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Topics - small fish

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Pond Chat / New lily pics (more added)
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:28:53 PM »
That is I hope.  Think I found how to make it easier that last time.

Myra  :D

Pond Chat / Frogs, frogs and frogs Pics added
« on: July 17, 2010, 08:37:21 PM »
I just go home at 10 PM and the frogs tonight were so loud, even for them.  I had to go out side and find a few of them.  I found 8 of them easily and took some pics but I could tell by the sound that was not even half of them.  We had a good strong rain fall today.  I guess they got really excited in the rain.  I will post some pics tomorrow for you.

Remember these pics were taken at night.  I can't be respondsable for the quailty  ;)  Look below for the rest of the frogs.


Pond Chat / I will try & post pond & lilies pics
« on: July 04, 2010, 08:11:25 PM »
for the first time this year with the new computor and new resizer...  8-)~

Terrestrial Gardening / Help what can you do with grasshoppers
« on: June 19, 2010, 05:55:41 AM »
They are trying to eat up every thing.  I could see there was some thing making all of the leaves on the Rose of Sharon appear very lacey.  Pretty look but not natural.  Did not take very long to see it as well as a number of other plants were wrapped up with very tiny grasshoppers who seem to have a tremendus dirise to live and grow big.  Now I am finding these grasshoppers on every thing all over the yard.  Is there any thing I can to to decrease their number or just wipe them out.  I have not used anything in my yard to kill things because of the pond.  Suggestions???    :-\


for sale.  The water lettuce is trying to take over both ponds and the other two plants have been in the pond about 3 or 4 years.  Past time to cut back.  I would like to ship these Monday or Tuesday as I have to get them out of the pond this week end due to the snake in the pond. Have to get rid of the snake also.  Let me know if you are interested. 

Water lettuce    2 for $1
Blue/purple pickerel    $3 ea
Blue sludge               $3 ea

Plus postage
I accept paypal. I will post pics later today


More pics below

Pond Chat / Oh, s***t Snake !!!!!
« on: June 12, 2009, 06:14:55 PM »
I just saw a snake in my upper pond.  He had a fish in his mouth.  When I saw him I froze and so did he.  It was a black snake, not to big around. His color under his mouth and chin was a light color.  I could see his tail sticking up out of the water but I am not sure how long it was.  It was in the pond looking toward the edge of the ground around the pond.  He was holding his head up in a s shape with the fish not quite half way in his mouth. I wanted to hit him with something but there way not anything around. My next thought was to take his pic but I knew that I could not get to the camera.  I move just a little.  The fish wiggled. And the snake slipped backwards into the water. 

I don't think he has been in there long.  I thought this morning when I went to feed the fish, they were acting very strange as they did not come toward me and did not seem to interested in the food.  I am very unhappy to think he is in there eating all of the fish. My favorite fish in there.  I normally wade around in that pond often.  My plan was to get in there tomorrow and cut back a number of marganal plants.  Ohhhhhh.  I guess now I have to drain that pond to get him out.   >:(-


I had a close relative fall ill a few weeks ago and died.  I am not able to follow through with this post at this time.  I will post what is available at a later time.


I have a number of plants - land and water to divide.  I have the lily pic below that is ready to ship. Let me know if you are interested.  I would like to trade for some water lettuce.  I think I have enought for at least 4 diviisions. I will be shipping from Louisiana. 

aka small fish

Terrestrial Gardening / How many have a well in your back yard?Pic
« on: November 29, 2008, 03:45:26 PM »
I would think a number of people would have a well.  I just had one installed today. 


Pond Chat / Why is frogs dying in my pond?? Pic
« on: November 29, 2008, 03:42:06 PM »
In less than 2 weeks I have found 2 frogs in the pond dead.  The first one I saw laying on the bottom of the pond on his back dead.  I scooped him up with a net.  He had a small hole in his side with goop squeezed out of it.  I thought it very strange as it is the first frog I have had come up dead in the pond.  Thought maybe some thing bit him.  Today I found another frog dead in the pond. He was floating under a lily pad, but I could see his back legs sticking out from under the pad.  Netted him out but there does not seemed to be any thing wrong with him. No hole. He does appear a little fat but that is the way I like my frogs to be.  Check out the pic and tell me what you think.  I have a number of different kinds of frogs in my pond in the past 3 years but I have never had one die in the pond like this.


