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Topics - jclements

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Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Have the following for trade:
« on: March 22, 2008, 02:23:16 PM »
I just divided and repotted my lillies today and I have one each of the following:

Perry's Orange Sunset
Reflected flame
Pink Grapefruit
Barbara Dobbins
small/medium yellow hardy (originally sold at a nursery as Sioux, but am not sure what it is)

I've had BD for years and all of the others came from Kat last year. I would like to trade for plants I don't have or would be willing to sell them for a small fee. I'm especially interested in miniture hardy waterlilies such as Joanne Pring, and perennials, especially groundcovers like ajuga, creeping phlox, ferns, etc.

Let's trade!


Chit Chat / Bathroom updates mostly finished
« on: March 15, 2008, 09:17:35 PM »
We updated the boys' bathroom recently. It did have a faux marble vanity with a sea shell sink that was likely original to the house. The paint color was a bit dark, and the faucets were also likely original (not the good kind of original, lol). So, here is a before and after pic. The new paint color is Sherwin Williams 'Koi Pond' and the new vanity is Silestone in 'Ebony Pearl'. The new faucet has porcelain and chrome to match the other existing hardware.


And now!

This one shows the old green vs. the new 'Koi Pond'. The new lighter one matches the towels and shower curtain much better!

Chit Chat / My new hobby..."Golfing"
« on: March 15, 2008, 09:00:04 PM »
Well, I have finally decided to get more fuel efficient. I purchased this 2004 VW Golf TDI (turbo diesel) this week. It has a full two year warranty as it was certified pre-owned and has a few extras like the tinted windows, sun roof, and automatic/triptronic transmission. I've been told it will get 700 miles/tank (on a good day). It sure is better than 20 mpg that the Volvo averages on my commute! The hatchback is SO handy too. My dad has had a Beetle TDI for about 10 years now and loves it, he does about 50/50 highway/city and his overall fuel economy runs around 45 mpg. Wow! I also got them to throw in the tailored Golf monster mats and trunk liner. They're all heavy duty rubber liners that will be great for hauling around plants and stuff.

So, anyone want to go "Golfing"?  ;)

Also, I've been going nuts planting camellias in my Texas yard (to remind me of that beautiful Florida yard). The first one is blooming!

And here are some dark red encore azaleas that I put in today. Can't wait for them to bloom!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Wanted: miniture hardies
« on: February 29, 2008, 08:40:15 AM »
I'm still using containers and am swithing back to more hardies since living in a cooler climate and would love to add more miniture or smaller growing hardies to my collection. I can pay shipping or possibly trade depending on how my tropicals survived the Dallas winter. Also looking for some interesting ferns and groundcovers that can handle a harsh summer. The best way to set this up is by sending a PM or posting here.

Many thanks in advance!


Chit Chat / Happy birthday, Loony!
« on: February 07, 2008, 06:27:21 PM »
Loony and I share the same birthday, so it's easy for me to remember! I barely posted in time!

Hope you had a good one!

Chit Chat / Dylan's first science fair, new pond paint color
« on: January 31, 2008, 07:00:23 PM »
Dylan participated in his first science fair this week. He was thrilled to find out that he won the grand prize in the 1st-3rd grade category!!! I got some more details on the science fair this evening. There were a total of four grand prizes in the school: 1st-3rd grade, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Points were awarded in the judging process and Dylan had more points than the other three grand prize winners! Woohoo! Now he will compete in the regionals next month!

Also, we're updating the hall bath. I thought you guys might like the new paint's Sherwin Williams' "Koi Pond"! It's the lighter green that matches the towels now! It also goes great with the gecko towels Esther made for my boys! The colors are a little off from the flash/lighting, but you get the idea!



Chit Chat / Happy Holidays....from my family to yours!
« on: December 20, 2007, 09:02:30 PM »
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!!!

I think my photoshop skills are improving. I wasn't even in this photo!

Chit Chat / Any Ina Garten/Barefoot Contessa fans here?
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:02:35 PM »
Ina Garten was in Dallas Friday signing books at my favorite market--Central Market. I was lucky enough to get in and get two books signed! Too bad she wasn't looking at the camera!

