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Topics - Jennie in MT

Pages: [1] 2
Pond Chat / Any Wakin or Watonai out there?
« on: June 23, 2016, 03:37:51 AM »
I would sure like to buy some....

Pond Chat / chat anyone?
« on: July 14, 2012, 11:10:04 PM »
I am at work and have a lull.  Will be in the chat room....

Pond Chat / Anyone for chat??
« on: July 30, 2011, 06:12:19 AM »
I am in dere!

Pond Chat / koi thread
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:23:36 PM »
I posted a thread to the koi forum.  Can I get some feedback??

Koi Corner / choosing koi
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:07:49 AM »
I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I also know that there are some standards for conformation for koi.  I have not had any koi for a while, but am having a yen.  Is this considered a poor specimen.  Love the metallic scales....a girl's gotta have some bling!  ;D  This is a 6" youngster.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Please help me pick some fish!!
« on: June 19, 2011, 12:40:36 AM »
The full thread is on the main forum.

Pond Chat / Help me pick some fish please!
« on: June 18, 2011, 11:51:55 PM »
I am getting new fish for my birthday and need to pick some out.  I am mostly going to go with Wakin, Watonai, and Shubunkin. 
I have been working with a seller I found on eBay.  She is very nice.  I will give feedback when it is all said and done.  She says her stock is from Blackwater Creek Koi Farm.  Anyone familiar with them?  I will attach some pics and maybe you all can tell me what you think?? 

Mixed fairly plain sarassa and one watonai.  Though he appears black his belly is pure golden orange.  He is about 7"

Chit Chat / Esther
« on: June 11, 2011, 09:49:20 PM »
Thinking of you and your dad as Father's Day comes around.  I know those holidays after the loss of a loved one are tough.  Peace be with you!

I know that she had closed her business, but I also know that she had a whole swimming pool (yes, full-sized swimming pool) with wakin in it when I was there last. 
I had a major fish loss and she is fairly near me.  Would love to visit with her and perhaps replace from her left over stock.  Her email address does not get a reply....

I know that she had closed her business, but I also know that she had a whole swimming pool (yes, full-sized swimming pool) with wakin in it when I was there last. 
I had a major fish loss and she is fairly near me.  Would love to visit with her and perhaps replace from her left over stock.

Pond Chat / Chat menu?
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:54:35 PM »
I keep seeing ppl listed as being in the chat room.  But when I get there, it is empty.......   {:-P;;

Chit Chat / Please send us up a prayer or 2
« on: July 09, 2010, 06:57:59 AM »
We can sure use your prayers.  Our 5 year-old Pekingese was diagnosed with leukemia last week.  After watching him struggle for 8 days, I sent Boomer to the Bridge to wait for me.  The vet came out to the car and I was able to stay with my little guy through to the end.  As a nurse and a 'Dog Mom' it just reinforces the thought "Cancer Sucks" for me over again.
Give your loved ones a sqeeze for us....

Aug 11, 2004 - July 8, 2010

Pond Chat / After 11 yrs, string algae is kicking my butt Please help
« on: July 08, 2010, 11:59:46 AM »
I have tried and tried.  Mechanical removal, peroxide, koi clay, barley straw, yadda yadda yadda.

I have a lovely, clear pond to 4' deep, but it is coated with huge globs of SA.  I actually have to drag it off the surface daily.  Lots of it!  That is bad.  But the worst is that I have lost almost every single fish I have.  Many were Becky's (earthborne) wakin (seriously exp[ensive), and even my gorgeous 10 year old shubs.  I know it is because of all the SA that I can't remove in fall that rots over winter.  Though I can get into the pond part of the year (need chest waders all but July), I just am losing this battle utterly. 

I did get a container of PP and treated my small turtle pond (no turts or fish in there now).  It didn't seem to kill it all that well.

I have lilies in my big pond (about 4k gallons).  They are being choked out by the SA, and desperately in need of dividing and repotting anyway.  I could pull them all, trim and divide, bleach the tubs to kill the SA on them, and repot.  As there are only 4 little feral feeder goldfish in the pond, I would be okay with any treatment that would kill the algae.  I know this sounds extreme, but I have no lily blooms at all and no fish to speak of this summer, just crystal clear water full of string.

