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Topics - pegs pond

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Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Dead HUSBAND!
« on: May 02, 2009, 07:08:24 PM »
I am going to KILL my husband!  He fessed up today that he had put 7 goldfish in the pond while I was gone! {nono}  I been trying to figure out where all the little fish that weren't there last year had come from and trying my best to see tails to figure if they were wakin or shubunkins!  He thought it was really funny to get some FEEDER goldfish and put them in there.  Ohhh I am sooooooo :swear: I gave goldfish away last year as I decided to keep just the wakin and shubbies!   :'(
Oh and the fish started eating yesterday!   @O@

Pond Chat / When do plants "sprout"?
« on: April 03, 2009, 01:08:48 AM »
Hi all, I don't know if my plants are dead or just still dormant.  I'm in SW Washington state and it's still cold, had a few days in upper 50's but more in the low 40's and still freezing at night some nights...and had snow yesterday grrrrrrrrrr.  I know the water celery is okay as it's sprouting.  A couple of the iris are showing some green,  the parrot feathers are showing growth BUT everything else doesn't look like it's alive!  Mini cattails, the anacharis, purple pickerel and water lilies all don't show any growth.  What do ya think?  Also am I supposed to pull the water lilies into shallow water until they start growing?  And I used osmocote to fertilize them when I put them in late summer, should I do it again or wait until the start growing? Sorry but this is all new to me.
Thanks Peggy

Pond Chat / Winter over???? need imput on feeding
« on: March 06, 2009, 12:27:59 AM »
Hi all, sorry I haven't posted in long time, but it's been Looooooooooooong winter here!  The pond finally unfroze!  @O@ and yesterday we turned the waterfall and filters back on..........ummm and it SNOWED today!  :swear: The deicer I bought worked brilliantly all winter and didn't cost hardly anything to run!  Hubby found one dead fish and then I sat out and did a head count and it was the only one that we lost.  Amazing!  I think it was one of the wakins (goldie) :'(  but not chubby he is still there. One of the wakins is not totally orange!  Tracey do they change colors?  When I got it it was orange with white spots.  The shubunkins look like they have grown, either that or Chubby has lost weight!  Also they were all swimming around and looked hungry.  I had hubby put aerator in just in case they were looking for oxygen but it really looked like they were looking for food!  I only have an aquarium aerator and don't like to leave it out there to long, do raise it off the ground and then cover it but when turned the waterfall on took it out as figure that will give them more air.  The water temp is only 42-48.  Some have told me to not feed until water temp 50?  I got magazine on ponding today and it says to feed wheat germ food when water is above 40??? I sure would hate to loose them now!  Thanks in advance.  And please cross fingers for some warmer weather for us in Washington!

Pond Chat / Waterfall on or off for winter?
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:24:38 AM »
Can't decide so thought I'd ask your opinion before it gets to freezing time.  Pump is 5000 gph and have 3 waterfalls and stream about 24 ft long (from 3 inches to a foot deep) 2 inch flex pipe and a run of plain pvc pipe up the hill....none is below freeze line....some only a couple of inches down.  I don't THINK it will freeze if left on as there is a lot of water movement.  We do get some days that it doesn't get above freezing......last year quite a few! What do ya think?  If it was yours what would ya do? 
Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Is this pond "bloom"?
« on: October 02, 2008, 09:55:05 AM »
Hi all, Okay the water in the pond was awesome, had been in there about 3 weeks and no "bloom" just a bit of algae starting when I got the not so brilliant idea of mortaring in the rocks and spilled it in the pond and had to do a mad fast drain.  Got it all cleaned up and back together, took about a week, and plants and fish back in.  Well it started turning green pretty fast this time.  (oh we did NOT drain the biofilter as I thought that maybe the "good" bacteria would help?)  Everyday it gets greener, water looks almost thick, can't see but shadows of fish.  Oh it's been refilled for a bit over 2 weeks.  Is this "bloom" that I've read about or do I need to do something?  I've cleaned the prefilter but not touched the savio biofilter, should I clean it out?  Add sludge remover, algecide or just wait it out and it will clear on it's own?  I have put microlift PL in it as I read that was good for starting and keeping pond nice.  It's raining but I will try to get piccys if it quits for a few.  Oh also there is a bit of foam around some of the plants and some bubbles on the kinda looks like a green swamp pit  :'(.  Also I have a pond vac that works on water should I vacuum it? 
Thanks for ANY help/advise.

