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Topics - small fish

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Pond Chat / couple of lily blooms
« on: June 25, 2007, 08:16:28 PM »
I had 4 new lilies bloom this week end.. sad to say I did not get a pic of all of them.. with the weather some closed up before I expected .... the new lilies that bloomed were red spider, Dallas, green smoke and Ostara  ... the first one is the first pic of Albert Greenburg the the next are of Dallas and Green smoke


Terrestrial Gardening / Dahlia! and a cat or two
« on: June 17, 2007, 07:58:17 PM »
From the past week ..  @O@

Pond Chat / More of the lilies and pond
« on: June 14, 2007, 08:33:27 PM »
just had to share .... it look like this morning I would have 2 blooms on the Mayla but with all the rain we have had tonight I am afraid they will both be got tomorrow


Pond Chat / Pink Peal pic
« on: June 10, 2007, 09:05:53 PM »
This is another lily that is much bigger than I planned but the color is such a deliate pink.  The color of the flower with the pads make this lily one of the best picks of the lilies that I have. This lily has also been a frequent bloomer too.  There are 7 buds on the plant and 2 flower.

Pond Chat / Help with Bob Trickett (pic)
« on: June 09, 2007, 07:36:39 PM »
This is a very petty lily.  As I have been picking and buying lilies I did not look into the size of the plant.  The pads on this lily are huge.  Today I was in the pond cutting back the old pads I found this plant had floated out of the pot I had planted it in.  I think some of the root system was still in the pot as the plant was still floating over the pot.  This lily is a great bloomer.  Can anyone share how they have potted this lily? 

Chit Chat / You have hear of bird brain
« on: May 28, 2007, 05:10:12 PM »
I don't know what these birds were thinking when they built their nest here.  Looks to me they have 5 eggs waiting to hatch.  I tried to get a pic of the birds but the ones I took did  not show to much.  Please excuse the ugly light fixture.  This is a motion detector light and it is on a lot during the night.  I guess they really like the extra heat.


Pond Chat / Kim- pic of yellow lily
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:17:57 PM »
Kim, the first pic is the Joey Tomocik, this is a different lily than the yellow lily I posted a while back.  A couple of weeks ago I got into the pond and found that the Joey was not the lily that bloomed last year with the pretty pic of the yellow lily. I now think that must have been Texas Dawn. This flower is very pretty too, just the yellow color is a little more fragle that the other yellow lily I posted.  And the flower is a bit yellower than in this pic.  Hope this make sense as it is late and I am tired of working with the resizer.  Every time I use it, it is like learning all over again.


Terrestrial Gardening / Some plants blooming in the yard
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:09:33 PM »
Just a few things... helps me stay in practice with the resizer  {:-P;;


Pond Chat / Planting in the rocks??
« on: April 09, 2007, 07:50:50 PM »
I am trying to figure out how to plant things in the cracks of the rocks close to the waters edge and around the waterfalls.  I am thinking if I just put dirt there the rain will just wash the dirt into the pond.  I had an idea of using some of that stuff that is used in the bottom of wire hanging baskets to hold the dirt in.  I bought some with the idea of cutting it in smaller parts and see if I can cup it in the rock to hold the dirt and plant.  What ideas do you have ??


Terrestrial Gardening / Moses in the cradle ?
« on: April 08, 2007, 08:11:14 PM »
Thought I had read some where here some one had this plant in their pond.  Can any one tell me how deep this plant can be set in the water or any other input would be helpful. 


Pond Chat / Couple of pics
« on: April 06, 2007, 07:11:13 PM »
I am going to try a couple of pic... I downloaded a resizer a few weeks ago... the first time I was able to make it work .... the second time not so good..  :P


Pond Chat / Mayla pic
« on: April 06, 2007, 06:09:18 PM »
Lets see if I can post a pic of the water lily and my pond


Pond Chat / ?Placing water lilies in pond
« on: April 06, 2007, 06:01:25 PM »
My pond is 2,200 gals and over the past couple of years I have bought a number of water lilies.  The pond appears to be 2 ponds, one an upper pond that feeds water into the lower pond.  The lower pond gets full sun almost the entire day and the upper pond has at least a half a day of sun and maybe a little more.  Now, problem.  I have been putting most of the water lilies in the upper pond but I am running out of room and this year I need to make choices on putting some in the lower pond.  Last year I had a lily, think it was Jame Brydon, the sun burned the flower.  I am going to list the lilies I have and woul like some suggested on which ones would do ok in the lower pond with more sun on it, please.  Thank you for any help you can offer. 

Attrraction                      Miami Rose                           Mary
Albert Greenberg                Mrs. George C. Hitchcock      Mayla
Almost Black'                    Patio Joe
Blue Beauty                      Pink Grapefruit
Bob Trickett                      Red Cup
Colorado                            Red Spider
Dallas                               Texas Dawn
Islamorada                          Pink Pearl
Joey Tomocik                     Gloire du Temple sur Lot'
Lily Pons                            Lavender

Sad thing is there are a number of lilies I still want... :-\ o(:-)

Right now I have 2 lilies blooming.... the Mayla has a bloom that opened today. It is my first time to see this flower ... I did get a couple of pics I will try to post it in another post
It is breath taking.  Worth what ever I paid for it and I am sure I bought it from someone on this list.... thanks, thanks  will also try to post a pic of the pond
Thanks again for looking


Pond Chat / Kim!!! Some water lilies pics
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:21:17 PM »
 I was in the pond yesterday and the yellow lily in the following pic I think is Tesax Dawn.  I found the Joey Tom and it is not blooming size as yet.  I move it so that I would know when it does bloom.  The Texas Dawn is growing by leaps and bounds.  It bloomed once at the end of last year but it already has several blooms coming up now and one or two have open already.