Thoughts, suggestions, etc??


Terrestrial Gardening / Rose Cuttings
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:14:46 PM »
Does anyone have any that they could offer for postage?  I know that some of you live in the land of rampant growth and actually have to prune!  *gasp*

I would love some and be glad to pay postage.  I saw an awesome thread on rose propagation at Dave's Garden and want very much to try it, but I don;t have any roses that I want to propagate!  Also, as I am a newbie at this, I hate to invest in buying a lot of cuttings, as I am likely to lose many of them learnign how to do this!  LOL

I also have copious amounts of catnip, delphinium seeds, and maltese cross seeds if a trade is necessary....


Koi Corner / Spokane Koi Show Road trip crossposting
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:31:27 PM »
The show is Aug 29 and 30.  I live in northern MT and would love to attend.  If there is anyone in Southern Alberta, Sask, Montana that would like to go, let's roadtrip.  I am the queen of finding inexpensive but very decent lodging.  Anyone interested?  Please PM me! 

Any other ponders planning to be there???

The show is Aug 29 and 30.  I live in northern MT and would love to attend.  If there is anyone in Southern Alberta, Sask, Montana that would like to go, let's roadtrip.  I am the queen of finding inexpensive but very decent lodging.  Anyone interested?  Please PM me! 

Any other ponders planning to be there???

Pond Chat / Spokane Koi Show!
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:30:07 PM »
The show is Aug 29 and 30.  I live in northern MT and would love to attend.  If there is anyone in Southern Alberta, Sask, Montana that would like to go, let's roadtrip.  I am the queen of finding inexpensive but very decent lodging.  Anyone interested?  Please PM me! 

Any other ponders planning to be there???

DIY Corner / My DIY bottom drain
« on: July 21, 2007, 12:50:53 AM »
I had such fun making this.  It has been in operation for 3 summers now and has worked really well.

Pond Chat / Are they bathing beauties or a double dip??
« on: July 16, 2007, 12:42:02 AM »
My hubby caught this pic of the Turtles Myrt and Meg today.  They are such funny to watch.  When they sunbathe they hold their legs straight out to get the solar panel effect.   :D

Terrestrial Gardening / clematis info
« on: July 10, 2007, 02:53:45 PM »
Anyone know where I can find information on the reliablility of clematis cultivars in my zone?  I am interested in adding several, and hate to mess with ones that will just croak.  The money is bad enough, but wasting the time and energy is worse! LOL

Terrestrial Gardening / Plant markers group order?
« on: June 28, 2007, 12:25:23 AM »
Okay...I'll admit it:  I can be neurotic about keeping track of which plants I have and where they are planted.     I have tried window blind slats (they work fine in the pond but get brittle and break in my harsh climate), metal stakes with garden marking pen (varying success depending on the quality of the peacocks pulled off half of the nameplates of my most recent ones this winter.  "Oooooh!  Sparkly!   Let's taste that! " ).  So here I am, needing new markers and trying to decide what to do.  After reading a post last year, I decided to try a label printer (brother  2700 which I like very much so far) but I still need something to stick the labels on!  LOL  So I searched the internet (Well? doesn't everyone??)

I found some plant markers that I love and was thinking about placing an order.  They are a bit more expensive than the ones I usually buy, but if they are nicer, then that works for me!  They are certainly prettier.  Would anyone (pr several anyones) be interested in placing a group order?  I like the idea of a discreet black marker rather than the metallic zinc ones I usually get.  I also am planning on using clear label with a white text for the black markers, so the label blends into the plate.  There is a high adhesive laminated label tape that is recommended for outdoor use. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to make labels for your plants also with the printer for the cost of the label material.....

Here is the link to the labels.  They have a nice slide show of the labels in different uses. 

Any thoughts? 

