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Topics - thepitclub

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Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Hi-Fin Banded Sharks in ponds?
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:47:31 AM »
Has anyone ever had experience with other types of fish than goldies and rosies in ponds?
What do you make of this?

Pond Construction & Filtration / No liner pond?
« on: June 04, 2007, 04:09:49 AM »
I keep dreaming of getting started excavating for larger pond (maybe 1/2 acre?- not firm on anything yet). I checked and there are no ordinances on ponds in my area :) I have a million questions :o, but I guess I will start with liner questions. What are the pros and cons for digging a "natural" pond without a liner? I plan to do 99% of this ourselves (notice I say I plan it that way, ha ha.)- mainly because of the cost involved, and partly I always feel so accomplished when I complete projects myself. I'm not sure we can squeeze the moo-lah out for the fancy-smancy pond in my dreams (okay, I'm sure we can't, ha ha). I'd like to think this through completely before making any disasterous mistakes, and would appreciate any advice/info anyone has to offer.


Pond Chat / Water Hyacinth Question
« on: June 02, 2007, 06:08:32 AM »
I put a small clump (for lack of better term) of Water Hyacinth in my smaller pond a couple weeks ago, which is quickly growing into a big clump. Is there anything in particular that encourages them to bloom? I actually purchased them to put in the larger pond, but I then read they need more sun, so I moved them. The larger pond only gets a small amount of sun early in the am (on the east side of house, under a huge Tulip tree). The small pond in front gets sun about half the day (faces south, but still partially under a huge Sycamore tree). They seem to be multiplying well there. Do you think they would survive okay in the shaded pond, if I divided the clump? Even if they didn't bloom there, they would provide the needed cover. I reside in zone 5, so they obviously would not survive winter here. Could I winter them in the 300 gallon container I'm going to winter my fish in (inside, of course)?

Photo Album / Pond Pics....
« on: May 31, 2007, 05:15:28 PM »
A couple closer pics of my aqua-kids.....

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / My Accidental Wakin...
« on: May 31, 2007, 03:57:29 PM »
In another post I mentioned I had been looking unsuccessfully for Wakins, but then found one by accident in a tank with Sarasota Comets at the local Petsmart. 
He isn't very big, only about 3", so I put him in my 30 gallon tank in the basement, rather than chance putting him in the pond.  I have a funny habit of always examining the "death sentence tank" (feeder fish) at the pet store, and saving any adorables I find in there. The 30 gallon tank in the basement is where I keep these little guys.   ;)

Anyways, here he is!  Isn't he adorable?  ;)

Photo Album / Newbie.....
« on: May 26, 2007, 01:42:39 PM »
I just joined yesterday, and I have been browsing with awe at everyone's beautiful ponds and gardens/flowers.  o(:-)
I only have two small (tiny- compared to most here, he he) ponds, but they are my passion. But, having near three acres, I hope to finally start excavating this summer for a REAL pond!!  @O@
I am enjoying reading all the helpful info in the posts. So far, I have learned I am quite the novice and I have a lot to learn about water quality, etc., etc.  :-\

I'm going to try and figure out how to posts some pics...... hmmmmm..

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