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Topics - Teresa

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Photo Album / Live Oak Shots
« on: October 24, 2006, 06:44:10 PM »
These are such pretty and odd looking trees . . . . just took a couple of shots to see what they looked like . . . .

Terrestrial Gardening / Confederate Rose
« on: October 24, 2006, 06:39:26 PM »
These are two shots of my confederate rose . . . a morning shot where the flower is white (yesterday's flower is deep pink) and an evening shot where the flower has gone a lovely shade of pink. 

Chit Chat / Good news!
« on: October 23, 2006, 05:46:26 PM »
There's a relatively new procedure where they send micro catheters into the arteries that lead to the liver and then send tiny, little, microscopic beads full of radiation and chemo in and place them inside the tumor itself.  Then they send a third kind of beads that crystalize and cut off the blood vessels that feed the tumor.  The tumor dies, by itself.  There isn't any nausea with the chemo because it doesn't go thru the system, just into the tumor.

Talked to the doc who does it here and he says it's not a cure . . . . but it could give us all a lot more time.  And just maybe it will decrease the inevitable pain associated with liver cancer.

Have an appointment here in Atlanta on Thursday . . . . sounds too good to be true.  Keep your fingers crossed that it's not!

Chit Chat / Halloween Games
« on: October 23, 2006, 05:40:45 PM »
Thought peoples would enjoy these . . . . my girls certainly are!  (Got them off another board . . . . shouldn't get shot for sharing them here . . . .)

Garfield's Scarey Scavenger Hunt:

Haunted House:

Other Free Halloween Games:

Halloween Hangman:

Chit Chat / Kay! A nice Lady arrived on my doorstep today!
« on: October 23, 2006, 02:30:35 PM »
She's very pretty and healthy.  She and her friend are both set up in their new homes.  And just in time too, we've got a freeze warning or watch for tonight (whichever one is worse . . . .).  I usually don't get frosted the first time there's a warning or watch because I'm so close to all the granite downtown.  And this is pretty early for me anyway!  But I brought all the plants into the garage so I wouldn't lose them . . . .

Thank you, my friend!  You are wonderful!

Chit Chat / Houseguest from
« on: October 19, 2006, 11:26:02 AM »
H3ll is back.  But she's NOT staying in my guest room!!! 

And I didn't even have to tell her she wasn't welcome!

Chit Chat / Hibiscus
« on: October 17, 2006, 04:53:29 PM »
I have this hibiscus and have saved some seeds.  If you'd like some, pm me with your name and address and I'll add you to the list.  I'll send out at least half a dozen seeds to everyone, more if there are enough (have lots).  I'll try to get them out later this week, but no promises, might be next week.

Chit Chat / Snoring Cat
« on: October 17, 2006, 08:12:38 AM »
His head is under the bag and he's snoring . . . shouldn't be allowed to sleep on his back. . .

Terrestrial Gardening / Little Figgy Visitor
« on: October 17, 2006, 07:10:07 AM »
Got the cutest little fig plant visitor the other day . . . .  Ficus carica "Danny's Delight"

Chit Chat / Oh Buggers!
« on: October 17, 2006, 07:07:45 AM »
Now I need a new camera!  Just got mine out to take a picture and the view screen is shattered.  Must have happened when it got packed for the last road trip . . .

DD#2 said "I'll buy you one for Christmas,"  but I'm not waiting that long!!!

Chit Chat / Saw Dad today . . . .
« on: October 14, 2006, 05:10:14 PM »
He actually looked pretty good.  He was up and about and in a pretty agreeable mood.  He's getting very skinny cuz the tumor is causing him to feel full all the time so he doesn't eat much.  Talked to one of the cancer docs last week - won't give you my opinion of him.  Going to talk to a new one on Monday to see if he has anything helpful to offer.  Dad's accepted what's going on and doesn't seem too keen on doing much to fight it at this point, and that's his decision to make.  I'll only push him if someone has something that will make him more comfortable.  Mom's still pretty ticked off about the whole situation . . . . want's him to fight more, wants him to stay with her, doesn't want to move, etc.  I can't blame her for feeling that way either.

It was a gorgeous day up in the mountains - crisp and cool, but sunny and smelled like autumn.  The girls spent an hour lost in a corn maze and had a great time.  We bought a peck of apples and a terra cotta pumpkin. 

Pond Chat / The pondlet
« on: October 13, 2006, 03:32:34 PM »
did very well this summer, but the beta seems to be gone . . . .  :'(  DD#1 is not too happy about that.  She is determined to get a much bigger ceramic pot for next year because then "that stupid raccoon can't get my fish!"

