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Topics - jclements

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Pond Chat / Pipe for bottom drain (3" vs 4")
« on: October 12, 2010, 05:05:41 PM »
So we glued together a bunch of 4" PVC for our bottom drains this weekend. Essentially all glued joints failed. We think it's because the schedule 40 pipe diameter is just a little too small. Moving on. We decided to buy some 4" flex PVC to try to simplify things. A 50' roll is pretty reasonable from the online retailer we use; however, they are out of 4" pipe and the distributor is not going to have stock available until the spring. We have plenty of 3" flex PVC on hand. Would it be too much of a compromise to use 3" flex PVC instead of standard 4" PVC?

Pond Chat / Shopping for waterfalls. Suggestions?
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:05:16 PM »
I'm looking at both the 36" and 48" Atlantic Fastfalls as well as the Savio FilterWeir 31". We bought the savio skimmer and think it's great--quite durable. The savio filterweir looks to be of the same quality. Does anyone have any of these? Care to share photos of your waterfall in action?

Thanks in advance!

Pond Chat / Ordered my liner and other items today!
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:31:46 PM »
DH has been doing an awesome job building up a block wall for the low side of our pond (dug into a slope) in 100+ degree temps. Today's high was only in the low 90s and should be as cool again tomorrow.  @O@ The goal is to drop in the liner on labor day weekend!

We got great prices on a 30x40' Firestone life guard 45 mil liner, 30x40' underlayment, savio skimmer filter with 16" opening, 80' of 3" flexible PVC, and a few other accessories! The liner will be in a box and weighs more than 300 lbs!  @O@

Pond Chat / MANY photos from Longwood Gardens!
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:46:38 PM »
Part 1:

Part 2:

It was AMAZING!  8)

Notice the "eye of water" starts off at 8000 gallons per minute! Wow, my two pumps do that volume in an hour!

Pond Chat / What a steal!
« on: July 04, 2010, 11:21:32 AM »
A few weeks ago, one of our neighbors gave us tons of field stone that they no longer needed because we were building a pond. It wasn't enough for the pond, so we used it to build beds around 4 trees in the backyard and a huge magnolia in the front (it was a lot of stone--at least 12 wheel barrels full!). I went to the local nursery today in search of a few items to fill in some of the beds and hit the jackpot!

(9) Tropical oregano (variegated) $5

Monrovia Perennials
(2) 1-gallon Chinese Suzanne fringe flower $17
(6) Verbena $6
(6) Furman's Red Autum Sage $6
(3) 1-gallon meadow sage $6
(2) 1-gallon Oertel's rose common yarrow $4
(1) 1-gallon Heaven's gate tickseed $2
(3) 1-gallon Wood's pink New York Aster $6

Other Perennials
(12) English Ivy $12
(6) "Steppable perennials" Little star creeper $6

Grand total.....$70. Sweet!!

Pond Chat / Blooming is really odd!
« on: June 12, 2010, 09:19:56 AM »
This is an odd bloom off of a smaller yellow hardy. The center reminds me of when Lilypons bloomed a few years ago.

Here is Lindsey Woods,

And finally, Gonnere.

Chit Chat / Steam washer/dryer?
« on: June 11, 2010, 06:39:48 PM »
We have had a Kenmore HE4 front loader washer and dryer for about 7 years. DH's grandma needs a set for her new place, so we're thinking about upgrading. I love the idea of a steam washer/dryer. I *hate* ironing clothes for work and would love to make the process of hanging up and avoiding wrinkles easier. Does anyone have one of the latest steam models? If so, do you love it?

Thanks in advance!

The pads are anywhere from quarter-size to 4" across.

Looking for marginals such as horsetail rush (lg), variegated sweet flag, pennywort, dwarf papyrus, blue pickerel, variegated water celery, dwarf umbrella palm, and variegated four-leaf clover. Send me a PM if you'd like to set up a trade!

Pond Chat / Current plan for plumbing circuits
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:57:33 PM »
DH and I have been debating bottom drains, skimmers, pumps, and filters all weekend. This is our current plan. Thoughts?

1. 2' deep side of the pond with 4" bottom drain, may add aereator
2. 3' deep side of the pond with 4" bottom drain, also may add aereator
3. DIY Settling chamber/vortex
4. Sequence 4200 gph external pump
5. Waterfall weir
6. Sequence 4200 gph external pump
7. Under gravel pipes in bog

If the bottom drains don't cut it, we can always add a surface skimmer or two.

The surface of the bog will look like the one pictured in Helen Nash's Living Pond book (p. 70) and I hope to have a low rise waterfall similar to the one pictured in the Complete Pond Builder (p. 109).

