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Topics - WV Kim

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Terrestrial Gardening / Knock Out Roses
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:07:32 PM »
I am having trouble with my knock out roses, they are being eaten by something. I know its not beetles. I dont really see any bugs on them. I do see some bugs in the bloom but nothing on the leaves. It's the leaves that are being eaten. Holes in the leaves. Can I use a rose dust? Is there a home remendy?
Thanks for your help!

Kim  :)

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Clematis Terniflora
« on: April 14, 2009, 07:43:56 AM »

I am looking for a clematis that I have seen listed as two by two names; Terniflora and Sweet Autumn. I am also looking for Bonanza clematis. I would like to buy the plants not seeds. My thumb is not so green.  :(

If you have this plant can you tell me if you have ever seen it with another fall blooming clematis. I know this plant is a knockout by itself but I am just wanting more than white to make the show more of a bang!

I have a wooden post with a birdhouse on the it beside my pond. I want to plant the Bonanza there because it is very colorful and not a big vine. It is only to grow 10'. I think that would hide the post and make the birdhouse stand out. :o
WV Kim  :)

Pond Construction & Filtration / Bio Filter
« on: April 03, 2008, 07:05:36 PM »

I want to replace my filter this year. I need an external bio filter for a pond 2000 gal. I am looking at the Tetra ClearChoice Pressurized 2500. Does anybody use this one?? Do you like it?  Any advice is welcome! I do have several goldies! o( o(  No koi. I am not sold on the back wash really cleaning the filter. I have salamanders in the spring and they seem to get in my pump and can clog up the filter sprayer. I have thought about making a filter but I really dont want to. Soooo what filters do you recommend! I have no bottom drain.

Kim  :)

DIY Corner / Extra Filter
« on: February 15, 2008, 12:12:00 PM »

I would like to make an extra filter to help the one I have. I want more fish!!!

I use an external filter box and love it. It has 3 foam filters and bio balls in the bottom.

My ? is do you think a walmart tote will hold up to the heat in the summer. I live in zone 5 and max heat is 100 but not usally more than a few days in a row, the average heat is around 90 in the middle of the day.

I was even thinking of using two, the second for a reinforcement but not sure.

Thanks for your advice!
Kim :)

Pond Chat / Koi Clay
« on: May 25, 2007, 06:39:58 PM »

I have read where several ponders write they use koi clay for alge. I am starting to have a hard time with string alge. I want to stop it before it gets worse. I have used peroxide but it is not helping this time.

My ? is, do I need to look for a certain type of koi clay? or a certain brand is better than others?  I don't know anything about it and would like to learn more.

Thanks for the info!!

Kim  :)

Pond Chat / Shade plants
« on: April 06, 2007, 05:02:29 PM »
I helped a friend build a pond on her built in screened porch. It looks great. We used a pre form and set in landscaping timbers that she stained. She can not grow plants. Are there any plants that are low light tolerant? There is some sun but not direct sun light.

Thanks for the help! O0

Kim  :)

Pond Chat / SNAKE!!!
« on: August 26, 2006, 09:36:53 AM »

I have a water snake in my pond. It has shed its skin in the box around my filter that is on the outside of pond. I did remove the lid so I can see in the box at all times. I have only seen the snake twice. It raised its head out of the water to look at me the first time with no fear. I looked at him for several minutes thinking wow, that frog looks different, no frog...SNAKE.... then again two nights ago, I was feeding the fish and thinking of changing the water flow in the hand pump and I seen this zig zag movement towards my fish that are feeding and then it did it again and raised its head to look at me again. I am afraid of it. My husband would kill it if he ever gets to see it, but both times he has not been there. He told me the first time it was a Gardner snake and not to be worry. It is not,,,,,, its a brown to tan color and it stays under the water not on top. I have lost 4 fish, thinking its do to changing the food but now I think its the snake attacking them. I did not find any markings on them. I have two cats that bring in small snakes, but one cat will no longer go to the pond. I do not believe it is poisonous. But I want it goooonnnnnnneee. This is the most we have had snake around our home. We are in a very bad dry spell now.
Please  give me some ideas.
Thank you
Kim :-\

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