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Plant markers group order?
« on: June 28, 2007, 12:06:20 AM »
Okay...I'll admit it:  I can be neurotic about keeping track of which plants I have and where they are planted.   {:-P;;  I have tried window blind slats (they work fine in the pond but get brittle and break in my harsh climate), metal stakes with garden marking pen (varying success depending on the quality of the peacocks pulled off half of the nameplates of my most recent ones this winter.  "Oooooh!  Sparkly!  8-)~ Let's taste that! " ).  So here I am, needing new markers and trying to decide what to do.  After reading a post last year, I decided to try a label printer (brother  2700 which I like very much so far) but I still need something to stick the labels on!  LOL  So I searched the internet (Well? doesn't everyone??)

I found some plant markers that I love and was thinking about placing an order.  They are a bit more expensive than the ones I usually buy, but if they are nicer, then that works for me!  They are certainly prettier.  Would anyone (pr several anyones) be interested in placing a group order?  I like the idea of a discreet black marker rather than the metallic zinc ones I usually get.  I also am planning on using clear label with a white text for the black markers, so the label blends into the plate.  There is a high adhesive laminated label tape that is recommended for outdoor use. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to make labels for your plants also with the printer for the cost of the label material.....

Here is the link to the labels.  They have a nice slide show of the labels in different uses. 

Any thoughts? 

I have many and would love to add more varieties.  My list can be found at  Anyone wanna do some swappin'??

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Yachtlady Hosta
« on: May 24, 2007, 09:48:10 AM »
I know others must have gotten hosta from her.  How are yours doing??  Mine are going to be a thrill this summer.  I think I may have lost 2, but I was so psyched to see them coming up this spring!!

(UPDATE:  I was on my way to the car and went by the spot where Red October and Saishu Jima were planted last fall.  POP!  @O@ They have come up!!  @O@  Just way behind the others.  Ahhhhhhh  :D)

Pond Chat / Spokane Koi and GF Show in Aug
« on: May 21, 2007, 01:59:12 AM »
I missed this show last year and was bummed big time.  I decided that I am just gonna plan to set aside the time and go this year.  Anyone else interested?? 
It would be fun to roadtrip with any Montanans and meet up with some American Ponders!

« on: May 20, 2007, 07:58:06 PM »
I am in there alllll alone.   :'(

I re-did my HF pond lights so that I could connect them to a low voltage timer.

Here is how I did it:

1) Start with the basic HF light set up. Toss the transformer--you won't need it again.

2) Clip off the end of the light that plugs into the transformer. Strip the ends of the wires.

3) Put connectors on the ends of the wires. My particular transformer needed these O-type ends.

Just for safety sake, I have no other lights hooked up to the transformer other than pond lights, and I have the transformer plugged into GFCI

Pond Chat / In the live chat room NOW
« on: September 29, 2006, 03:19:56 PM »
4:20 Mountain time!

Pond Chat / The new Wakin herd
« on: September 28, 2006, 02:23:38 AM »
We spent the Labor Day weekend on a Pond Road Trip.  It was nice to get away.  We went to WA and visited Becky at Wakin Works.  What a treat to pick them out in person!!

Here is a shot of the group in Q-tank.

This is the largest of the herd--I think it is a female

The pics may not do them justice, but the red is beautiful (not orangey!) named for the perfect white circles on each side of his head

Some of the medium sized kids...

I have more pics on my Wakin Page

Happy Pondering, Ya'll!

I fixed the link so the page is uploaded now

Pond Chat / Need pond design input....please!
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:05:37 AM »
We have not had a Q tank since building the 4000 gallon pond.  I could set one up in the basement if need be, and have used my office aquarium for wintering and quarantine of small fish in the past.  We are planning on getting several wakin in the next few weeks and have been thinking a lot about quarantine, possibly segregating for spawn, and fry.  I also am hoping to landscape a neglected section of my yard with hostas in a woodland theme.  This seemed like a great opportunity to add another (goldfishes only) pond.

I am thinking of 2 ponds roughly 6'x8' and 3.5' deep.  I have used Greg B's liner optimizer in the past so will have the bevelled corners.  I would like to make the ponds appear joined by covering the middle with a bridge.  Also, would like to beef up the area between the ponds with a block wall and use some 4" PVC and a pipe boot to create a "cappable" pass through from pond to pond.  My thinking is that is creates a pond with larger volume, but provides for capping the pipe to create 2 smaller ponds for fry or Qtank.

Here is my first drawing (and not necessarily a good one).  Any thoughts??

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