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Topics - Teresa

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Chit Chat / Having a crappy weekend, wish you were here . . . .
« on: September 10, 2006, 02:36:39 PM »
I have had the worst weekend of my entire life. . . . in fact, I could go so far as to say that yesterday alone was the worst day of my life so far.  I am feeling dreadfully sorry for myself right now and could use some serious cheering up. 

So please, if it's not too painful, tell me what your worst day ever was so I can see that mine wasn't really so bad?

Chit Chat / Missing members . . . .
« on: September 06, 2006, 07:50:20 PM »
We are missing some old time members . . . Eric, who used to start the lovely 'if I lived on an island' type topics - greenraisin for those who still remember him . . . . Judy from Kentucky who loved daylilies . . . Sandye who had a lovely Old English Sheepdog and wonderful grandchildren . . . . Nan from Hawaii who had a couple of really cute turtles and a beautiful wooden basking island that her DH made . . . . Arden who now posts at Koiphen but I wish would come back here . . . and where the devil is Jen from south Georgia . . . . and why don't we see much of Shae anymore?

Where are they all . . . . and why aren't they here?

Who else is missing?

Chit Chat / Excercise Thread
« on: August 30, 2006, 08:23:58 AM »
Let's start a new excercise thread - like Bart's on the old forum.  Everyone tell what you're doing and how it's going and we'll all offer support to each other.

I started back on my walking routine when the girls started back to school.  I'm not walking every day yet, or as far as I was last year.  I'm up to 3 days a week and about 3 miles each time.  Going to try to work up to 5 days a week and 5 miles a day.  It's hard getting back into it after taking several months off.

Bart are you still working out?

Terrestrial Gardening / p. amethyst
« on: August 29, 2006, 02:40:55 PM »
Blooming today and yesterday . . . . took it's time to start, but loaded with buds and worth the wait!

Chit Chat / For Joyce . . . . .
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:29:20 AM »
Always thought red hair suited your personality . . . .

Chit Chat / Anyone else knit?
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:01:49 PM »
I'm looking for a simple, but flattering cotton shell pattern and easy dog sweater patterns.  If anyone has any, I'd love to hear from you.

Terrestrial Gardening / Late Season Hydrangeas . . . Old and New
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:14:35 AM »
They are both lovely . . . .

Technology Talk / Cell Phone Ring Tones
« on: August 21, 2006, 06:32:58 PM »
DD#1 just got her first real cell phone, and it's a pretty cool one.  (Much cooler than mine, but I can't complain cuz DH wanted to get a blackberry and I said that was much too complicated.  I told him I just wanted it to ring and me to be able to answer it easily - no complications.  That's what he got me.)

Now she wants to get ring tones that suit her mood and personality.  If I get them thru the provider it's $3.70 plus tax per ring tone.  The guy at the cart in the mall that sells accessories told me that I don't have to do that.  He said if I get a data cable and download free software I can also download free ring tones and upload them to the phone free.  I can also use the data cable to offload her pics (camera phone!) to her computer instead of paying per kb to email them every time.

Can some tech savvy person out there tell me in english how the heck to do this?

Chit Chat / Cat on the Head!
« on: August 20, 2006, 06:31:14 PM »
I just got the start of my life!  A cat (rather large, very furry, and more than a bit startled himself) just fell out of the ceiling (breaking the dropped ceiling tile) and fell on my head.  The tile split and half landed on me while the other half landed on the poor dog.  She barked for a good 2 minutes (unusual considering she doesn't even bark when people come to the door) and then growled at the stupid cat.

Someone's gotta teach that cat that the dropped ceiling is not his personal playground before I have a heart attack!!

Chit Chat / Happy Birthday to Joyce's DH Bill!
« on: August 20, 2006, 06:26:53 PM »
Saw where she posted it was his Birthday on another thread, and figured that he deserved some well wishes too! 

Happy Birthday - and many more!

(OMG!!! I managed to post Sean's Birthday Banner!!!! I'm so surprised!!!)

Photo Album / Rare Birds in North Florida
« on: August 19, 2006, 10:54:31 AM »
Saw these last trip down.  They are unbelievably beautiful - moreso in person than in this photo.  Here's some info:
Like the canary in a coal mine, Roseate Spoonbills are letting us know that there is something drastically wrong with our environment, and continued runaway development will not only ruin our remaining natural areas but our lifestyles as well. However, this pink canary is still healthy enough to recover and the hope is that Everglades restoration efforts will reverse the downward trend. For this reason, spoonbills have been widely accepted as a key indicator species by which the health of Florida Bay and the greater Everglades landscape will be gauged. In a new program in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey and Everglades National Park, Dr. Jerry Lorenz and staff at Audubon's Tavernier Science Center, have begun a banding program to monitor the progress of spoonbills nesting throughout Florida.

Chit Chat / Sun Face
« on: August 19, 2006, 10:30:34 AM »
Found this in a garden center in Florida and now it's on the wall . . . I love the face, but in addition to that, it provides shelter and home for two green treefrogs and several lizards!

Terrestrial Gardening / Passiflora
« on: August 19, 2006, 10:17:05 AM »
Some of my passiflora blooming today. . . have a couple more blooming, but cearulea is too high and Jeanette got bit by some kinda bug (maybe a caterpillar? hope so!).