Chit Chat / Dylan and Evan AKA: The SUPER Mario Brothers! (PICS)
« on: October 29, 2007, 07:11:41 PM »
For those of you that remember, Mario and Luigi are classic Nintendo characters. I typically dress my boys as some sort of duo, and we chose Mario and Luigi this year!

I purchased the hats on ebay and made the overalls and treatbags. I even dyed the green shirt since I couldn't find one anywhere! The only problem is that I think the moustaches are too big!!!  :D

Chit Chat / Long time, no chat!!
« on: September 25, 2007, 07:06:44 PM »
I've been MIA for a bit!

I don't think I even mentioned it here, but on Memorial day weekend, we inherited DH's grandma in our home. My house is already busy enough with two boys running around, but we had to help her out for a few months. We eventually got her into a specialist in the area and then moved her into a retirement community two weeks ago. It was a long summer, and not a fun situation, but she needed our help and we acomplished that!

Also this summer, I had to study like mad for part 2 of my board exam. It's only offered once a year and is $550, so I really wanted to take it seriously. There is one main text book in my field that is about 1000 pages. I pretty much re-read it cover to cover, taking notes on the whole thing, and then made 200 or so notecards from my notes. I had every equation and example in the book understood and memorized. The exam was at the end of August, and I just got the results Saturday--I passed! Now I'm off to the final (oral) exam in Louisville, KY, in June of 2008. I'll probably start studying up now, even though it's 8 months away! If I pass the orals, I'll be fully board certified and will get a promotion.

My other big project is that I am applying to two Ph.D. programs in my area and hope to start one in January. It won't be easy since I work full-time and have a family, but I figure it will be easier now than later!

My lilies are still in patio ponds on the deck, but are doing well. So are the baby koi Kat gave me! I am most impressed with a bag of taro tubers from an Asian market that have filled one flower bed in my back yard. I think the whole bag was maybe $2-3!!

What all have I missed here? How is Braeden? Karen, have you made any new lego animations? I suspect everyone is starting to get more free time as the seasons change!

Pond Chat / A new favorite, a disappointment, and others (lots of pics)
« on: August 18, 2007, 11:44:24 AM »
First, the bad news. I ordered a Baby Doll in our group order last year. It turned out to be Chawan Basu. They sent a replacement this spring, and guess what? It's also not Baby Doll. Probably another Chawan Basu!

Here are some images of the blue tropical I have. I believe it may be a Pamela that lost its tag.


A pair of Innocence. I never encountered burning before living in Texas!

Beautiful as always, Barbara Dobbins.

Perry's Orange Sunset is one of my new favorites. It's hard to photograph the intensity of the color, this is close as I could get. I just love it!

And this is Evan smelling some of the blooms!

And here are both kiddos at the Dallas Arboretum a few weeks ago. This is one of those endless pools next to White Rock Lake.

Thanks for looking!

Pond Chat / Mosaic mailbox is done!
« on: July 28, 2007, 07:58:09 AM »
My family has been sick the majority of the week, so I just got around to finishing it last night. I was so anxious to put it up that I forgot the magazine hooks. So I'll add those later. In the mean time, here's a photo! I used a black grout which had an interesting effect. It ended up drying a dark gray. I really wanted the lines of the fins to stand out, which is why I ended up choosing the black. It probably would have been much brighter if I had gone with white. Anyway, I think this one is better than the gecko one from last time.

Pond Chat / New Mosaic Mailbox (pond related)
« on: July 22, 2007, 12:36:09 PM »
Some of you may remember the last mosaic mailbox I made in Florida.

Here's our home in Texas. It needs a little curb appeal! I'm thinking about getting new shutters in a maroon color and painting the window trim white. It's just too flat.

To help, I relocated some bushes and put in this awesome ceramic pot.

Next, I'm adding a mosaic mailbox. I hesitated to do a koi, as I think fish are so difficult to draw! In one of my books, I found one that I thought I could attempt. You can see my start and the photo inspiration here.

This angle shows how the head is a darker copper color than the body. It's kind of subtle.

Here is the koi completed.

Next, I'm filling in a waterlily on the lid. I've got to go find some dark red glass before I can get going with it. The pencil sketch is a little difficult to see.

I will also put a lily pad under the bloom and fill in the background of the base with a gradient of blue tiles. I'm thinking about framing in the house number with a white box for high contrast. I started this project last night around oh, 10 p.m. and this is where I am with about 3 hours into it so far.

