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Topics - louis

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Pond Chat / BREAKTHROUGH - First Blue Hardy Waterlily
« on: May 04, 2008, 06:50:30 AM »
The seemingly impossible has been achieved by Pairat Songpanich of Thailand. Pink Ribbon is one of his developments also.  Here is a link to WGI, please join, its a wonderful site.  This is so exciting.


Pond Chat / Update on missing fish - culprit found
« on: April 19, 2008, 06:35:53 PM »
This has a strange ending. It was a mink that got my fish. I was talking to a neighbor who lives a few doors down on the lake and I mentioned that my fish disappeared this past winter. OMG sez he, I found a mink under the hood of my boat engine and he had been storing fish and there were a few big gold fish. It seems that the mink somehow got stuck on the engine and froze to death. Poetic justice. It seems that the mink lived in  the wall in front of his house.

I spoke to a biologist and he told me that mink will take all the fish in a pond and store them for the winter, so i assume he/she got into the pond before it froze. I still feel very bad. But, I am looking for a few more to liven up the ponds.


Pond Chat / Ponds have thawed out and all my fish have disappeared
« on: April 05, 2008, 06:49:32 AM »
Don't know what happened. I had over 50 fish of all types in two ponds and they have just disappeared with no trace.

The ponds froze in mid December and just thawed out two days ago. all that time there was a solid coat of ice with no disturbances. I did have my electric heaters on the ice, but did not notice anything unusual with them. This is heartbreaking, some of the fish I have had for over 10 years. I had a pair of goldies that were 20 years old and 2 feet long.

Some animal got in and did not even leave a scale or part of fish to show that he was there.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Now all these years I had to beg some pond friends here to take some fish, now I have to go back to them to ask for some back.

If the weather warms up next week, I will drain them down to see if there is any trace of them on the bottom.


Pond Chat / Hi Everyone, Happy Spring
« on: March 25, 2008, 08:10:09 AM »
So sorry that I have been missing as of late. Too much work and not enough time. Its spring and a mans fancy turns to the ponds  8-)~

I am anxious to get the ponds going again as soon as they thaw out.  I would like to share some photos with you that I took at one of my jobs. I am the house photographer at a wonderful old restored theater. Check out some of the performers that I had the privilege to have met and to photograph.


Pond Chat / Close up photos of new tropical hybrid
« on: September 06, 2007, 06:35:37 AM »
My crop of new hybrids were promising but were mostly destroyed by a deer attack. Of this particular plant, I had two of them, one was totally eaten. This plant was pulled from its pot and all the roots and pads and stems were also eaten and the tuber deposited on the lawn to dry out. I replanted it in late june, hoping that it would recover. It took all summer and it finally bloomed for me a couple of weeks ago. It is a cross between N. Moonbeam and N. Golden West. Moonbeam being the pod parent. Now the plant has numerous side shoots which will give me more plants. Its interesting to note that it suffered shock from its ordeal and to make up for the trauma, it tubered and made lots of little babies. I think I have found a good way to propagate a tuber, shock it  @O@.

Its blooming non stop, last count was 4 blooms and nine buds surfacing. 

It is similar to Moonbeam so I am not sure if a name is in its future. The only major difference that I see is the shape of the flower and petals. The color in the photos is accurate, it has a pale blue tint to the ends of the petals and a slight green/yellow tint to the inside of the petals.

Plants that were destroyed this year by the deer were: 2 Golden Wests, 1 Red Flare, 2 Moonbeams, and many others that I cannot remember now.

Give me your thoughts.


Hybridizing How To's... / First blooms - new tropical hybrid
« on: August 16, 2007, 06:14:00 PM »
Hi everyone,
I mentioned early in the season how the deer had destroyed most of my new hybrids. This one was pulled from the pot in early june and all the pads, roots and stems were eaten. i hate bambi :(  >:(- >:(-

it has taken 2 1/2 months to recover and it gave me three blooms at one time. it is a cross between moonbeam and golden west. west being the pod parent. pads are plain green.  i apologize for the ratty pads, i just have not had any time to work on the ponds this year.  i did not get a close up, cam battery went dead. i will take one in a short time as soon as the blooms stabilize.


