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Topics - karen J

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Chit Chat / Haunted House Game
« on: October 31, 2007, 08:52:42 PM »
This Haunted House game was originally posted (on the old forum) by Teresa. I believe this one may be a cached or copied version, but it's a fun game to play. My kids love it! Have a go and see if you can escape.

It's probably a little late, but it's still fun!

Chit Chat / So this bird walks into the store . . . now with more video
« on: September 27, 2007, 11:30:02 AM »
A seagull in Scotland has developed the habit of stealing chips from a
neighborhood shop.

The seagull waits until the shopkeeper isn't looking, and then walks
into the store and grabs a snack-size bag of cheese Doritos.

Once outside, the bag gets ripped open and shared by other birds.

The seagull's shoplifting started early this month when he first swooped
into the store in Aberdeen, Scotland, and helped himself to a bag of chips. Since then,
he's become a regular.
And he always takes the same type of chips.

Customers have begun paying for the seagull's stolen bags of chips
because they think it's so funny.

OK- that was emailed to me. But it wasn't enough. I had to know more- what happens after the theft?  ;) And how does he get the bag open?

So I searched You Tube and came up with this newscast. It's adorable!

You can find several other videos of this bird (of differing perspectives and quality) if you search You Tube.

Chit Chat / Pavarotti vs. a Rock Star...
« on: September 23, 2007, 09:11:14 PM »
This is a great YouTube video of the master Luciano Pavarotti (RIP) singing a duet with "rock star" Bryan Adams.

"O Sole Mio":

I just had to post this. Listen!!!

I love how Bryan Adams voice suddenly gets much better after Pavarotti sings his bit.  ;) ;)

Enjoy, but watch out, it's addictive.  :D

Chit Chat / No More Monkeys... please! My son has won...
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:03:25 PM »
My son has won, after years of me telling him "You're going to crack your head open jumping on furniture".

Today, he was doing karaoke in the play room, jumped (or slipped) of the chair he was standing on, and spiral-fractured his Tibia. No cracked head, Thank God he proved me wrong! When I think about the toys that he could have cracked his head on, it stands my hairs on end. Thomas table, Tonka trucks, futon... it's amazing he wasn't hurt more than that.

We just got back from the ER, and everyone is finally in bed (sort of). They didn't have crutches small enough for him at the hospital, so I'll be sleeping with him in the family room tonight in case he needs help in the bathroom. No stairs. Poor little thing can't walk and is in terrible pain.

Tomorrow I will need to procure him some crutches... hopefully he won't learn to run and jump with them.  :o

This means crutches for the first couple weeks of Kindergarten.  :thumbdown:

Hopefully the Ortho Dude has good news...

Chit Chat / My first Lego animation
« on: July 29, 2007, 06:54:27 PM »
I have no idea if this came out or not. Just trying!

Aw shucks. Guess it didn't work. Sorry!

Pond Chat / Deck growling.... again
« on: July 19, 2007, 11:07:51 PM »
So here we are, ONE O:Clock in the morning. My daughter is having a sleepover with her friends, and I'm trying to stay awake until they're asleep. I go outside to have a smoke (shoot me please instead) and I hear the growling under the deck. Does anyone remember me posting this from a few years back?

It sounds like a hot air balloon. But it's growling. I know there is a groundhog under there, do they growl? Now my daughter is complaining of my clicking/typing... so I gotta go. Everyone else is asleep (finally!).  @O@ Only 1:08 AM...

But what's that darn growling???  :D

Pond Chat / What Causes Lousy Variegation on Arc en Ciel?
« on: July 11, 2007, 06:02:34 PM »
I moved my Arc en Ciel from the upper pond to the lower pond this year, and notice that it's not nearly as variegated as it should be. Granted, I'm not policing  {-) my pads as much and letting them rot.  That wouldn't have anything to do with it though, right?

The lower pond (where it currently resides) is FULL sun, from morning til night. The upper pond is a tad more shaded.

What gives? I'm ready to toss this giant. Should I put it back to partial shade? That seems counterintuitive to me.