Chit Chat / So tell me . . .
« on: August 17, 2006, 04:44:29 PM »
just how angry I should be . . . I really need opinions.

DD#1 is having a Magic Party for her birthdays . . . it's what her crowd is into.  She's the only girl in this group that's into the Magic game, and that's caused some hurt feelings in the past.  A couple of the boy's moms, who don't know her and don't understand that she's just 'one of the guys' and a friend, not girlfriend, have left her off the guestlist for their parties.  Most of the mom's have invited her, she's gone to the parties and everyone had a great time. 

So we mailed her invites last Wednesday and people got them Friday and Saturday.  We get a call on Saturday afternoon (after the mail arrives) from a mom who lives just down the street.  Her son would love to come to the party, oh and by the way, she's invited to his party the next day at noon. 

We never got an invitation to this party of his except this phone invite at the very last minute.  I don't think we would have even gotten that if they hadn't gotten our invitation.  I HAVE discussed how she'd been left out of parties with this mom, so she knew that it would cause hurt feelings and that DD didn't mind being the only girl.

So fine, that kid is one that I'm not fond of anyway.  He's the same kid who broke the seat belt in my car, my daughter's lap top and the front closure under the dash of my car.  His parents were obnoxious about it and so we stopped carpooling. 

Today, she's called me 4 times.  First time she just asked me to call her.  Second time she gave me her cell # and asked me to call it.  Third time she asked for a list of the kids coming to the party so she could offer rides to the kids.  This woman lives 1/2 a mile from me and the next closest kid is 4 miles away - the rest are farther away than that and off in several directions, so I know that was BS.  The last time was just a few minutes ago and she didn't leave a message.

I dunno what she wants, but I'm pretty ticked off. 

Chit Chat / Sweaty!
« on: August 17, 2006, 04:23:55 PM »
It's 90 degrees and the humidity is over 55% (could be worse) and I just spent the last hour moving all the furniture out of or to the back of my family room with no air conditioning.  I'm absolutely dripping . . . .

Next time I gotta remember that one needs a/c to do heavy labor in the south in August.

DD#1 is having an in-between birthdays, just before school starts, Magic draft party tomorrow and needs lots of room for the 13 kids (plus her and her sister) she has coming over.  This party lasts from 1:30 to 7:30!!!!  (What!  Am I completely insane?!?!?!?!)  All the kids invited, other than my two daughters, are boys - ages 14 & 15.  (Yes, totally insane . . .)

Chit Chat / I know I'm too young!!!
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:06:50 PM »
Just got an email from the Director of Auxiliary Programs at the girls' school . . . they are starting a driver's ed class in a couple of weeks and he wanted to know if I wanted to enroll my older daughter . . . .I was too young for that this morning, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be going gray awfully quick now . . . .

What a shock to the system . . . .

Chit Chat / Finally!!! They Arrested someone for killing JonBenet
« on: August 16, 2006, 02:25:57 PM »
We heard much more than we ever wanted to about this because a lot of it went on here in Atlanta after the parents moved back here.  Of course everyone had their opinions about who was guilty.  The whole thing was just plain sad.

Chit Chat / Gave away my little slimy friends
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:59:10 PM »
I gave away almost all the slimy critters today and it makes me sad.  I have a dear friend who has two little boys, the youngest is about 6 and just LOVES frogs, snakes, lizards and the like.  She really wanted my critters, so I gave her all the african clawed frogs and the newts.  I kept the turtles and the hermit crabs because I like them.  The girls loved these animals at one time, but they don't much care about them anymore.  I set up a 10 gallon tank to hold a couple of fantails so the 'coons couldn't get them outside and I tossed a couple shub babies in there too.

I loved those frogs . . . . gonna miss them a lot.  Not gonna miss cleaning those smelly tanks . . . . at all!

Chit Chat / New Airline Restrictions
« on: August 10, 2006, 08:02:38 AM »
I guess everyone has heard the news about the terror attempts.  Pretty scarey stuff! 

Now about the restrictions . . . no water, no liquid, no creams, no lotions in carryons.  What they said this morning was nothing that is not solid can be in a carryon.

But I keep hearing mixed stories on electronics.  Can those go on a plane or not?  Anyone know the real poop on that?

Chit Chat / Woke up to a flat tire . . . .
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:55:19 AM »
I'm getting so tired of car trouble.  It seems that I end up stranded about every 3 months.  I've had flat tires, dead batteries, holes in the radiator, missing air valves (not even sure what the devil that one was, but it cost a bunch) and every other kind of trouble you can have.  DH is no help at all . . . . he never seems to be able to get the lug nuts off the wheel so I always end up doing it.  When the girls turned on the air without turning on the engine and ran down the battery, he refused to even come and get us!  (Said that his car doesn't have battery access so there was nothing he could do anyway.)

So this morning when he woke me up to tell me that I had a flat tire and he was going to work . . .

(What if I had to get the girls somewhere?  What if there was some emergency?)

So I called tripple A and joined up.  I had to pay extra to get the flat fixed this morning and I still have to go get a plug in the tire, but next time I won't have to worry about who's going to come get me.

Think DH needs a spanking!

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