Pond Chat / Mssg from Ky Kim to All
« on: September 29, 2008, 07:21:36 PM »
Hi all, Kim went ahead and sent me plants despite all her problems!  KIM!  Thanks so much but you really should have waited. I am SUPER happy with what you sent!  Thank you, thank you , thank you!

 She also wanted me to post for her that the storm fried her computer and she can't get online.  She is missing everyone very much!  Her power is back on but her PC isn't. She said to tell you all SHE is fine just the PC is fried.  She had some damage of ornaments and wind chimes, tree, and loss of a few shingles... and major loss of food but she seems to be taking it all in stride and just happy they still have a house and the family are all safe and sound. 

Fingers and toes crossed that she gets her puter back working soon.

Pond Chat / HELP! Messed up big time! Laugh? or Cry?
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:24:49 AM »
We made a vault for the waterfall out of concrete blocks and put the EPDM liner over it, then stacked up rocks to cover it.  Well since the walls are vertical and we don't have access to flat rocks the rocks were a bit unstable.  So AFTER the water, plants, and fish are in there I have the brilliant idea ( {nono}) to mortar the rocks so they will at least stick together.  Now don't laugh....I am into many kinds of crafts so..............I figure it will work to use a cake decorating bag to squish the mortar between the rocks and won't have to move and restack all of them......well first try and the mortar will not come out the largest tip I have...okay so take that off and just use the end connector....wrong...still won't come out....okay take the connector off and just use the bag without one!  Yippee it works, BUT hubby doesn't realize how to fold the end and one squish and there is mortar all over!  Okay get that worked out and going to town "frosting" the rocks...ummm then there are apparently areas behind some of the rocks that didn't get all the way to the wall!  More mortar in the water!  About 3 hours of frosting later all done hey this doesn't look bad.........BUT it was messy and I got some on the rocks.......hmmmm didn't I read somewhere that let it set a bit and then wash it off with the hose???  Okay sounds good........WRONG!  Pond is quickly turning cloudy gray!  I scream at hubby to get the pump we use for draining and pump out the water where I'm standing as the muck hasn't gone all out into the pond and I figure we can just pump that part out..........WRONG!  by the time he gets the pump the pond is a cloudy mucky mess!  PANIC I'm gonna kill my fish!  Get the strips to check the water and it's off the charts!  Colors are not even the same as it shows on the chart!  Didn't know which was top or bottom as they didn't match at ALL!  Noooooooooo!  Tracey's WAKINS!  My new BABIES!  By this time it's about 7 pm and we are pumping water as fast as the pump will go to try to get the water so we can catch and rescue the fish!  (pond holds about 4000 gallons) And it's getting COLD out.  Hubby decides we will be there all night with the 950 gal pump so takes the big 5000 gal/hr one out of the skimmer and rushes around trying to find fittings make it so that we can pump the water out with it!  He finally gets close but not exact fit so he's in the water holding the thing together and I'm with the cord plugging and unplugging it when he can't hold it anymore.  After a few miss-communications he is dripping wet and NOT a happy camper!  The water finally gets below the plant shelf (where all the fish were hiding) so he gets the net....well net might be an over's one of those little green aquarium nets!  and off he goes trying to catch them!  The fat Wakin, Chubby was pretty easy....and the snoopy red and white one..........but now the Shubunkins were a whole different story!  Ohhh for a video!  By this time it has gotten DARK!  So here is hubby with flashlight chasing fish in murky water.  We drain it a bit more and he is able to find and catch all but the last little shunbunkin and I felt sorry for him (hubby this time) and said just let it go.  NO... he's now on a mission and he's gonna catch that fish if it takes all night!  About 30 minutes of lunging and spotlighting and voila we have all seven fish!  So in the house we come both of us cold and wet and hungry with a 5 gallon bucket of fish!  New dilemma... now what are we gonna put them in?  Trash can with new trash bag? Nooooo all trash cans are full!  Largest bucket I have is the 5 gallon one and no way am I making them spend the night in that!  Hubby suggests bathtub?  but I'm afraid water would not hold in that.......Okay they will have to stay in the 15 gallon aquarium with the little goldfish!  I changed the water and checked that the temp was the same as the gang was in and put them in....There is a filter and thank heavens I bought an aerator for it so I figure they should be okay, a bit cramped but enough air and better than the pond water!  HA! they were happy campers and even ate!  They are doing fine this morning and I am off to the farm store to buy a stock tank!  And am ordering a net with a pole on it!

