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Topics - Gina-Small town Tn Girl

Pages: [1]
Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Pond plants
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:27:59 PM »
Looking for pond plants, not picky. Miss seeing my Lilly's bloom. Let me know what u have! Thanks friends!

Pond Chat / Duck weed
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:48:50 AM »
No lily blooms bit I have ALOT of duck weed:)

Pond Chat / Lily from lowes
« on: June 29, 2014, 10:48:15 AM »
I've done everything I know to do trying to get a lily my youngest son (13) came home with from Lowes.  I took it outta the hay mixture planted in dirt. Have it in one of my tall flower pots (makeshift pond;)).  One lily pad and we are gonna party everybody get ready:). Gina

I'm looking for Lillie's doesn't matter what color I lost all my plants in a spring freeze. All I had to come back was some bamboo and creeping Jenny I think it's called. I have a small bit of duckweek I kept in the house in a bowl. Pm me or post here and let me know what you have. Thanks a bushel and a peck:)

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / any kind of pond plants
« on: June 06, 2010, 09:05:27 AM »
I'm lookin for any kind of pond plants anybody is throwin out or doesn't need.. I have daylilies I would be more than willing to trade.  My pond got lots of holes in it, and I just fixed it yesterday day~ after a yr of thinkin I was gonna buy a new those are expensive!!  PM me and let me know.. I can send pics of lilies anytime. ;)

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Yellow water Iris
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:45:32 PM »
I have yellow water Iris if anyone needs any or has any floaters to trade for this.  i'm even lookin for mini's for my water barrell.  And I think my palm died.  Thanks in advance  Gina

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / small lilies and mini's
« on: April 23, 2009, 02:22:24 PM »
I'm lookin for minis for a barrell I'm doing. let me know what you have to get rid of. I'm up for the taking.  and also post or send pics of your water buckets barrells.  These are so pretty.  Thanks o(

I'm looking to for some cork screw rush, and umbrella palm for my pond. I had both of these but lost them in a freeze last year. I'm wiling to pay shipping, and may even wash  Thanks Gina

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / need plants....
« on: April 26, 2007, 10:05:11 AM »
I need plants for this new pond I built, and if anyone has any ideas on a differnt way to do something.. feel free to tell me... I jumped in head first..lolol

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / My pond before freeze
« on: April 26, 2007, 10:03:07 AM »
This was my pond last year before the freeze .... I'll have to get some pics to show you what the poor thing looks like now.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / package of flowers...
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:51:15 AM »
 ::)I'm lookin for a quite a few different sprigs of plants as a "package" for my pond, just enought to get everything back started again! I'll rack my brain to think of things to trade:):)  Thanks  o(

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / have Rain lillies to trade
« on: April 12, 2007, 09:47:24 AM »
I have some rain lillies I will trade, they bloom white. I lost most of my plants in the "tennessee" freeze, the only thing that save these Is.. I had traded with sheila, and had these in the house (bathtub)...  Man... I'm heart broken!  It be ok tho... I got lots of friends...:):O)     (((huggs))) Thanks... Gina

Pond Chat / plant fertalizers
« on: March 31, 2007, 08:46:40 AM »
Wow, I'm lovein everyones pictures.  And I love this forum... I live here...hahaha! My plants are brown from the winter months, what kind of fertalizer does everyone use??  I had pond tablets last year, but they were kinda expensive. I've looked everywhere for Jobes tomato spikes, can't find those..  Thats not a good thing either, cause I live in Grainger county, Tennessee... (home of the "homegrown tomatoes")...  hahaha  anyway I'll listen to any info anyone wants to tell me!!  I love to learn new things.  Oh and also, one of my friends called the other day, her pond has gotten green from all the pollen, has anyone experienced this??  Thanks bunches,  Gina

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