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Topics - laurw

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Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / mini lilies
« on: February 19, 2018, 02:45:44 AM »
Hi guys, long time no see!
It's way too early but I'm already thinking about Spring.
If anybody has some mini lilies to sell, I'm happy to buy a few this Spring. I'm especially looking for Chromatella, Helvola, and Pygmaea (or seeds).

Mini pink lilies would be nice too, Joanne Pring, Graziella, etc.

I hope this board is still active.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Will you share your lotus?
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:17:11 AM »
Happy Dead Of Winter, Everyone!

Just ringing the bell to see if any one will have lotus tubers available this Spring, and which kinds.
I know, I know, lotuses won't be ready for another month and a half...

Just kind of excited about getting back to it and would like to know what's out there for Spring dreaming, heh!
It's possible we're getting a little stir-crazy with all this snow and need to have something to look forward to.  :D

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Have lilies to trade
« on: May 10, 2009, 08:07:12 AM »
I have a few extra divs of:

Perry's Orange Sunset
Helvola (miniature)
Joanne Pring

The Helvolas are particularly nice because they're gravel-grown and their roots are amazing. I usually only trade huge plants, but the Pring and Perry's are smallish divisions this time, fair warning. I'll probably throw in some surprise treats to make you feel better.

Looking to trade for mosaic plant, parrot feather, papyrus, water lettuce, other pretty marginals, a red or white lily or another mini-lily...make me an offer!  O0


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Will pay for Mayla
« on: September 09, 2007, 04:48:35 PM »
Fall and Winter are coming and the time to get established is drawing close: looking for a large, mature division with full roots that will be ready to perform early in Spring. I will give a good price.

Private Message, please.  :)

Pond Chat / Limestone and GH
« on: July 13, 2007, 07:18:51 PM »
DH and I have been adding chunks of cured plaster of paris (aka 'pH pills') to our pond from time to time, especially after large rainfalls, to harden our pond water and it works beautifully when we keep up with it.

But forget for a week or two, the GH plummets and all the snails disappear.

I understand that additions of natural limestone rock are a good longer lasting water hardener.

Can anyone corroborate this? How much should we add to an 1800 gal. pond with a low/moderate fish load?

Pond Chat / Hatred of Nature
« on: June 15, 2007, 05:09:30 AM »
Through the window I saw a deer walking away from the pond in the wee morning hours and groggily thought, 'Oh she's pretty,' and fell back asleep.

Now I look out and see there are NO LILYPADS on my two container barrels. Also, right this moment I see that there is a rabbit eating my violas like he's a pensioner at Hometown Buffet. I could throw my coffee mug at him.

I thought it would be cute a few years back to 'train' the catbirds to beg for raisins, but now I can't spend any time in the garden without a flippin' bird parking a few feet away from me and screaming its hoarse, irritating lungs out.

Dear adorable creatures of the Northeastern United States:

I have a pellet gun. STOP PUSHING.

UPDATE: This offer has ended. Thanks to all who grabbed up my jungle!

Everything's spreading and my pond is just not that big!

5 nice sized Graziella divisions: Dwarf waterlily, good on shallow pond shelf, spreads just 2-3 feet, shell pink flowers, very attractive mottled foliage

7 smallish starts of Perry's Orange Sunset: Medium size lily, brilliant pink flowers, pretty red speckles on the pads

I'll throw in a little surprise in each package, too, whether you want it or not. These things just have to go away.  :P

Asking $9 for shipping (either UPS Ground or FedEx 2-day, depending on the destination). No additional charge for more plants (shipped together).

Please reply by Private Message.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Take this Helvola off me
« on: May 27, 2007, 04:23:34 PM »
This offer is now closed. I will email everybody who responded this evening.

Anybody interested in a very mini-mini waterlily?

Teensy waterlily with 2-inch long ovalish lilypads, very very good bloomer, 2-inch wide pale yellow flowers. Adds a reliable sparkle to the shallow margin of my pond.

I will count how many are in there tomorrow. I do know there's at least seven of them because I repotted them all last year.  ;)

Please reply via Private Message.



Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Attention Joyce!
« on: May 23, 2007, 09:45:12 AM »
Please check your private messages.

I think I got a package of plants you intended for someone else.



Technology Talk / Outdoor cameras
« on: May 04, 2007, 08:54:49 AM »'s a birthday present for my hubby!

We have a lot of wildlife that visits our yard and I know he'd love to have a couple of remote cameras out there on a motion sensor.

I have zero knowledge as to brands, quality, if night-vision is possible, etc.

Need something that will be easy to attach to trees or the house, weatherproof, and that will talk to our computer at a good distance. Two or three little cams in different places in the yard would be nice if the money's not too crazy.

I'm thinking the added security benefits would be nice as well.

Pond Chat / On lilypad color ??
« on: May 01, 2007, 05:04:40 PM »
Recently someone responded to one of my trade offers and mentioned that they were looking for hardy lilies with variegated pads.

I have not owned very many different lilies.

Seems to me that a lot of hardies have leaves that emerge with speckles or mottles of burgundy but they mostly mature to plain green.

Can anyone recommend some hardies that hold their variegated pad color?


2 Charlene Strawn- pale yellow, speckled pads, holds its large flowers above the water.
1 Colorado- shell pink, vigorous colony-former, makes a lot of blooms.

Not the enormous tubers I usually trade, but all are blooming size for this season.  :ok:

Looking for a white tropical night-bloomer, a dwarf hardy, pretty surface-spreading marginals, or $7 ship.

Delayed trade on your part OK with me, I know the season is just beginning and some plants are still 'sleeping.'  O0

Please respond by private message.

Laura W.

I still have some tubers left, mostly Mrs. Perry Slocum. I'd like to finish up the sale and have everything ready to ship on Monday.

If you're interested, please email me before Sunday night.

Thanks!  o(:-)
Laura W.

(original post below)

I have many good divisions of:

Mrs. Perry Slocum
Rosea Plena

Some of you may remember trading with me from the 'old' message board. I give great big divisions in very good condition.

Each of these tubers has 2-5 nodes and at least one actively growing tip, most have two or more growing tips.

$10 each tuber and $10 each parcel shipping. I use UPS ground (local only) or FedEx 2-Day air for shipping plants.

Alternatively, I am looking for dwarf or 'bowl' lotus tubers, and a good-sized true tetragona plant or tetragona seeds. The tetragonas that Swimming Jewel Joyce traded me a couple years back got destroyed by some animal that got into the pond last year. I think it was a muskrat :(

If you're interested please email me privately at:

Pond Chat / Can I divide my lotuses soon?
« on: August 13, 2006, 11:28:31 AM »
I have had a Mrs. Perry Slocum and a -I want to say Rubra Plena, but it may be Rosea Plena- in two enormous tubs since Spring '05. They bloomed gorgeous this year and gave me a lot of seeds too.

I'm in Zone 6, but the last few Winters have been pretty severe; I generally plant for Zone 5.

The thought of hauling these 150-200lb tubs back into the porch for the Winter...ugh. We have a dolly and a ramp up the steps, but I'm not doing that again!

Any tips on collecting the tubers and storing them for replanting next year?
I have no idea how to do this.

I used to be on the old pond message board...and the old-old one before that. This is my first post here.

Joyce, I'm assuming you are Swimming Jewel Joyce (Long Island)?
And is that Lou by the lake in CT?

Its so good to see all the familiar names again!

Is Spanish Leprechaun around? I wanted to ask him a question.

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