(Don't know if the raccoon got the beta or not . . . it was there and happy just a couple of weeks ago.  It may have died of old age . . . . we've had it for at least 3 or 4 years now.  The one we got at the same time as we got it died last spring - of old age.)

Chit Chat / Did we lose Blind 'Too . . . . .
« on: October 13, 2006, 01:37:05 PM »
in the last crash?  I not only haven't seen him posting, I can't find him in the membership.  And I think I deleted all his old emails the other day.

Does anyone have his email addy?  Could you pm me with it?

Chit Chat / Love the new features Sean!!!
« on: October 12, 2006, 07:16:41 AM »
When I heard that voice say "You've got Mail," I just about jumped out of my skin!  But I'm so happy you did that cuz now I won't miss messages like I did before!!!  Thanks!!!

Chit Chat / Special Gift
« on: October 04, 2006, 06:22:49 PM »
I went to visit Mom & Dad today.  Ended up helping her clean out her yarn stash - she's a knitter from way back and has lots and lots of yarn.  My craziest sister was up there last week and made a total mess of things, including losing the bills mom needed to pay by Monday and either losing or stealing her pain pills.  We found the bills today while cleaning the mess up, but the pain pills still seem to be missing.  This sister's idea of cleaning up is to take everything and randomly stuff it all in those plastic grocery bags and move it to somewhere it won't be as readily seen . . . . and pile it up there till that place is full.  So Mom's knitting room was a disaster.

Anyway, we got the yarn all cleaned up and in plastic bins and Mom was going thru old knitting needles and crochet hooks.  She came across one that her father, my grandfather, the carpenter had carved for his new bride when they were very young.  She gave that to me along with several bone crochet hooks that also belonged to my grandmother and a bunch of steel knitting needles that also belonged to my grandmother.  They are all special, but the hand carved crochet hook is beautiful and very very special.

Chit Chat / Sex Ed
« on: October 01, 2006, 05:54:12 PM »
How many of you live in areas where the high school (or junior high, or any level of school) has sex ed?  Do you/have you let your child participate?  Do you give them a primer first?  What's covered in your primer and what's covered in the educators part?

Chit Chat / Casey
« on: September 29, 2006, 09:30:32 AM »
has gone to the beauty parlor for a trim.  I'm all alone and it feels very strange cuz she's usually at my ankle all day, every day.

Here are the before shots . . . .

Chit Chat / Know what happens when the drive shaft on your car breaks?
« on: September 28, 2006, 08:05:40 AM »
You stop pretty fast.  It's also extremely noisy.  The car must be towed, but cannot be towed on a regular truck, must be on a flatbed.  It's not easy to get the car on the flatbed.  The drive shaft can pierce the transmission . . . that can be messy . . . . and very expensive.  The drive shaft can also knock the muffler off your car . . . and the rest of the pipes that go to it too.  That's less messy . . . . and less expensive.

Chit Chat / Yay! We're Back
« on: September 25, 2006, 11:15:05 AM »
I guess a couple of dozen forums got hacked this morning by the same idiots!

Thanks guys for getting us back up so quickly!!!

Chit Chat / Houseguest from H3LL
« on: September 23, 2006, 05:53:31 PM »
I have this woman staying in my house . . . . I've called her the houseguest from h*ll before and I'm doing it again!  She came for 4 months in the fall two years ago (July thru early November).  Then she came for 2+ months last year (all of october and most of november).  I told her last year that I needed the guest room for two weeks during that period and since she was going to Minnesota to visit her relatives there, I didn't think it was unreasonable for her to arrange it during the time I needed the room.  She refused and left for the two weeks before I needed the room. 

This time, she emailed on Sept 18th to let me know she'd be here on the 21st.  I emailed back that I had a family crisis and the room would be taken this weekend.  It was supposed to be as I have a brother that wanted to come down from Va to see my Dad . . . but Dad asked him to wait as there is hope that chemoembolization will actually help make him feel better and maybe (just maybe) extend his life.   If he's going to feel better, that's when he wants to see his son.  So she emailed back and said no problem, she'd be fine.

Then she shows up on the 21st and expects to spend the night!  Since Dad said no to Brother, the room was empty and she's here!!!!  And she's planning to stay as long as she wants and then come back next month after visiting her family!!! 