Thanks for looking!

Pond Chat / Source for N. 'Jessica'?
« on: July 16, 2007, 06:58:49 PM »
I just noticed this pink hardy on the victoria-adventure website. Has anyone noticed it available anywhere?

Pond Chat / First ever bloom on Mayla (pic)
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:23:55 PM »
What a beautiful lily she is!!

Pond Chat / Aquatic lice?
« on: July 14, 2007, 09:08:11 AM »
I have some sort of water bug swimming around some of my containers. They collect on decaying pads. Just added some mosquito fish a week ago, but I think they might be a little small for these critters. Does anyone know how to get rid of them, or where they may have come from?

Thanks in advance!

Photo Album / Green Smoke and Barbara Dobbins today
« on: July 06, 2007, 10:06:53 AM »
I just found this section of the forum a few weeks ago. I apologize for not posting photos in the right spot before!

I'm home today and was lucky enough to catch Green Smoke and Barbara Dobbins in bloom. I see buds rising on Mayla and others....hopefully they will open this weekend.

Pond Chat / Fertilizer source
« on: June 30, 2007, 07:43:32 AM »
I have badly neglected my waterlilies for the past couple years (with all of my moves, working on the house, etc.) and need to reorder some fertilizer. The last tabs I purchased were highland rim something or other. Can anyone point me in the direction of their favorite online source for tablet fertilizers? I'm just not a fan of granule fertilizers or spikes.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Pond Chat / Mosquito Control
« on: June 30, 2007, 07:41:31 AM »
In Florida, I purchased mosquito dunks a Lowes, but have not been able to find them here. I have heard Texas regulates pest control a bit more than other states. Anyway, I'm looking at these other products from AZPonds and wondered if anyone has used any of them. I like the idea of a dissolvable powder or sprinkles vs. an ugly mosquito dunk.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Have to trade:
« on: June 16, 2007, 08:52:22 PM »
1 division of Innocence (white, vivip, tropical waterlily)

It gets pink tips in cooler weather.

1 division of Barbara Dobbins (cream/pink, vivip, hardy waterlily)

Would like to trade for lilies that I have recently lost such as Blink, Gonnere, Joanne Pring, Peach Blow, Sandra Lynn, a nice yellow tropical, or ???

I also have a smaller King of Siam and some Laura Frase. 

Chit Chat / Sopranos fans....what did you think?
« on: June 10, 2007, 07:27:16 PM »
Did you like the last episode? I won't give too many details since some people may not have watched it yet. I will say that I'm glad about PL.

Pond Chat / House is sold--ready to build a pond. Help! (pics)
« on: May 27, 2007, 08:43:46 PM »
As many of you, my longtime watergardening friends, know, we moved from Florida to Texas this year. The house in Florida closed this week so now I am ready to get the new backyard in shape! There is a concrete patio out back followed by a deck that was poorly stained (not by us). I think this is a difficult area as the transition from patio to deck is a couple inches off. My idea is to remove existing deck and build a new one over the concrete and straight out, one continuous deck. Also to add a pergola structure over the area where the concrete patio currently is. There is a massive crape myrtle in the middle of the backyard and the branches spread maybe 25' across. Since this is one of about 3 trees in the backyard, it must stay. It does block the view of the future pond site, but we just have to work around it. I'm thinking about building in a bench on the far side of said deck on a lower level than the main deck, or else build one step down the entire exterior perimeter of this new deck. It's tricky since the yard is sloped. There is a swingset/fort in the sunny corner of the yard that I think should be relocated to the side yard, right outside the kitchen window. It's sort of leaning right now and needs to be fixed, so why not move it? The pond could go in the side yard, but I think it would make sense for it to be off of this deck, the main feature of the outdoor space.  Our neighborhood was designed with all driveways behind the homes so there are no cars parked in front yards. There is a very nice alley behind the house and the new fence has a matching electric gate so the entire backyard is utilized. Some homes have their fences going around the edges of the driveway, but I like the way ours is. Here are some photos to help explain all of this!

This is the view of the back porch from the left of the driveway.

This is looking from the driveway over to the swing set.

