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Chit Chat / Finally got my license
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:42:08 AM »
Got my license a few days ago....feels good to be free and without a parent driving with me  :P

Chit Chat / Another Blonde Joke
« on: October 03, 2010, 12:16:20 PM »
There were 3 robbers chasing 3 girls.

The redhead hides in a bush and the first robber asks the other 2 what that noise in the bush was.

The redhead then makes a sound like a snake (ssss).

The robbers say oh, it's only a snake.

The brunette hides in a tree and the second robber asks what that noise in the tree was.

The brunette makes a sound like an owl (hoo-hoo).

The robbers say oh, it's only an owl.

The blonde then runs into the barn and hides in a sack that says potato on it and the third robber asks what that noise in the sack was.

The blonde says potato!

Chit Chat / Watched Eclipse a Few Days Ago
« on: July 09, 2010, 04:39:55 AM »
Just watched Eclipse. There's a lot more making out in there. Yuck. Lol. The tent scene wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was still good. Still wish Bella would choose Jacob. In the books Jacob can be a real jerk but in the movies it's Edward that's a jerk.  Now just have to wait for Breaking Dawn to see what happens!

Chit Chat / Stay off of the road in a year!
« on: July 14, 2009, 09:10:58 AM »
 Next year I will be getting my drivers permit! @O@  My parents tell everyone they see to stay off the road in a year because when I drive on the playstation Simpson's game, I hit trees and other cars! When we got our golf cart, my dad let me drive it and I hit our slide! oops! My dad almost bailed out of the cart after we went up the hill sideways! {:-P;; We were chasing my dog and she ran up on the back porch so that we wouldn't hit her. I will be fifteen and a half so I will just have my permit in december. Wish me luck as I go take my driver's test next year!

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