Okay now for the question!  Since we had to drain the whole pond, I plan on plugging some holes and mortaring below the water line (will use as little as possible) How long does the mortar have to dry/cure before I can put water back in and then how long till we can put the fish back in the water? I searched on here and found that someone had washed concrete with muratic acid to take the lime out??? I used just plain old mortar.  PLEASE answer ASAP. 

A very  :redface: new ponder

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / WAKINS HERE! Photos of new family
« on: September 11, 2008, 12:25:14 PM »
Hi all!  Oh I am so excited!  My Wakins from Tracey (who I found out about on here! Thank YOU Tracey you are the BEST! :2thumbs:) arrived today!   @O@ They are awesome! I  o(:-) them!  My hubby and I sat out there and watched them for 2 hours!  He said maybe we should get a life if our entertainment consists of watching the new fish!  LOL  There are their first photos.  Now please note this is the first time I've ever taken photos of fish and these guys had just got out of the bag from a 2 day 2000 mile trip so please excuse the quality.  LOL even our UPS man was excited and hung around to see them!

This is Chubby it is the one that Tracey saved for me and OMG it GREW!  I didn't measure but would guess about 6 inches.

another view of Chubby

This one we are calling Whitey and it's about 3 inches I'd guess

This one is Snoopy and it's the smallest at about 2 inches but gosh he makes up for his size in not being a bit intimidated by the trip and new home! He immediately took off exploring!

Thanks all of you SO much!  Dunno if I would have been able to accomplish all of this without you!

Pond Chat / How do you keep fish out of skimmer?
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:30:47 AM »
HELP!  Do you put some kind of netting or something over your skimmer to keep it from sucking in the fish?  PLEASE if you do can you tell me how to do it and what materials to use?  If not how do you keep them from getting sucked in?
Thanks Peg

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Need fish owner!
« on: August 25, 2008, 07:44:42 PM »
Hi all, I am new owner of 3 shubunkins 1.5 to 2 inches long that are currently eating tetra color flakes.  (and hopefully 4 of Traceys Wakin) Temp house is aquarium until pond is done.  Pond size aprox 11X20X2.5 with savio skimmer and waterfall wier (waterfall at top of 24 ft stream with 6 ft rise) 5000 gph pump, 2 inch pipe.  Okay stats out of the way come questions.  OH and I did a search on here of "food" and read all I could.

1. Are 7 fish enough to start with in this size of pond?

2. should I put some kind of net or screen on skimmer to keep fishies out of it?  if so what, and if I do how will it skim leaves?  Worried about it sucking them in!

3. food     I have had recommendation of Blackwell food and know that come cool water they need food with wheat germ, problem is it only comes in 5 lb bags ( how long will 5 lbs last for 7 small fish?) and it will only be about 1-2 months MAX until water temp is low so will have to change to wheat THAT I will probably use 5 pounds of...LOL.... and I have read that it doesn't keep long does it keep?  Do I need to do gradually switch to pellets?