Pond Chat / Watermelon seeds & native fish. Update 6_18_07
« on: June 14, 2007, 07:32:23 PM »
Scroll down to see the updated pics.

These may look like watermelon seeds, but they're not-

They are actually the newly-hatched tadpoles of the Cope's Grey Tree Frog (Hyla chrysoscelis). They are only a few days old! Here is a slightly closer-up (they're so tiny, about 1/4" plus a small tail) :

The Cope's Grey Tree Frog can be positively identified only by it's call. And that we have done (every night, several nights in a row, crazy,  ::))

Oops (edit)- The Cope's Grey Tree Frog:

Plus, we went to the beach today and procured our very first NATIVE fishies!

OK, so I didn't get a pic of the native fish (my kids provided better fodder for pics). But the fish are very tiny. About an inch long, very "long" looking, pronounced lateral line, one pointed fin on top, two on bottom, plus one anal fin (triangular also) and a deeply forked tail. Mouth pointed above. Yellow Shiner? Some kind of minnow. Who knows... we shall find out eventually, if they are not eaten by the monster goldfish.  We caught 6 of them. :D  I was hoping for Bluegills, but they were too smart for the net today.

Pond Chat / An awful picture... and a question
« on: June 07, 2007, 08:58:25 AM »
First, the awful picture:

I had to zoom to the max, crop, add flash, and reduce back lighting. Sorry it's so bad!

Anyway, I think this is a Turkey Vulture. Am I correct? I know the picture is terrible.

All my large fish are gone, I wonder if he had something to do with it?  :thinking: The raccoons don't bother my pond. The Heron does, of course. But this thing... he is GIANT.

So, now that my last big Koi is gone, I've decided to stock my pond with free fish. Native fish.  O0 The birds can eat all they want, and I don't have to worry.

We're going to the beach today, so I'm going to bring a bucket and let the kids catch some fish.  O0 I know we have Bluegill, crappie, Bass, & Walleye, in our lake. Don't know what any of them look like, though.  ;)
Gosh, considering how many years I've kept fish (30+ years?) you'd think I'd know that by now.  :redface:

It was many years ago that Marilyn sent this to me, and I can't remember if you did call it "Beldt's Dwarf Pink"?
The new pads are very bronze and splotched, and as they mature they hold their color well, becoming a dark green with bronze splotches.

Whatever it is, it's one of my favorite lilies.

P.S. Forgot to mention- this is always the very first lily to bloom in the spring. This year, I thought Mayla was going to beat it, but nope. It bloomed first.

I love it.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / N. Mayla for trade
« on: June 01, 2007, 08:32:11 AM »
Mayla is a large Hardy.

I have a couple for trade. Not looking for anything specific. Could use Skippy-friendly marginals, and can't refuse 'blue' things.  :)

Chit Chat / Then & Now- Graduation Pics
« on: May 23, 2007, 08:10:03 PM »
A few of you old-timers may remember when I had baby Matthew in '02. This was the pic I posted-

Well here we are, 5 years later, and my baby is a Preschool Graduate.  o(:-)

Here are the pics from this evening. I loved this school, loved the teachers, loved the curriculum (...HATED the tuition   ;) ) Next year, it's on to Kindergarten!

Receiving the "diploma"

Mr. Graduate...Sit Still!

Shirt tails out, hamming it up

Time sure does fly. Seems like only yesterday that I was nursing him, looking out the window, and helplessly watching the Heron take off with all my fish. Now I have a 5 year old Kindergartener/Heron-Chaser!  @O@

Pond Chat / "All systems ready" water temp question
« on: May 13, 2007, 09:35:29 AM »
I cleaned out the top pond yesterday, filled it back up, and installed the Sequence pump. All systems are ready to go.

Here's the thing, though. The water in the upper pond (1,000 gal) is 53.5 *F. The water in the lower pond (2,000 gal) is 65*F.

So, if 1,000 gallons of 53.5* water is mixed with 2,000 gal of 65* water, what will the resultant temp be? AND will it be enough of a change to shock the fish in the lower pond?

As you can imagine, I am itching to turn it on!

