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Topics - water_sprite

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I have a blooming size Attraction I'd like to trade for a hardy lily I don't have. I'd like anything beside Colorado or Arc-en-ciel which I already have.

Thanks, Brenda

I remember well my first tropical lily years ago.  You would not have believed how excited I was by the first bloom!  It was a Panama Pacific and it was gorgeous! @O@

Well I have 2 small tropical lilies I'll send for postage to someone who's never had and would like to try one.  I just re-potted my Albert Greenburg and got a small start off the parent plant.  I also have a small start that i think is a un named blue lily or it might be a night bloomer. 

To recap they are really small, but with all the good info and tutorials here, you ought to be able to grow a beautiful lily or 2.

Free for postage.


Have tons and tons of native lotus seeds and my 1 acre mud pond is completely surrounded w/Lemon Bacopa.

Interested in any land or pond plants I don't have.  Tempt me!   ;D

Will also send for postage!

I have pictures of my Lemon bacopa but not sure how to post them here.  If you want, I can send thru email.

I love this plant!   Pretty little blue flowers all summer long.  You can put this is a pond,or in between rocks of a waterfall.  Spreads by underground runners.  The plant has a lemony smell.


Pond Chat / Just wanted to say HI, again!
« on: April 01, 2008, 08:01:44 PM »
I use to be a member of the old board.  Some of you may remember me.  When the old board shut down, I didn't know where everyone went.  I've been reading the posts and glad to see you guys again.

I'm 51 years old and live in Nacogdoches, Tx.  In the middle of the pineywoods!  I'm still ponding and gardening and have lots and lots of work to do to the ponds this spring.

I have several garden ponds and a 1 acre earthern pond.  I love trading have have a lots of lemon bacopa, yellow eyed grass, swamp coneflower, blue eyed grass, lizard's tail, hyacinths, lettuce, coontail, parrots feather, frog's bit, swamp hibiscus and more.  Also Albert greenburg, unknown blue tropical, unmarked night blooming lily and several hardies.

Glad I found this board!


I just found this site and would love to do some trading.  Due to health issues these past years I have lost my tropical lilies.  Now that I am better, I am ready to grow them again.

I am looking for purple and bright pink tropical lilies. I especially love the viviparous ones. Also interested in Green Smoke and Craig Presnell's lilies such as Foxfire and Midnight Embers.

The local University Arboretum is having their annual plant sale. They have quite a list of neat plants.  If you have tropicals you’d like to trade, I'll send you the plant list to see if there is anything you can't live without! The sale is April 12.

I’m willing to send my trade first since I’ve not traded here before.   :D

Thanks, Brenda

Ps.  If you want me to, I could post the list here.  LMK!

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