Ok, I might be dangerous now    Lets see if I can do this again   @O@ @O@


Pond Chat / Pic test
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:01:24 PM »
Lets see if I can make this work     8-)~

Pond Chat / ? on sizing tool
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:59:34 PM »
I am needing help to resize my pond pics   Can anyone sugguest a free resizing tool?  I have found I do have a number of cute pond and water lilies   @O@


Pond Chat / parasites ??
« on: November 11, 2006, 05:46:18 PM »
  :-\  What can you do if you think your fish has parasites ??  I am having problems with a few fish jumping out of the water.  Tested the water and ever thing checks to be ok.  I did not know how to check for parasites.  But the fish seemed to calm down.  But now it appears at least the two largest fish have some thing wrong with them.  The largest goldfish was seen swimming in a odd fashion.  He was more wiggling back and forth than swimming.  Looked very unnatural.  Today, my largest koi was jumping out of the water several times.  I watched him and  when he was swimming, he appearred to be trying to rub some thing off the side of his body by rubbing up against the rocks or the lip of a plant pot.  I went over to watch the large goldfish to see how he was doing today and I could see some white pecks on his body.  No sure what it was, like a parasites or where some thing had pecked him and  maybe had several little bite marks on him.  I have not had any fish die.  Should I take these 2 fish out of the pond?  Is there any thing else I can do ? 


Pond Chat / Second part of fish jumping
« on: October 23, 2006, 07:20:32 PM »
Saturday a week ago I went to Petco and bought a test kit to test the water of my pond as suggested.  Everything checked out ok.  That day I had a friend working with me in the yard.  I was talking to him about the fish jumping out of the water and what ya'll told me about what might be the problem.  Now I have about 50 mostly small goldfish.  That day I saw 3 or 4 fish jump out of the water.  His thought was if there is a problem why is there not more fish trying to jump out?? This week I have not seen any fish jumping.  May have heard one fish jumping.  ?? Any thoughts here.  Thanks for any help.     o(


Pond Chat / How to check water quality or for parasites.....
« on: October 12, 2006, 08:21:37 PM »
I am some what new at this.  The pond I have now was installed late last year.  I had a starter pond for a year before this but it was small. I got the fish mostly free from a friend maybe 6 months ago. I have several goldfish, 3 koi and 1 shubunkin.  My pond is 2,200 gals. with one pump that runs 2 waterfalls that hold 2 bio filters.  I have very clear water but the fish are not happy as they are jumping up in the air out of the water.  Thanks for any help at all.  I am kind of sad to think I may be causing the fish harm.   :'(


Pond Chat / What is with the fish?
« on: October 10, 2006, 09:11:31 PM »
My fish are jumping up out of the water back into the water.  Now this really excites the cats.  But really what is the deal? Why do they do that and I was not expecting them to do this at this time of the year.  ?)(?  I am clueless


Pond Chat / My cat attacked the fish
« on: September 14, 2006, 08:02:04 PM »
 :-\ I could not believe it.  I was in the house, at my computer, looking out at the pond.  I saw one of the cat at the side of the pond where I feed the fish.  She was waching the fish.  I did not think to much of it.  Then she jump at some thing.  I watched a mintue or two more.  Thought she was trying to get a frog.  She keep pawing and sticking her face into a creave in the rock.  I went to look at what she was doing, thinking the frog had already gotten away. I saw her chasing a frog once and was so excited when the frog jumped into the pond she jumped in the pond right behind him.  She was not very happy about this.  When I got to the rock where she was still pawing there was a FISH up on the rock.  The fish was still alive and I grabed  it and it slipped into the water.  I could not believe she had swatted the fish up on the rocks.  I thought the fish were safe as my cat does not have any claws on her front paws.  Now what can I do  :P?? to keep the fish safe.


Pond Chat / Pond Vac or Shop Vac ???
« on: September 12, 2006, 08:08:09 PM »
 Can you share your experience with these.   I am planning on buying one.  Looks like one is far cheaper that the other. Can you recommend a brand or name of a pond vac. Did you buy one and wish you had bought the other??  How easy or diffcult is yours to use.  My pond is 2200 gal and is really two ponds in one.  That is the two has a dam between the two with one waterfall at the top of the first pond and a smaller waterfall on the side of the smaller pond.  I would  post a pic as I have been taking lots of pics now that I have the hang of my camera. But I have not figured out how to post pics yet.


Pond Chat / Mayla ???
« on: September 03, 2006, 07:53:37 PM »
For those of you who grow this lily.... what size pot do you have it planted in ??
I had one lily last year that got pot bound and died. :'(  I think it was planted in that pot for just 6 months.  I do not want this to happen to the Mayla that I have.  It is just a little plant right now but I have big plans for it. Below it what I have found out on the net.  Please share your experience.  Thanks 

It has a running rootstock (odorata) and for this reason requires a very large container to do it justice. It grows exceptionally well in natural ponds where its roots have total freedom. When established, the leaves can be well in excess of 30cm (12") in diameter, so definitely not one for the tub garden.


Pond Chat / Planting Black Taro
« on: August 26, 2006, 03:08:56 PM »
I have grown this plant in my small pond before.  I had the chance at the Farmers Market today to buy several at a dirt cheap price.  What has been your experience in growing these plants :  in the pond in a container and bring it in for the winter or outside of the pond in the ground year round???? :D


Pond Chat / Help planting water plants
« on: August 21, 2006, 07:52:21 PM »
I am in the first full summer with the new larger pond.  I have bought a number of new plants  :o suprise, suprise.  I would like to plant as many things in the rocks as I can.  Do any of you have experience with these plants in the rocks and not in pots.
 water hibiscus      marsh betony      water willow    strawberries and cream ribbon grass  blue sedge        Rush grass     and I know you have the experience   o(:-)


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