Chit Chat / Pictures of "stuff"
« on: May 10, 2007, 03:31:15 PM »
We've been busy with the everyday routine lately- kids, school, laundry, etc. Our house is coming along. Here was the front porch Tuesday morning:

After enduring a two-day earthquake (actually a couple of jackhammers), this is the result:

It's been a challenge trying to keep little Matthew from all those fun, throw-able concrete "rocks".

I am also in the depths of Lego H*ll.
Kevin and I used to enjoy our yard, we'd sit at the table and enjoy our coffee: the waterfall and pond:

But then an alien spaceship landed, Mom went off to buy more Legos, and the whole town went into a tizzy:

 Here are the emergency personell attempting to treat the alien:

The Lego pond looks a lot better than my own pond. Got a nasty case of rotator cuff tendinitis/bursitis/shoulder impingement (whatever!) and have been extremely unmotivated to clean it and start dividing lilies.

Chit Chat / An unusual Ebay question
« on: April 18, 2007, 04:09:57 PM »
A few days ago, I bought a "Buy it Now" lot of Lego parts. I promptly paid 3.99 for the item, with FREE shipping.

I got the box today, and it was a lovely little collection of people ("minifigs"), hats, body pieces, helmets, treasure chests, accessories, and assorted specialty pieces. Little Matthew and I literally spent hours just playing with this little set.

The poor bloke paid 5.70 to ship this box. Of course, he also has the listing fee and the final value fee to pay.

I feel really bad about this, and would like to at least pay the difference in shipping. Should I?
My hubby Kevin says no- it was his mistake, live & learn, I paid what was asked. That seems mean to me.

What do you think?

Pond Chat / Hiding the barrel liner lips- fun project!
« on: March 21, 2007, 06:03:06 PM »
I was just reading Joyce's thread about whiskey barrel liners, and I remembered a cute thing I did to cover up the lip. This pic is from June of '05, and it still looks good.

I didn't like the lip showing, so I glued glass blobs all over it using clear silicone sealer/glue. Purchased the blobs at the "Dollar" store.

It was a fun project!

Chit Chat / Bugs on a windshield
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:04:26 AM »

Chit Chat / Do You Like Legos? Update 3-13!!!
« on: February 18, 2007, 07:44:58 PM »
We've got cabin fever here, so I dug out my old Legos and have been having lots of fun with the kids. Most of my Legos are from the mid '70's, with a few new added sets. I love the newer windows and roof pieces.
We are having so much fun, and my daughter and son are not fighting, arguing, pushing, hitting, etc  :)  It's just nice family time.

Do you like Legos? And if so, what types do you like (Creator, Space, Star Wars, Bionicle, etc)?

If you don't like your Legos, you can sell them to me!  :D

My favorite is architecture. I love building houses, castles, any kind of building. Right now, we are all working on a little "village". It's perfect for our family- Kevin and Matthew build the cars and fire trucks; while Laura and I build the houses & gardens.

I know, you probably think I'm nuts.  :D :tease:
But this is fun! We are "re-living our childhood".

Chit Chat / Hello
« on: February 06, 2007, 08:04:48 PM »

I'm so sorry to NOT be here, I miss this forum very much. I seem to be infected with some kind of horrible "process" that is taking up 100% of my CPU. It is called ssu.exe. I don't know what it is, Google searches are telling me it's a Spy Sweeper thing.

I can't browse the internet anymore, or even use my PC to do simple basic things (errr, like playing games , or reading   ?)(? :'()

I have been occasionally able to lurk, and wish you all the best. I hope to get this problem eliminated soon. Either that, or I'm tossing this piece of junk! &-).