Pond Chat / Question for those with savio skimmerfilters
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:09:37 AM »
How would you rate the maintenance of the skimmer? Do you clean the filter pads daily, weekly, or more? Did you do any modifications to improve it's function?

Pond Chat / Understanding sequence external pumps
« on: May 31, 2010, 09:55:11 AM »
We are considering two plumbing circuits for our pond and are looking at pump options. I am trying to see the difference between the 750, 1000, and 4000 series by sequence. It looks ro me as though the main difference is the power consumption and inlet/outlet diameters. What am I missing? I could buy 2 750 series 4200 gph pumps for the same price as a 1000 series 3300 gph or 4000 series 3600 gph. I personally like the idea of 2 pumps so we're never without one unless both fail simultaneously!

Thanks in advance.

Pond Construction & Filtration / Retaining wall
« on: May 30, 2010, 02:58:02 PM »
Excavators came on Friday to dig our pond. Our back yard slopes down as you approach the corner of the fence. Here is the view from our drive way (pond is where swing set used to be).

Here's another view of the slope.

This is our pond shape/design. The bog is closest to the corner of the fence:

And here's the actual hole!

In the last photo, notice that the ground is about 2' lower in the left back corner than in the front right corner. We've decided to dig down on the high edge 10.5" and then bring up the back edge about 12". We will need either a concrete wall or collar that runs from the front left around to the back right, and it will be about 12" high at the tallest part. DH and I are considering cynder blocks filled with rebar and concrete (backfilled with clay soil), but are unsure about stabilizing/reinforcing them against the pressure that will be exerted from the pond. Would it be better to make forms and fill it in? Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance!!

Pond Chat / And so it begins! (more pics added)
« on: May 28, 2010, 08:29:28 AM »
Basic design. Length is 29 and width is 19.

Mark up from Thursday night.

When I left for work Friday morning, this is what was happening in my back yard!!! (iPhone pic)

Here are some additional photos throughout the day. (rest are Nikon D60 pics)

Final hole. Our neighbors keep popping in and asking if we're putting in a pool!  8)

Pond Chat / Finally building a big pond...product advice requested
« on: May 27, 2010, 05:22:57 AM »
When I joined this group back in 2001, we had a nice in ground pond in Kansas. Then we moved a few times to an apartment, rental house, our first purchased house, all in Florida and then to Texas. During that time, we had raised ponds and various container ponds. I am happy to report that an excavator is scheduled for Friday!!!

This pond will be a rounded off rectangle shape with a waterfall at one end and a skimmer at the other. Approximately 14x24' with half at a depth of 3' and half at 2' (5500-6000 gallons). I also want to include an attached bog on one side for lotus. So far, I have looked at sequence pumps and then aquascapes, savio, and Atlantic brands for skimmers and waterfall filters. I am currently leaning towards Atlantic products. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Chit Chat / Goodbye, Texas Stadium
« on: April 11, 2010, 06:14:11 AM »
My family and I woke up quite early this morning to go watch the implosion of the Texas Stadium (cowboy's old stadium). It was worth it!! Here is a link to my photos, which also contains a link to aerial video footage from a local news station.

Chit Chat / Anyone worked with stamped concrete?
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:06:18 PM »
We are finally getting around to doing something with our backyard. Currently, there is a small concrete patio off of our kitchen that was followed by a three-sector deck. I hated the deck because it didn't join to the patio well (step up onto the deck) and was promptly followed by a big step down from the edge of the deck to the yard. We removed the deck last weekend and are considering extending the concrete patio and then having new and old stamped. I haven't called anyone yet for estimates. We're DIY weekend warrior types and don't contract out much. I think this is one that will probably be worth contracting out. Does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations and also a estimated price/sq. foot that we should expect to pay?

Thanks in advance!

It started snowing at about 5 a.m. Thursday and continued all day! My new office is on the 4th floor of one of the hospital buildings and has a large window across one wall. I felt like I was in a building inside of a snow globe Thursday as I looked out at what was going on. The flakes were huge and never stopped! I read in the news that parts of DFW received up to 12.5". I believe we had 5-6" at my house. The poor trees were weighted down under all of the white stuff. Here are some photos:

Chit Chat / My awesome birthday present
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:51:07 PM »
I've been wanting a marine aquarium f-o-r-e-v-e-r! Dh and I have been investigating nano reef setups for a few weeks. Tomorrow is my birthday...(29+1)...and I happened to search craigslist early this morning. I found this awesome 24 gallon Nano Cube complete with everything for a bargain! Here is is set up in my home office. Did I mention that it's awesome?! We did buy two emerald crabs to help combat a little algae. There is a clownfish, 6-stripe wrasse, skunk shrimp, star fish, and multiple soft corals.  @O@

Pond Chat / Beautiful Foxfire today
« on: September 10, 2009, 07:32:35 PM »
Here is a stunning bloom from Foxfire today. I'm glad I got to see it over lunch!