This is a woman who has eaten our food, drunk my wine, turned the heat in my basement up to the highest setting on the thermostat and left it there while she was gone all day for weeks at a time and never once lifted a finger to do dishes, cook, take care of the animals, vaccuum, or even clean up after herself (you should see her bathroom after she leaves . . . .yuk).

I have enough going on in my life and I don't need her in it.  I know that's selfish and childish, but there you go, that's who I am.  I love her husband to death, but she's something else altogether.

Chit Chat / A right of passage . . . .
« on: September 22, 2006, 04:39:16 PM »
I took my teenage daughter to the clinique counter tonight and bought her her very first make-up and brushes.  She was as conservative about this as she is about most things. . . . a little powder foundation, a demure eye shadow, almost unnoticeable lip gloss and blush that you don't know is there.  She looked lovely when the girl finished with her, now we just have to hope that she can put it on as well herself . . . the girl tried hard to make sure she knew what to do and how to do it.  DD was thrilled. 

They are both growing up so fast . . . . I really hate this!!!

Chit Chat / Hey Kay!!!
« on: September 21, 2006, 03:16:16 PM »
All these are rooted and sorta ready to go.  I always like to get them going in dirt after rooting them in water cuz sometimes that can be tricky (at least for me).  There are some others that I'm going to have to try rooting in dirt.  I'm hoping I'll get 15 minutes to set those up tomorrow . . . .

Chit Chat / Someone does hydroponic gardening . . . .
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:03:25 PM »
anyone remember who?  I need to contact them and ask a few questions. . . . .

Chit Chat / Hey Jerry - Why all the spiders?
« on: September 13, 2006, 06:30:49 PM »
Seems like every time I've signed on today there's been at least one spider here.  Several times there were two and once there were three!!  What's up with that?   We must be important to rate all the arachnids!!!!

Chit Chat / Bad news on the doorstep . . . .
« on: September 13, 2006, 06:28:49 PM »
Got the results of Dad's biopsy today.  It's not colon cancer or liver cancer, it's bile duct cancer.  It's called cholangiocarcinoma and it's apparently very rare.  The best remedy is to operate and remove the tumor but that's not always possible.  In Dad's case it's not possible.  Apparently there is some positive benefit from radiation, but not a lot and chemo is pretty much no help at all.  Given how far his has gone, we've been told that nothing will add any time, but some treatments may make him more comfortable during the time he has left.  I'm not completely sure yet just how much time that is because I haven't heard the assessment of the mass on his lungs, but it's certainly no more than 6 months and could be a lot less.  He signed a DNR order today and has said that he will not have any treatments of any kind.

Thinking positive today didn't work . . . . well, maybe it did a little the prognosis for liver cancer was even worse.

Chit Chat / Anyone here from Southeast Virginia?
« on: September 13, 2006, 11:00:45 AM »
I don't think I've seen Debi here, and that's where she lives.  Does anyone else live anywhere near Hampton Roads? 

Chit Chat / Happy Positive Thinking Day!
« on: September 13, 2006, 07:01:25 AM »
Not selling anything or suggesting anyone buy anything, but positive thinking sounds like a great idea!

Dayton, OH (PRWEB) September 5, 2006 -– ( is celebrating Positive Thinking Day September 13, 2006 in order to raise awareness of the benefits of positive thinking. The website is raising money for the Christopher Reeve Foundation and holding a drawing for an iPod Nano. Ipopin is a website where people can purchase one minute attitude boosters that can be shuffled in with their music to create powerful playlists.

“You are what you think,” says Founder Kirsten Harrell, Psy.D. “Positive thinking and optimism have been linked to a variety of health benefits -- including a decrease in stress hormones, enhanced immune function, reduced risk of coronary artery disease, and decreased depression.”

According to Dr. Harrell, “Christopher Reeve represents the best of positive thinking. It is because of his unwaivering positive attitude that we are proud to be raising money to benefit this foundation.”

Chit Chat / Blind 'Too
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:27:22 PM »
Shoot me an email . . . . . for some reason I cannot send you a pm . . . . doesn't like your name apparently!!!

Terrestrial Gardening / Some nice flowers today . . . .
« on: September 11, 2006, 03:11:54 PM »
A few passion flowers and I'm delighted to report that the frittilary are back and doing well.  They've almost completely devoured the lutea, but there is enough caerulea and incarnata in the back to keep them going . . . .

Pond Chat / The pondlet did well this year . . . .
« on: September 11, 2006, 03:09:07 PM »
In case anyone was thinking of trying their own next year.  The beta did very well in here, but the fantails got eaten by raccoons.

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