Lime green leaves are randomly splattered in shades of chartreuse and darker green. A lavender central eye bleeds out through the main veins of the leaf. More vigorous than 'Mojito', but what a psychedelic pair they make! Colocasia Lemon-Lime Gecko quickly grows into a clump 3-4' tall and wide. Loves heat, moisture, and lots of fertilizer.

Red-Eyed Gecko

Look this sunny gecko in the eye and it will be love at first sight! Bright, lemon-yellow leaves have a stark plum-purple central eye. The color extends part way down the grass-green stems. Colocasia Red-Eyed Gecko quickly forms a glowing clump about 3-4' tall and 3-4' wide that thrives with rich soil, warm temperatures, and lots of moisture.

I also have a few Thailand Giant.  These are normally $12, but will be $8 now.

Have you always wanted to turn your backyard into your own private jungle? Then look no further! Colocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant' will give you the lush, jungle atmosphere you are after...if your backyard is big enough for this monster! Gargantuan leaves can grow up to 5 feet long and 4 feet across and a mature plant will readily reach 9 feet tall and wide. In tropical climates, plants have reportedly measured up to 20 feet! 'Thailand Giant' is generally grown for its stunning foliage, but even when young it often blooms with scented flowers that look like white calla lilies. Give this beast rich soil and lots of water, then stand back!

I have a few Siam Ruby Bananas...normally $12, now $8.  They are about 24" tall.

Pond Chat / Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all the wondeful "AP" members
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:23:06 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Pond Chat / Re: I need help wintering pitcher plants over
« on: November 07, 2011, 07:15:18 AM »
I'm not expert, but if that is a hybrid Sarracenia it should be hardy in your zone.  I've wintered Sarracenia outdoors here in Iowa (z4) and know a guy who grows them outdoors year round in St. Louis.  In my experience it is not the cold, but the drying wind that kills them.  If it were mine, I would sink the pots into the ground in a protected location (next to the east side of your house?).  Then when it starts staying near freezing, pile a good foot of mulch over them.

Pond Chat / Re: A question about "Amazonia!"
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:17:11 AM »
You can limit its size to an extent by keeping it in a smaller pot and being stingy with fertilizer.  Of course, that will reduce the likelihood of it blooming, too.

I have a handful of tropical lilies...maybe some of your more southern ponders can enjoy them for a while longer...

These are all BIG, blooming size plants.  $15 each, plus $8.50 shipping for the first plant (+ $2 each additional plant).

I have...

5 Director Moore
2 Foxfire  (SOLD)
2 Pink Flamingo
1 Missouri (white night bloomer)

I have Colocasia 'Mojito' (taro) that I'll sell at $6 each or 3 for $15.  They will come from quart pots and they stand 12-18" tall right now.

I also have tons of water lettuce and water hyacinth, but I'm sure everyone does, too!  I can set you up with a good deal, if you need some.

PM me here or email me at with questions or orders.  I will send out PayPal invoices which can be payed through your PayPal account or by credit card (you do not need a PayPal account!).

First come first serve...

Pond Chat / Re: Plant ID Help Needed
« on: July 26, 2011, 06:56:17 AM »
It's a Crinum.  What species/variety, I don't know.

Pond Chat / Re: question about transplanting lotus tubers
« on: February 20, 2011, 08:36:12 AM »
If you are going to divide, then yes, it needs to be done before you see growth.  My last frost date is mid May, too, and early-mid May is usually about when I see the first sprouts break the soil.  I would divide as soon as you can get to your plants.  Early-mid April will probably work.  I've tried dividing in late April, but it was tricky because the tubers had already sprouted.

Pond Chat / Re: What is a good water lily for my barrel pond?
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:56:58 AM »
Helvola is a blooming fool, once it gets established.  Small, easy to find, and easy to grow.

Pond Chat / Greg Speichert
« on: November 06, 2010, 08:20:12 AM »
I don't know how many original members are still here who remember Greg and Sue, but this is from an industry newsletter that I received yesterday...

Greg Speichert, an icon in the horticulture and water gardening industry, passed away today (Friday) in Pennsylvania, during the Independent Plant Breeders Conference. He was 48.

Here's some info about Greg, adapted from the Timber Press website:

Greg Speichert was known for his water gardening expertise. He and his wife. Sue, previously owned and operated a groundbreaking nursery in Indiana popularizing water garden plants, and together they wrote Encyclopedia of Water Garden Plants (Timber Press).

An avid plant breeder, Greg earned a degree in horticulture from Purdue University and introduced over 300 new hardy and tropical marginals and over 100 new native water plants to the water gardening industry. He maintained the largest collection of hardy waterlilies in the United States, with over 300 cultivars represented.

Greg lectured frequently on water gardening, perennials and tropical plants for the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta, the Perennial Plant Association and the International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society, and more.

