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Pond Chat / Yerba Mansa = Lizards Tail
« on: May 03, 2011, 02:44:43 PM »
I am trying to figure out how to plant this as it's new for me.

I have read that Yerba Mansa is aka as Lizards Tail. Is that right?
Here is a link to the article:

Pond Chat / Newbie Lotus Questions
« on: April 17, 2011, 11:28:30 AM »
I planted the lotus that I got from tranquility and I have some questions. The last time I tried to grow one it was a complete flop. :swear:

Does this look like the right amount of water above the tuber? The tape measure is sitting on top of the tuber. Should I add more?
You can see the aerials in the pics and the one to the left is very tall, maybe close to a foot. Do I need to keep these aerials underwater or let them go like they are.
We probably will have some cold nights here in the next couple of weeks so I suspect I will have to raise the water level to keep it from freezing at night. Will I need to lower the level again during the day or just leave it till the cold snap passes?



This one I put in for funzies. I will remove the one round rock after I fill the pot.

Chit Chat / Veterans Day
« on: November 11, 2010, 08:33:44 AM »
Today is Veterans Day here in the US! 

I would like to take a moment today to say thank you to all those that took time out of their lives to serve our country, to help keep me and my family safe and bring us the freedom that we all enjoy. This is something that I do not take lightly. :-)



Chit Chat / Sean's Pond Temp
« on: November 09, 2009, 01:23:05 PM »
I was looking at Sean's signature line today and noticed the "Patio" and "Pond" temps.
They were as follows:
@ 1:19 (Pacific Time)
Patio: 81.1*C/46.6*F
Pond: 91.0*C/195.8*F YIKES!!! You better check those fish to see if they are done yet ;) lol!

This probably should not be in the chat section so please move if needed.

Pond Chat / Lotus from Tink
« on: May 14, 2009, 12:53:54 PM »
I haven't posted any pics of the lotus that I got from Tink b/c the weather here has been so crappy that it's just sitting there in the planter. I did take a pic a while back so I will put it up. Not alot of progress really.  ::) We supposed to be getting some nice sunny days so it should perk up some.

Pond Construction & Filtration / How to layer a bio-filter
« on: March 08, 2009, 05:15:25 PM »
I will be building a filter that will be about 240 gallons +/- and I have been reading the thread about adding lava rock which I found to be very useful.  :) Now I have a question or two about layering the bio-filter.

On the bottom of the filter you have a space for the water to enter from the pond. It then flows up and out the filter via falls or stream.
My question is, how should the layer the filter material? Bio-balls then filter pads (Matala or whatever) or the other way around?

If you were to use bio-balls, filter pads and some lava rock, all together, what would be the most efficient to have those layered?

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