4. in consideration of #3 would anyone on here sell me just a little bit of the pellets?  The ones for warm weather?

5.  Considering these are still small fish should I bring them inside for their first winter?  I am in Washington state and it gets cold here in winter, some sustained freezing and last year lots of snow!  I WILL make sure there is adequate oxygen with bubbler and/or heater for keeping hole in ice if it occurs.

Thanks Peg

Koi Corner / Fish Questions from Newbie
« on: August 23, 2008, 08:49:06 AM »
Hi all, pond is nearing completion and I'm thinking fishies now but have NO idea, other than reading on here about pond fish.  A friend of mine in England has some really pretty fish that are black when they are born and then get orange/red spots on them as they get older, are they koi?  (they inherited them with house and are not sure).  She has water lilies and they don't eat them.  I am sooooo confused and undecided whether to go with a couple of koi or some goldfish (wakin if I can find them), or both.  I love what I have seen and read about koi but not about them eating the plants and pooping a lot. Also my pond it not quite big enough for koi from what I have's about 12X16 but only a little over 2 ft deep. (not finished, and NO I can't make it deeper already purchased liner and can't afford another one right now.  Also if I ask hubby to dig deeper I think I might have to go to divorce court!   Anyway can you please give me your thoughts and experience and help me decide?

Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Underlayment and Liner questions w/latest photo
« on: August 19, 2008, 07:21:05 AM »
Hi all, okay we are ready for underlayment and liner.  2 questions..........can you cut the underlayment and put it on top of itself to help form it without so many lumps? cut straight line to near bottom and then lay it together like a dart in sewing?.....and it there a direction you are supposed to run the folds in the liner?  tips for getting it as smooth as possible would be appreciated.  Here's the latest photo.

Thanks Peg

Pond Chat / Question about "great stuff"....sticky foam
« on: August 17, 2008, 01:04:06 PM »
Hi all, I am not sure if you are supposed to start a new thread with a new question?
I need to stick some rocks to a "vault" I have made for my waterfall....puting underlayment, then liner and you will see under the falls rock so want to make it pretty.  Been reading posts and about using great foam for outside to keep things in place, well what about inside? I guess I could just start at the water level and go up from there but splashing will probaly still get em wet.  Concern is for plants and goldies....chemicals leak out of this stuff?  anyone know?  And yes I know what I will get into using this stuff!  I built a "rock" out of it for a mermaid to sit on and gawd what a mess!   I think when I start this project (if it will work)  I'll get a disposable painters suit!
Thanks Peg

Pond Construction & Filtration / Newbie needing enclosed
« on: August 16, 2008, 07:42:14 PM »
HI l just joined and want to introduce myself.  I'm Peggy from Washington State.  We live in a town way out in the sticks in a valley between 4 big's very pretty but shopping is a pain!  (go internet!  @O@)

I'm not only new to here I'm new to ponding!  In the process of building a 11X16 pond with 25 ft stream with 3 waterfalls.  Got EDPM liner, underlayment, Savio 22 inch bio falls/filter, savio skimmer, Beckett 5000gph submersible pump (yeah I know it's not the best but hope it will last a year) savio mid drain to attach to make a bottom drain (inside, I afraid to cut bottom of liner)..been reading everything I can find on the net about building ponds and hope my design works!  Here's photos of it so far.  PLEASE, please give advice if this desgin looks like it will work.  Top of waterfall is in shadows but will go just about where the shadow shows, near top of hill, turn and then down the hill, worried that the curve might be to sharp and water will gush up the sides? Second question where the heck does the one way flow thingy go?  big white pvc valve with flow arrows on it?  I got "kit" off ebay....Oh and pond will have goldies no koi.....   o(                       Thanks Peg

Photo from top, where waterfall weir will go

todays photos 8/16/08

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