Chit Chat / Embroidery question
« on: August 16, 2009, 01:44:17 PM »
We are starting to put together our kids' Halloween costumes. Is there a way for me to use a .jpg logo and have it embroidered onto a patch? I'd like to have a patch made to put onto a baseball cap or visor.

Thanks in advance!

Pond Chat / Foxfire, Gonnere, and some hyacinth (Pics)
« on: August 15, 2009, 09:35:30 AM »
I can't believe summer has moved along so fast this year. The lilies are still blooming!

Pond Chat / Cute little Ostara bloom
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:05:42 AM »
I keep my tropicals out all winter here in zone 7/8 Dallas. I can't believe they make it trough the winter, containers covered in ice, etc. Anyway, it takes them a little longer to get going each summer since they die back completely each winter. Here's a cute little bloom off of Ostara today.

I purchased this bowl lotus in one of materfish's stimulous packages this spring. I can't believe one has bloomed already! It's a very soft yellow with the slightest pink dot on the tips of the petals. I like it! The stem is a little bent from the wild winds we had a few nights ago.

I just finally had time today to divide my hardies. All of these hardy lilies were purchased from Kat over the past few years since I have lived in Texas. All lilies in the photos below are in 1 gallon zip top bags with the exception of Georgia Peach, which is a long sandwich size zip top bag. I have the following for sale, will ship in flat rate boxes on Monday, and can accept paypay payments (shipping rate depends on the size of box required for the plant(s) you order):

Perry's Orange Sunset, larger division with small buds - $15 SOLD
Perry's Orange Sunset, smaller division - $5 SOLD

Pink Grapefruit, medium division - $8 SOLD

Georgia Peach, medium division - $8  SOLD

Reflected Flame, larger division - $8  SOLD

Lily Pons, medium division - $8 SOLD

USPS Priority Flat rate box rates: 
Small - $4.80
Medium - $9.85
Large - $13.50

I also have SOLD large flat rate priority box of large parrot feather, $20, includes shipping

Please send me a PM if you're interested and I can get you a total price plus my paypal information.

Thank you!

First Lotus Bud of the Season on Little Golden Phoenix! Can't wait!!  @O@

A tiny anacharis bloom.

Some beautiful Foxfire pads.

Containers on the patio.

Our entire deck is shaded by an enormous Crepe Myrtle. It's just starting to bloom.

The front of our house has a very shady corner. The grass hasn't been growing well in one spot, so we adjusted the rock border to capture some of the spot. I bought a few pink everblooming hydrangeas that were temporarily planted in these pots until I could put them into the ground.

Last night, I bought some really nice hosta, hechura, and ajuga to put into the black mulch that we spread last weekend.
I think everything pops against the black mulch, and even though not colorful necessarily, the white brightens things up.

Chit Chat / Need help with choosing a front door
« on: May 16, 2009, 04:01:52 PM »
We're thinking about finally replacing our front door. We recently did the tile on the front porch, new stained post and shutters, as well as matching stain on the fence. We're thinking about getting a basic 6-panel wood door like this:

All of the interior doors and trim are white, so I would want to paint the inside white. I guess it's probably not a good idea to stain one side and paint the other. So if we do get this style door and paint it, what color would look best on the outside?

Pond Chat / Pics of Gonnere and a mischevious pup
« on: May 16, 2009, 08:34:00 AM »
I had to stop at my house briefly during the day Friday while travelling for work. I was lucky enough to catch a first day Gonnere bud fully open. I decided to take a few minutes to snap a few photos and let the dog out. Pixel, our 9-month-old pup, must have been jealous of the attention the waterlily was getting. While snapping photos, she jumped to the edge of the container and took a couple bites out of it!! I was shocked! She removed about a dozen petals, you can kind of see the damage in the last shot of the lily. She decided to try to look very innocent afterwards. What a weasel!!

Chit Chat / Perennial identity
« on: May 15, 2009, 05:22:19 PM »
Can anyone tell me the name of this purple blooming perennial? The foliage is somewhat similar to rosemary.

Pond Chat / Busted! Caught our noisy toads on the porch tonight!
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:50:50 PM »
We've had some very noisy toads inhabiting our container ponds the past couple summers. We really love them (neighbors don't). Anyway, after coming home from a movie tonight, we saw the orchestra in action. Check these out! Does anyone know what kind of toads they are?

Chit Chat / Going to see Star Trek tonight
« on: May 07, 2009, 04:00:12 PM »
Our Studio Movie Grill has early showings tonight starting at 7. We're on the way now!

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