Chit Chat / Painting stinks
« on: December 03, 2006, 09:03:55 PM »
I decided to slap up some paint in the kitchen- just a quick color change. This really stinks.
All I wanted was a cheap can of paint for a change in color (it was ALL white). Of course, my better-half-groom insisted on painting the ceiling (cha-ching). And of course, some light fixtures had to be replaced (cha-ching), and the walls were a mess (must fix!), and we must vent the kitchen properly (cha-ching: stainless steel Island Fan  &-)), and why not change a few things around to make it more functional (major cha-ching)?! All that and still the same old dumb cabinet faces.  :D

So, a few minor (major) changes in the kitchen? Few thousand bucks.
Not spending time with your kids? -Priceless.  :'( >:( :(

I love, love, love those cute little mini-pendant lights...  o(:-) But why does kitchen stuff have to be soooo expensive??? Used to be one or two hundred bucks for an exhaust fan. Now, it's 1,500.00 to 10,000 for an exhaust fan! Yikes, stop the world please.... I'd rather live in a tent.  :o

Sorry about the rant!  (8:-)

Chit Chat / Spending gobs of money (pics)
« on: November 15, 2006, 09:19:05 AM »
Our 36 year old house is getting a much needed facelift- new siding, gutters, downspouts, soffits, fascia. We are thinking about "Hardie Board" instead of vinyl to replace the original cedar. The "destruction" started yesterday.  :D What a mess!

We're discovering all kinds of things! There was one area that had no sheathing at all underneath the weathered cedar siding... holes... rot... $$$$$... &-).

We had some bees living in the wall of my daughter's bathroom a couple of years ago. This is what we discovered about those bees-

All in all, it was an 8' x 4" "cubby" that the bees had occupied completely.
Once they get around to the front of the house, I'm sure there will be plenty more suprises.

Chit Chat / Obcessed with a Wagner Ear Worm
« on: November 01, 2006, 05:58:08 PM »
Do you ever get Ear Worms? An ear worm is a song you get stuck in your head.

Well, I have Wagner's "Pilgrims Chorus" from Tannhauser stuck in my head. It has happened many times before. Once, I even got the orchestral score and tried reducing it so I could play it on the piano. Talk about tedious work- hours just for the first couple pages.

Well- I found this really great website called "" and actually found the piano version, and it cost me all of 1.99!  This site has thousands of scores.

I am not fond of cheesy arrangements of great classical pieces, or pieces arranged for instruments that the composer never intended, but I think the only way for me to get rid of the worm is to learn it. The arrangement is by Liszt, so it can't be too bad.
Hopefully, the quality of the music will transcend the medium on which it's played.

Does anybody know/like this piece? Please listen to it and send me a good vibe. It gets really difficult starting on the third page.  :o

Chit Chat / Hot Air Balloons
« on: October 30, 2006, 08:11:26 AM »
We were cleaning out the garage yesterday and look what flew over us. I didn't have the camera for the first one, but snapped these other three. We were waving to them, and they were waving back.  8) My little guy (4) thought it was a blast- he was yelling "HI!" as loud as his piercing little-boy voice could get.
They used to fly over us all the time, but I guess the weather has to be "just right". This is only the second time I've seen them this year.

My favorite-

Chit Chat / More on GERD... for Bartman
« on: October 24, 2006, 07:46:31 AM »
ACG: Carb-Heavy Diet Linked to Esophageal Cancer

By Jeff Minerd, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
October 23, 2006

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 23 -- A diet heavy in carbohydrates might tip the scales in favor of a cascade of factors that lead to esophageal cancer, according to a study reported here.

The study, reported by Vijay S. Khiani, M.D., of Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, and colleagues, was reported at the American College of Gastroenterology meeting. The investigators found an association between the rising incidence of esophageal cancer in the U.S. and the increase in U.S. per-capita carbohydrate consumption over the past three decades.

Dr. Khiani and colleagues analyzed esophageal cancer incidence derived from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program from 1973 through 2001. The researchers also obtained data on American per-capita carbohydrate intake during the same time from the National Nutrient Data Bank, a program run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Although the epidemiological data could not prove a causal link, Dr. Khiani noted that a carbohydrate-heavy diet can lead to obesity, which is known to predispose individuals to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This, in turn, has been linked to a greater likelihood for developing Barrett's esophagus, a precursor to lower-esophageal adenocarcinoma.

Linear regression analysis of the two data sets showed a significant relationship between the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma and per-capita consumption of carbohydrates in the American diet (P=.0001).

