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Topics - northern ponder

Pages: [1]
Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Shubunkin Fry
« on: October 03, 2008, 04:19:35 PM »
My pond is about 35' X 15' and around 4' deep in the center.  Last year was our first year.  We stocked with 5 koi, 5 shubinkins and 3 goldfish.  This summer while feeding them I noticed a couple of babies swimming around.  I was so excited.  Now there is probably 40 to 50 fry swimming around they range from 1" to 2.5" we believe there are three different age groups.  Anyhow I went from thinking how cool is this to what the $#@$% am I going to do.  Last winter we used a heater to keep a hole open in the ice.  Which we are planning to do again this year.  So, here are my questions.  1.)Will that many fish survive in that size of a pond? 
2.) If the answer to 1 is no then any idea's as to what to do with the fry?
3.) How do I catch them if need be?
Thanks in advance.

Pond Water Quality / Dogs and Pond Parasites
« on: September 21, 2008, 02:32:50 PM »
I feel like a bit of a interloper here.  As if it weren't for my dog I would not have sought you out.  My dog has recently become ill I believe that he has become infected with Giardia from drinking the pond water.  I have a large pond that currently has 5 Koi, 5 Shubunkins, 3 goldfish and my best guess is around 50 fry no idea whose babies.  Is there anyway to test the water for Giardia?  If it is Giardia is there anyway to treat the water without harming my fish?  Any info or experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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