This is looking at the back porch from the swing set. There used to be a hot tub on the deck and the heater was natural gas powered. They converted the gas line directly to the grill. It was nice that they left it for us (probably too much hassle to move!). Maybe the new deck could go around this crape myrtle.

This is the side yard where I would like to relocate the swing set thing to. This stretch of yard is maybe 30-40' long and about 15' wide.

And last, here is a direct view of the spot where I would like the pond. From the other side yard!

Now, here is where I need help.
1. Can the new growth at the base of the crape myrtle be cut?
2. The yard is sloped, and although it doesn't rain as much here as it does in Florida, when it does rain there is a lot of run off due to the clay soil. It's not very absorbent. Do we need to build up some top soil to "level" out that one corner of the yard, or do we work with the slope? There is an in-ground sprinkler system that is fairly new that needs to be kept in mind. Also, the alley behind the house is brand new concrete, so we could incorporate some type of overflow to drain onto it. Some of our neighbors with pools have done this.
3. I would like to have a "natural" looking pond like Karen Jenn or Indiana Karen. My space out there is maybe like 15'x30'. Is it possible to pull off a waterfall without a really long stream? Should we set the pond a certain distance from the fence to allow for planting shrubs and or small trees? Maybe a stream could originate by the side yard (point of view from last photo) and go down the slope into the pond?
4. any suggestions greatly appreciated!

Thanks for taking the time to read my rambling!

Pond Chat / First bloom in TX: Green Smoke (pics)
« on: May 26, 2007, 01:36:42 PM »
Kat ( sold me a few waterlilies last weekend and was nice enough to let me pick them up at her house! Already potted and fertilized and only about 9 miles north of my house--sweet! So here is the first bloom! I just got a big box of marginals from Tammie that look fabulous and I should have some great photos of those soon!

Chit Chat / It sure is quiet around here...
« on: May 23, 2007, 05:27:01 AM »
...know what I mean? :(

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Looking for the following:
« on: May 19, 2007, 08:03:25 AM »
Tropical Waterlilies:  Lindsey Woods, Blink
Hardies:  Any minitures, Gonnere
Others:  Anacharis, Parrot Feather, any taro, and mosaic plant

If you have any of these available for sale or postage, please email or PM me.


Chit Chat / Is this our Junko???
« on: April 25, 2007, 03:54:46 PM »
I was browsing some mother's day gift ideas on and happened to look at these hand crafted mugs. Could this be our Junko that is a potter/ceramics artist??? How cool!

Chit Chat / Looking for family vacation ideas
« on: April 07, 2007, 04:11:36 PM »
We're brainstorming for some family vacation ideas for this year. This vacation would be for my DH and I as well as our two boys (8 and 3). We've already been to Washington D.C., Seattle, New Orleans (pre-Katrina), and several places in Florida. DH hates theme parks. Hawaii would be nice, but is probably one to save for when the younger one is a little older. Scenery is good, especially mountains. We also like history and museums. I thought this treehouse place looked cool. My dad is a fishing guide in Alaska in the summers, so it's a possibility too.

Any ideas? Where have you been that you loved or hated?

Thanks in advance!

Chit Chat / We are the champions...AGAIN!
« on: April 02, 2007, 08:43:13 PM »
And we'll keep on fighting....till the end 
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world! (well, not really the WORLD, but you get the idea!)

 @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@

Chit Chat / Esther RULES!
« on: March 24, 2007, 07:50:28 PM »
Today, we received a box from Esther. She took the time to embroider some bath towels and wash cloths for my two sons. Each has a very cool gecko and their names, all in colors that coordinate with our bathroom colors.

Just wanted to publically thank her for such a nice gift! I'll upload a photo probably tomorrow, after Dylan's 8th birthday party!!

Chit Chat / March Madness
« on: March 24, 2007, 06:48:03 AM »
Anyone fill out a bracket? So far, I have 7 out of the elite 8!! The only one I didn't have was Memphis.

This is just pure hope, but I have the following outcomes:

Final Four - Florida, Kansas, Georgetown, Ohio State

Championship game - Florida, Kansas

Being from Kansas and also being UF alumni, this is the best outcome! As Jerry said in another thread, anyone can pretty much beat anyone on any given day! DH and I may go watch the next game at the local establishment where the Dallas Gator club meets. How cool is that?!

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