Chit Chat / My rescue kitties
« on: August 13, 2007, 06:09:02 PM »
Hi everyone,

i lost two of my old cats within a year of each other and found my Himalayan last year and the orange and white persian just about 3 weeks ago.

i rescued "Leo" the larger cat from a rescue clinic in springfield, mass and found "Sam" the smaller persian at a cattery in eastern massachusetts. i am not sure what she was going to do with him. but they are mine now and spoiled rotten, how rotten, i have a medical insurance policy on each of them as i did with my previous cats. when i first brought the smaller persian into the house, he fought with the bigger guy for a long time. i had to keep them separated. now the big guy wants to eat the smaller one. i keep peace with a water gun :)


Pond Chat / Waterlilies blooming today.
« on: July 14, 2007, 07:41:12 PM »
Here are a few of the blooms from today.

First is tropical Aquarius....

Second is hardy Colorado...

Third is hardy Peter Slocum....


Pond Chat / A huge frog bit me
« on: July 14, 2007, 07:02:25 PM »
No, I have not been drinking, although now I might have a stiff one.

hi all, i posted this subject a few weeks back when i found three of my nice fish with their heads missing. I searched the pond and could not find anything. This morning i found a beauty of a shubunkin with his back half missing. The fish was still alive and was trying to swim and hide., I netted him out and without really looking at him, put him in the freezer.

Tonight I went out with a very powerful flash lantern and searched the bottom of the pond looking for a turtle and could not see anything like that. But peeking out from under a pad was the biggest bullfrog that I have ever seen.

I quickly grabbed a net and a bucket to hold him when i caught him. I came up from behind him and nabbed him.

I tried to get him out of the net into the bucket but he was struggling too much. I managed to grab him and  lifted him up to put him in the bucket when he bit me. Scared the devil out of me. When I had him in my hand, I got a good look at him. this is not a fish or frog story, he was well over 2 pounds and had to be well over a foot in length.

I have never seen one that big. He extended from my hand to my elbow. Now, is it possible that this frog is bitting of the heads and tails of my fish. I know they will swallow anything or anyone they can get in their mouths. but bite it off ?????

what do you think.  i will try again tomorrow night, he is spooked now.


Pond Chat / Really ugly tropical waterlily :(
« on: July 11, 2007, 05:07:59 PM »
This is one of this years new hybrids. I have no idea what happened to it. If anyone can explain, please do. all blooms look the same. and actually it always has multiple stunted blooms on at one time.

plant is healthy, no snails or other critters. just ugly. even though, i don't have the heart to heave it to the mulch pile.


Pond Chat / Off topic photos - Tall Ships
« on: July 10, 2007, 07:22:42 PM »
Hi all,

I was on assignment last week to photograph the tall ships in newport, ri.

thought you might like to see some of the photos. click on the following link to see more.


Pond Chat / New multi petal Tropical Hybrid
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:24:45 PM »
Most of my new hybrids for this year were lunch for some deer.
Some I had inside the greenhouse and those are saved.

Here is one that is rather nice. i counted 41 petals. the pads are mottled maroon on green. plant is big, pads are about 13 inches long and the bloom is about 5 - 6 inches wide. this is a first day bloom.


Pond Chat / N. Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In
« on: June 25, 2007, 05:58:51 PM »
Now i have transferred that song to your heads so i can clear mine.

Sorry I have not been posting any photos this year. I have had a battle with Mother Nature.

First of all its been very cold for June, the coldest on record. last night it went down to 42 F.

then I have been attacked by all sorts of creatures, big and small. before i had a chance to put my waterblaster up, I had a deer attack and they destroyed most of this years new hybrids and some of my old established plants.

Then a few weeks back, a small black bear made its way into my larger pond looking for something and wrecked most of the plants. they will come back, but it will take time.

Then there are the neighbors from the big city and their dogs. They feel that its a God given right for dogs to run loose in the country, gonna get a cattle prod, not for the dogs, for the neighbors from hell.

Nevertheless, here is one of my favorite plants, Its called Aquarius, I believe created by Patrick Nutt. Its a stunning plant.

I will try to post more, maybe one of me attacking the neighbors :)


Pond Chat / May I offer a photo of Peace
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:28:55 PM »
I am glad the forum is getting back in order, thank you Sean for staying and thank you Jerry for your patience.

I was commissioned by the church congregation to take an unusual photo of their newly restored church. the church was built in the middle 1770's. its a beauty. it just went through a total restoration. the steeple was in danger of falling.
I hope you like it.