Pond Chat / Kat, ? on lily ponds
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:21:19 PM »
Do you cover your lily ponds in the winter?? If so, do you do that when the temp get at a certain level?  I am thinking of putting a pond heater in mine and covering it with clear plasic but I am not sure when to do this


Terrestrial Gardening / How did this happen??
« on: September 27, 2008, 07:11:51 PM »
I had some bee balm in a flower bed in the back yard and it became invaisive.  I transplanted some of it in a flower bed at the front of the house with less space to become less invaisive. Then I removed that in the back yard intirely. Well, in the back yard the flowers were the red ones in the first pic.  The ones I transpanted into the front bed are the second pic, which is an intirely different flower shape and color. Is there a way to get the flower to return to the red flower???


Chit Chat / Lilies before and after pics
« on: September 14, 2008, 08:13:27 PM »
and a few other lilies


Terrestrial Gardening / Just spent to much money here
« on: September 06, 2008, 06:51:56 AM »
They have lots of stuff for sale... ever thing in the sale is 3.00 each and there are 300 things included on that list.

From: "Santa Rosa Gardens" <>


Pond Chat / Pond appears to returning to (pics)
« on: September 01, 2008, 09:49:24 PM »
something close to last years.  The last couple of days I have had several blooms. The lighter blooms are more because the sun washed the yellow color out. 


Pond Chat / I must be buying pumps at the wrong place/new info added
« on: August 24, 2008, 07:35:51 PM »
The guy who built my pond bought the pump a Home Depot.  It did not last but a few months.  I was able to get them to replace it as it had a 1 year warrenty.  That one lasted, humm, about a 1 year and a half.  I bought a more expense pump at Home Depot that may have lasted close to 2 years.  This weekend it went out.   :(

The guy who built my pond had only built preform ponds, mine was the first liner pond he had done.  I think he did a good job on the pond.  But after he put in the pump I ask about him installing a filter in front of the pump.  He did not think it was needed.  I discovered halfway into the job he was not on the internet either.  I was shocked about this.  {nono} Suggested he might want to do that to see what others were doing with their ponds. 

I am going to search past post on pump.  There was something posted earlier this year I think on pumps that was suggested as being a good choice and was on sale at that time.  I thought about getting it at the time but you know, I did not need it then.  If anyone has a suggestion, I am open to ideas. 


Pond Chat / A couple of lily pics
« on: August 16, 2008, 07:48:44 PM »
This has not been my best pond year... to many things to do to take my time away from what needs to be done... It has caused my not to have as many blooms... but they seem to be coming back  @O@   @O@  The first is Mayla.  I am not sure of the second.


Pond Chat / Water under the liner HELP
« on: July 15, 2008, 10:00:09 PM »
Just before 11:00 tonight I heard a noise outside and went to investigate.  I heard the pump struggling and the lower pond  appearred to low for water to get into the pump house.  I got the water hose and started water flowing into the pump house.  I have a large outside light pole so I turned that on to see what was really going on. 

I had notice the past couple of days the lower pond's water level going down faster than it should and the water level in the upper pond was high.  I thought as the water was being pumped to the upper pond a bit of the water was overflowing and or being redirected over one side of the upper pond as this had happen before. 

Tonight after I turned on the outside light it appeared that the liner was closer to the top of the water in the upper pond than was normal.  I poked it and the liner is floating but toward the middle of the pond the liner was deeper.  I went around to the other side of this pond and again the liner close to the side was floating close to the top of the water.  I thought all I can do at this time of the night is cut the water and the pump off till tomorrow. 

I called a friend of mine to see when he could come and help me find the problem.  When I called him I told him there was water under the liner and I could not see well to figure out the problem as it was dark.  He ask if there were eletric wires under the pond and I said no.  He was thinking the problem was the eletric in the house was off and I was in the house in the dark.

