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Topics - Zone2

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Pond Chat / Zone2 Ponding
« on: February 20, 2009, 09:38:44 AM »
Hi All, I am new here and just wondering if anyone else out there ponds in a zone 2?  I have been successfully doing it for 3 years now.  Winter is a real challenge but I have never lost a fish (knocking on wood).  I have 7 koi and about 30 goldfish.  My biggest koi is almost 3 years old and 24" and 8 lbs. The pond is open from May to October.  I usually stop feeding mid october and don't resume until may.  My only thought about how my fish get so big so fast is the 21 hours of daylight I have in the summer months.  As of this morning, the ice on the pond is currently 18" thick still   :'(

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