More specifically, carbohydrate consumption increased from about 400 grams per day in 1973 to 500 grams per day in 2001, the study found. During the same period, the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma rose from 2,500 cases per year to nearly 15,000 cases per year.

The association held whether dietary carbohydrates came predominantly from cereals or from corn syrup, a common ingredient in soft drinks and other processed foods, the researchers found.

However, carbohydrates were not significantly associated with mid-esophageal cancer, usually a squamous-cell carcinoma, which has been linked to smoking, the study found. This cancer has been declining in the United States during recent decades, probably because fewer people are smoking, Dr. Khiani said.

The ever-increasing presence of fast food in the American diet-"burgers and fries"-is likely a factor in increased U.S. carbohydrate consumption, Dr. Khiani said, although he noted that the study did not specifically address the reasons behind this trend.

Dr. Khiani stressed that the study does not support total carbohydrate avoidance, a strategy promoted by some fad diets.

On hearing of this study, some patients "may have more reason to think that it's a better idea to go ahead with the Atkins diet or a low-carb diet, but we don't know at this point," he said. "Further research still needs to be done to determine whether there is a direct causal relationship."

The investigators concluded, "This ecological study provides evidence for the hypothesis that excess carbohydrate intake in the U.S. population may partially account for the increased trend of incidence rate of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. It is possible that obesity resulting from excess carbohydrate intake may be an intermediate link,"

Primary source: American College of Gastroenterology 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting
Source reference:
Vijay S. Khiani et al. "Ecological association of rising incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma with dietary carbohydrate intake." Abstract number 22. Presented at the American College of Gastroenterology 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 23-25, 2006.

Pond Chat / Pond & flower pics today, 10/12
« on: October 12, 2006, 09:33:31 AM »
Umbrella palm. This started as a tiny little sprig from Home Depot back in May.




Mares Tail



And finally-

I'm so glad I got all the tropicals inside. See all that white outside?
First time I've ever seen snow as early as Oct 12.

Chit Chat / Shrunken Meatloaf Heads
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:13:47 PM »
Trying to figure out what to make for Halloween.
My kids loved the experiment!

Chit Chat / Girly girl sleepover party
« on: September 22, 2006, 07:54:26 PM »
OK, I am in the midst of a girl sleepover party. All the girls are in their PJ's and screaming. They've had the pizza, the cake, the pinata. Laura (my DD) is extremely tired and complaining. Everyone else is having fun.

Like my Dad always said, "anticipation is greater than realization". The poor girl is exhausted from being too excited. She got up at 6:30 this morning and has been jumping-up-and-down excited all day long.

I've been running around all day preparing, and am ready for bed. No bed for me! No soup for me. No bed for me.

But I got some cake.  ;) ;) ;) :D ;D O0 (8:-) Worth it. o(:-)

Pond Chat / Thanks, Livetogarden! Look at my present!
« on: August 23, 2006, 10:38:19 AM »
Livetogarden Cath sent me this adorable frog.  o(:-)
Thank you, Cath!

It has a bobbing tongue, with a little fly on it. I think he/she really likes my pond.  (8:-)

The people I've met through here have been the nicest people anyone would want to meet. Pond people are good people.  o(:-)

Thank you, Cath. I will take good care of him/her. :)

Chit Chat / Culinary Genius- a Manly Cake
« on: August 09, 2006, 07:23:04 PM »

I am going to make this for my kids. I'll tell them that we're having cake for dinner. They will be so excited, happy, and amazed that Mom would make real cake for dinner.
Then, as the pieces of cake get slapped on to their plates they will be filled with horror.  lol I am such a bad Mom!  ;D

I'll bet they eat it, though. ;)

Pond Chat / Filtered water lily pics
« on: August 09, 2006, 06:59:37 PM »

Sure did miss the forum today, pretty dissappointed that pond scum idiots hacked the forum.

So lets cheer things up a bit. Here are two pictures of the same (unnamed) lily, one taken with no filter, and the other with a polarizing filter lens.

Can you tell which one was taken with the filter?  ;)

Honestly, I can't really tell the difference- but then again, I can't figure out how to use the polarizing filter anyway.  :D
What do you think?

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