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Topics - carolynm

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / My lamb drowned
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:22:55 PM »
I can't believe I'm writing this. I had a 10 day old bottle baby lamb just drown in my ornamental pond. I found her floating, tried to resuscitate with no luck.  >:(- I'm heartbroken.

I have a raised pond about 18-24" deep about 3 feet across attached to my deck.  I  have really enjoyed my pond but am now doubting its safety. I love animals and always have something I"m raising.  I don't think covering it is an option because then how do you grow anything in it?  We always put a  large branch or plank in our water troughs so if a squirrel or something falls in they have something to grab and get out. Does anyone have any ideas of how one could cover or what I could put in it to make a safe exit for animals.

I feel like I"m closing the gate after the horse has fled.  Maybe posting this will generate some ideas that might save another animal in the future.



Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Passiflora wanted
« on: June 07, 2010, 03:36:27 PM »
I know I know- it's not a pond plant not even a bog plant. 

I'd really like to find some passiflora seedlings. I bought a plant earlier this year but it didn't fare well and died (I mail ordered it and it never looked great).  I then bought some seeds...and none have germinated. 

Does anyone have any spare seedlings?



Pond Chat / Possible Lotus Pot
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:19:14 AM »
I have this pot I purchased last year and just don't know what to plant in it.  I was wondering if perhaps I could put a small lotus in it? I have seeds of "Nelumbo Nuficera" just sprouting that I need to pot up.  The opening is an oval about 15" in diameter but the depth of the pot is only about 6" to the bottom of the oval.  I suppose I could put a pot within the pot? What would you do?

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