Hybridizing How To's... / First blooming new tropical hybrid
« on: April 22, 2007, 05:47:47 PM »
Hi everyone,
here is the first plant to bloom this spring. this actually is a photo of the third bloom. each bloom got a little bigger. the pod parent is raspberry sorbet and the pollen donor is a multi pink from last year. i counted about 45 petals. the color is fairly accurate, more red than pink.

i had a hard time with this years batch of seedlings, mainly rot and fungus because of the extended period we had of cloudy, cold and rainy and dank days. as soon as the sun made its appearance again, the lilies in the greenhouse took off. the greenhouse temps in the cloudy days was a steady 70 degrees with the water at 80 degrees. as soon as the sun came out the temps went to the high 90's

the bloom looks like it might be in the 6 - 7 inch range when mature. the pads are a plain green.

for me, it takes about 6 months from sowing the seed to first bloom. most of the seedlings life is in the basement where its usually about 45 degrees in the winter. the tanks are heated and supplemental light for 16 hours a day.


Chit Chat / Major flooding in the northeast
« on: April 16, 2007, 07:03:50 AM »
Boy, this has been a duzy of a storm. since yesterday (sunday) at 10am, we have had 8 inches of rain,. the lake i live on has risen 4 - 5 feet so far and will continue to rise until thursday or friday. just glad its not snow, if is was, it would have been 80 inches of snow. 1 inch of rain = 10 inches of snow.

i need spring in the worst way :)


Hybridizing How To's... / Fungus and rot on new seedlings.
« on: March 04, 2007, 07:19:57 AM »
I posted this as a reply to one of Sean's posts, but thought i would bring it to the top for more discussion:

In one of my seedling tanks, i noticed that almost overnight, pads were rotting from fungus. of course i panicked, too much time and money goes into this extravagant hobby of mine. i picked all pads that were bad and introduced a small amount of fungicide into the water and have been spraying the pads with a light solution of the same.
it seems to have stopped for now but some of the pads are slightly distorted, not sure why.  the other tanks are fine. hopefully i can get them all out into the greenhouse next month.

I would appreciate any help i can get on this problem. last year i lost a batch of seedlings in only a few days to the rot.


Pond Chat / Changed my web site, comments needed :)
« on: February 22, 2007, 03:00:52 PM »
Hi all, i have spent the better part of one month redoing one of my web sites. I would appreciate it if you would take a look and let me know your opinions and if you find any dead links. The lily on the home page is one of my hybrids from last year the link is:

I also am working on a new site for the theater that i so love, you might like this one: check out the virtual tours, you will need quicktime installed


Hybridizing How To's... / Transplanted some seedlings today.
« on: January 23, 2007, 03:00:17 PM »
I spent the afternoon, making a mess of the kitchen, with dirt all over the place. oh well  ::)

Transplanted some of the 7 year old seedlings and also some from crosses from last summer. all are doing well, sorry no pics. transplanted them from their 1 inch square sprouting containers to 4 inch pots. i now have there 45 gallon containers working in the basement.

i have a wonderful strong bunch of seedlings from a cross between my "hot pink" and "moonbeam", pads are all over the lot, from plain green, to all maroon and of course the required, maroon streaked on green.

this is fun.


Chit Chat / Really nice old church
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:22:27 AM »
i thought i would share a project that i have been working on for the Litchfield, Connecticut Congregational Church.

this fine old church was started in the mid 1700's and the building was built in the early 1800's. it just went through a massive restoration, both inside and outside. the steeple was in danger of falling. they commissioned me to document the church and i have tried to show it in all its glory.

it is the most photographed church in connecticut and possibly all of new england.



Hybridizing How To's... / 7 year old seeds sprouted with no problem.
« on: January 03, 2007, 04:57:14 PM »
happy new year everyone,
every fall i plant my summers crop of seeds, hoping for the one plant that will shock the world. so far nothing to speak of.
However, I am trying an experiment this year. besides planting some seeds from this past summer, I  also planted some 7 year old tropical seeds from crosses i made back then. they have been stored in amber pill bottles with a desiccant pill. they were collecting dust on a shelf in a cabinet.
there are seeds from three different crosses, one from a cross between jack wood and star of siam, and the other two batches were chance seed pods.
i had about a 50 percent germination rate, and they are growing very strongly. i planted the seeds in the middle of november of 2006.
i am not sure how long tropical seeds will be viable. this is an interesting experiment.
it was difficult to get a decent photo of the seedlings with the glare of the grow lights, however this image will give you an idea.
the silver object to the top of the photo is a stainless backup heater. water temp is a constant 85 degrees and the lights are on for 16 hours a day.

