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Topics - vibraphonusrex

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Strange behavior--possible predator?
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:28:58 AM »
My bigger Koi will not go into the deep end of the pond.  It's like they hit a brick wall; they turn right around, even when I put some food into the feeding ring!  The only thing that's different is I placed two small airstones in the deep end, but the small fish and goldfish don't mind that at all, and the big fish were interested in the bubbles a couple of days ago.  Today, I found a dead baby fish in the skimmer; it was missing its head!  I've never had any instance, that I could document, of cannabalism in the pond.  Could some other animal or bird have visited the pond and scared the fish; if so, why, or how, would it only bite the head off a baby fish?  Yipes!!  I've not had any problem with predators, (knock on wood).

Bob Blomberg

Pond Chat / Some night shots of the pond.
« on: May 08, 2010, 06:11:10 AM »
They're not the greatest, but I took a few night shots of the pond, and here they are:

It's still a little chilly here at night; the fish love the lights, because they produce a bit of heat!  They slow down as they glide past the lights, speed up in a big circle, and then slow down again.  It's fun to watch the fish race back and forth, too.  It's that time of year again; I wonder if I'll have some babies later.

Bob Blomberg 

Pond Chat / First Pictures of 2010!
« on: April 19, 2010, 02:05:16 PM »
You may remember that I did a pond expansion last fall.  Here are some pictures of how the pond is doing so far this year.  The stores say that they'll have pond plants in a week or so; right now, only "Big Spikey" and some lilies are in the pond.

Bob Blomberg

Pond Chat / Finally, some more pictures of the pond expansion!
« on: November 01, 2009, 05:12:04 PM »
At long last, here are a few more shots of the pond expansion.  My friends and I have been working around the rain to get in the new walk around the one end of the pond; the little fence is there to deter the pugs from playing in the mud!  There is also a picture of the filtration area.  I've been busy putting some plants in pots back in the pond.  Everything is tentative in regards to final placement and all, but it gives you a little idea of the progress made so far.  The fish are so fun to watch as they glide around the pond, and I know I will enjoy the easier maintenance.

Bob Blomberg

Pond Chat / Pond expansion with some pictures.
« on: October 24, 2009, 09:00:19 AM »
Well, last weekend we finally did the big pond expansion!  There's a lot of tweaking to do, but it's up and running and the fish love it.  We went from about 800 gallons to just over 3200 gallons.  I wanted no rock or gravel on the bottom, a bottom drain, and a vortex filter with another biofalls.  The deep end is five feet deep, with the bottom gradually sloping down to the drain from a 30" depth.  The whole thing's a little overwhelming right now, but I'll get used to it.  The important thing is that the fish will be happier and healthier.  I just have to get used to the new filter set-up; there will be a new routine for me to follow now.  I tried to pick some pictures to show the progression from start to finish.  I can post more later.

I just had to include that one with me wearing the hard hat.  We worked until 3:00 AM the one morning and it got a little goofy!  Anyway, hope you like the pictures and I'll send more as the pond progresses.

Bob Blomberg

Photo Album / A few pictures.
« on: June 18, 2009, 07:40:19 PM »
Here are some pictures from this year's addition of my pond.

Bob Blomberg

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