When he understood the problem was the pond, he began to say it was to late to talk about work that would need to be done tomorrow, in a nice way. Reporting he was willing to come now if it was the house.  I did explain to him how tramatic this is for me. He was understanding and we made a plan for him to come tomorrow to hlep fix it. 

Now how could the water get under the liner.  This pond is three and a half years old at least.  We did discuss a number of differ causes.  This has not been my best pond year even before this happened.    :'(


Pond Chat / The best lily pic I have every took
« on: May 07, 2008, 09:15:55 PM »
But the truth is the pics do not do the first lily justice ..   o(:-)


Pond Chat / Are these eggs??
« on: May 03, 2008, 09:52:05 PM »
If so, does anyone have an idea what kind of eggs??? 


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Received lily
« on: May 03, 2008, 09:20:19 PM »
Tim, I received the colorata species lily and it is huge .... thanks for the Black Princess taro.  Is that different from the Black Magic taro?  I think I need to take off work one day next week to work in the pond.  I am not getting enought done just over the week end.  Besides needing time to divide my lilies, I now have 4 new lilies to plant.   @O@


Pond Chat / Looking for Gordon Mendenhall
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:12:44 PM »
I received money from Gordon, but I can not find the order.  I have serched the members
list but did not find anything.  Help !!!!!


Terrestrial Gardening / The cat
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:52:29 PM »
This is the stranges cat I have every see.  Looks like 2 cats that were cut up and put back together wrong.. What do you think happen??


Terrestrial Gardening / The baby
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:50:23 PM »
This is a little one.... I think a baby to the larger one I have been seeing around the yard


Terrestrial Gardening / A few booms
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:43:34 PM »
just got a few blooms before the rain


Terrestrial Gardening / Projects in the yard
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:41:11 PM »
A few projects in the yard  ....

  Myra    @O@

Pond Chat / Lilies pics
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:34:20 PM »
A few pics today of lilies in the pond... Ronda Kay and Pink Peal and Lavender Lace where some of my best bloomer last year


Pond Chat / Looking for Monique Jones
« on: April 27, 2008, 03:16:32 PM »
I am stumped ... I received a payment for plants I listed on the plant exchange link.  But now I can not find the order.  I am trying to find the email of this person to be sure what was ordered.  I searched member list but did not find it.  Please email me so I can ship the order out.    :(


This idea has truely grow, like all of my plants  @O@  but I think I have a handle on it now. I plan to ship most of the orders in a Priority mail  flat rate mailing envelope.  The cost on that wil be $5.00.  This envelope is 12 inches by 9 1/2 inches.  I will put all I can in that.

If you would like to have more of the plants you ask for than what will fit in the envelope, let me know.  Depending where you are, the plants can be ship in a larger box with a little more cost as I beleive the plants should not weight to much.  That depends on where you live.

I would like payment with paypal.  My addy is
Please email me if you would like to pay differently.

I plan to ship all of the envelopes on Monday that have paid the postage.  Any others that request plants boxed differently will be shipped on Wednesday.(that is if all goes well  ::) )

In a past life, and some times now, I make scented soap and lotions and have shipped orders in that life.  This will be a larger group shipping so it will be a little new to me.  Love those new aventures.   @O@   @O@ 

P.S.  Lets hope I did not forget anything    8-)~


I am ready now to toss out the 4 leaf clover & watercress ... pics to follow (I hope)
I am willing to ship this to you for postage ... just got to figure that out ... please leave your zip..  they say the weekend is going to be pretty and rain free  o(:-) this weekend ...

Greg and Debbie, I have you down already for the first cut


Pond Chat / Fish eater??
« on: April 15, 2008, 08:24:30 PM »
Do possums ? eat fish?? In the last two weeks I have seen a possum two times in the back yard at night.  This not the first time I have seen a possum here and I am beganing to wonder what the draw is to my yard. I tried to get a pic the last two times but missed. I will try again.


Pond Chat / Can't believe I have 4 lilies blooming
« on: April 09, 2008, 09:01:34 PM »
 @O@   I just love the sun too   I could not believe that I had so many blooming lilies this early in the year.. @O@    @O@   @O@


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