Pond Chat / Update on overwintering my dwarf papyrus
« on: December 07, 2006, 07:17:04 PM »
If you remember, i had asked if anyone had any ideas on how i could overwinter a really nice large dwarf papyrus. well i have it in a container in the basement with water and a 60 watt grow light on it for 16 hours a day. its doing very nicely, nice and green and is actually growing, even with the cold temps down there. the water is about 50 degrees. at this rate, i think it will make it.

photos later

Pond Chat / quirk with forum??
« on: November 23, 2006, 05:26:21 PM »
this is really strange, when i open american ponders, i get the aol mail guy telling me that i have mail. i don't have aol.

i have opened this forum on several different computers and get the same thing. anyone else come across this.


Chit Chat / BB King and Lucille
« on: November 23, 2006, 06:20:05 AM »
I had the great opportunity of meeting and photographing the great American Icon when he performed at the theater that i work at.

He just turned 81 and had a little trouble getting around, but his voice and talents show no age limit.

I hope you enjoy, i especially like the first shot.


DIY Corner / greg bickel type de-icer
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:16:05 AM »
i made this from a suggestion from greg a few years back and its been very dependable. i have two of them, i used a plastic dish pan, cutting the top off to accommodate a cover to change the bulbs. the cover has a reflective foil on it. i use two 60 watt long lasting halide bulbs and usually get through one season. the flotation is made from pond noodles. notice the temp in the housing when the outside temp was zero.


Pond Chat / Goldie grows up in the pump filter.
« on: November 04, 2006, 08:00:54 AM »
this is really one for the books. i drained down one of my ponds and took the pump out and took the pre-filter apart to remove the pump and found a goldfish about 6 inches in length. the holes in the pre-filter are no more than 1/8 of an inch. so it must have gotten in there as a fry in early spring. it was a bit tattered, his fins were ragged but he looked ok when i put him into the pond. its amazing that he/she survived with the extreme turbulence and vibration that is in the filer. i assume he was always pinned against the pump inlet.  no pics, sorry. BTW, this is a very large pump with  a 1-1/2 inch outlet


Pond Chat / New Tropical Hybrid
« on: October 18, 2006, 08:17:43 AM »
This is is a cross between N Golden West and N Moonbeam. Our summer was rather cold and wet this year and consequently this plant along with lots of others went dormant. I managed to harvest a tuber from it and hopefully will have another plant next summer. the color of the plant is true, its a really nice pale blue with shades of very light yellow at the base of the petals. Pads are a nice solid green.


Well, its that time of the year again. every year i tell myself that i don't want to go thought the process of sprouting seeds and growing them under artificial conditions.

Yesterday, i planted some seeds that i got from pollinating some of my hybrids from last year. i was successful in getting many seed pods. the following is a brief run down on how i do it.

figure 1 is a successful pollination on a hybrid of my old raspberry sorbet, actually three on the same plant. when the pod is at this stage, i cover it with a piece of black panty hose to keep the seeds from scattering.

figure 2 shows the container trays that i grow the seed in.

figure 3 shows the bottom warming mat that i place under a 45 gallon rubbermaid container. this mat is a heavy duty one used in factories to warm the workers feet on cold concrete.

figure 4 shows the amount of seed that i gather from one large pod. use the quarter for size. the pile of seed is about 1/8 inch high.

figure 5 shows the seed trays filled with white sand. its so easy to place and space the black seed on white sand. note the white indent tags.

figure 6 shows the seed tray in the bottom of the tank and the warm water slowly rising over the seeds. you must be cautious as to not disturb the seeds.

figure 7 shows the container with the grow light on it. i use three of the purple type of grow light and its on for 16 hours a day. bottom heat keeps the water at between 80 - 85 degrees F. i also have a stainless aquarium heater for backup.

it usually takes less than 2 weeks for the seeds to sprout. they will remain in the basement until late march when i bring them up to a small greenhouse and a temporary growing tank.

in the past i have just scattered the seeds over a 8 inch azalea pot and then had difficulty separating the roots. with this tray system, i can thin the seedlings to just one per slot and its easy then to transplant.

if you have any questions, i will be glad to answer.


Pond Chat / Overwintering a miniature papyrus??
« on: September 12, 2006, 06:26:08 PM »
I have a really nice small papyrus, about 3 feet tall and its in a 16 inch container. i really hate to see it die when the cold sets in. is there any way i can overwinter it without spending a fortune on electricity??

i have a full cellar that gets down to about 45 in the winter and a garage that freezes, any ideas?



Chit Chat / Must see, 100 years of photos with music.
« on: September 06, 2006, 01:36:14 PM »
I  came across this site and its really neat. the song will be stuck in your head. really neat images also

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