Greg was director of Hilltop Garden and Nature Center, a program of Indiana University in Bloomington.

Pond Chat / Re: Stargrass
« on: October 22, 2010, 07:34:00 AM »
Crinum and Hymenocallis appear similar at first glance, but the flowers are different.  Hymenocallis flowers have a "skirt," which Crinum does not.

Pond Chat / Re: Stargrass
« on: October 20, 2010, 07:17:08 AM »
Mike, we call the blue form of your plant Blue-Eyed Grass.  It is a species of Sisyrinchium and is actually in the iris family.

Pond Chat / Re: Stargrass
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:47:27 AM »
Look up bog lily (crinum)...I'm pretty sure that's what you've got.  Definitely not star grass.  That looks exactly like grass and is smaller.

Pond Chat / Re: Need some help .... with small tree identification
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:24:53 AM »
Looks like some sort of willow, to me....

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Tropical Lilies
« on: September 14, 2010, 12:47:21 PM »
The order went out this morning, OSK  :D

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Tropical Lilies
« on: September 02, 2010, 08:39:32 AM »
I appreciate the support, Marie...thank you!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Tropical Lilies
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:26:09 AM »
Thanks so much for the kind words, Tim! O0 

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Tropical Lilies
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:49:23 AM »
I have a handful of tropical lilies left...maybe some of your more southern ponders can enjoy them for a while longer...

These are all blooming size plants.  $15 each, plus $8 shipping for the first plant (+ $2 each additional plant).

I have...

1 Director Moore
1 Foxfire
3 Wood's White Night (white night bloomer)
1 Jennifer Rebecca (red night bloomer)

PM me here or email me at with questions or orders.  I will send out PayPal invoices which can be payed through your PayPal account or by credit card (you do not need a PayPal account!).

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Taros - variegated & colored
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:44:44 AM »
It's time for my annual, fly-by...

I grew several new taros this year and would prefer to get rid of what I have left than mess with over wintering them.  Some of the big specialty nurseries are getting big bucks for these new introductions.  I've been selling them for $9, but will offer them here for $7 each...or in multiples of 3 for $20.

They are growing in quart pots and the foliage stands between 16" to 24" tall.

Shipping will be $8 for up to 3 plants and $0.75/plant for each additional plant.  Plants will be shipped bare root.

PM me here or email me at with questions or orders.  I will send out PayPal invoices which can be payed through your PayPal account or by credit card (you do not need a PayPal account!).

I have these three varieties (descriptions copied from my website):

'Midori Sour' - A new addition to the growing number of variegated Elephant Ears. This one has large yellow leaves that look like they have been lightly sponge painted with with green. A purple spot marks where the stems joins the leaf. Colocasia 'Midori Sour' will grow 4-6' tall if planted in rich, constantly moist soil. Prefers bright light, but may need some protection from hot mid day sun in drier locations.

'Mojito' - Just a couple left.  One of the wildest Elephant Ears out there! This sport of Colocasia 'Black Marble' has large green leaves that are splattered with dark purple markings. No two leaves are the same. Colocasia 'Mojito' will grow to 6' tall if planted in rich, constantly moist soil.

‘Elena’ - Large gold Elephant Ears grow to 3' tall.  More vigorous and brighter than X. 'Lime Zinger'.

Pond Chat / Re: Pond Vac 3 parts
« on: March 08, 2010, 07:49:56 AM »
In case anyone else needs parts, you can order them here:

Pond Chat / Re: Miniature Spatterdock
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:37:12 AM »
I always liked spatterdock, just for something different.  I wonder if anyone has done any hybridizing work with them?

No doubt, the collector had to have documentation and have the plants inspected before bringing it into the country.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: "Royal Hawaiian" Taros
« on: October 10, 2009, 04:26:44 PM »
We got down in the 20's last night, so the taros are sleeping now.  Sorry!

To answer your question, yes, they can be grown in shallow water.  Heat and moisture make big, happy taros.

Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: September 02, 2009, 07:35:00 AM »
Scott, what is your fertilizing schedule & amount like?  Vics are heavy feeders, especially if you want them to reach their potential.  Also of interest is that the pad size usually does not increase once they start blooming.  Some growers actually remove the buds, so the pads will continue to grow.  Once the pads are up to the desired size, then the plant is allowed to bloom.

Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: August 30, 2009, 08:34:49 AM »
Amazing, isn't it?!  Our summer was so cool, my Vics never had a chance :(  Maybe next year...

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: "Royal Hawaiian" Taros
« on: August 29, 2009, 08:42:43 AM »
Glad they all arrived safely!  Enjoy, everyone!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: "Royal Hawaiian" Taros
« on: August 28, 2009, 07:03:42 AM »
Good to know, Steve!  They are just about too big for the boxes I have!

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