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Topics - milliemax

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Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Babies???
« on: December 04, 2008, 06:44:04 PM »
    When can I expect babies from my MUTT goldies? What can I do to give them the best environment for this?
  I read all these boards and everyone is finding babies all over the place! I've had comets, shubs and regular goldies off and on for a few years. Usually 4-5 out of 10 each year survive the neglect of the winter/critters.
  I just have a 4x6' above ground preform with several plants, mostly stand up ( cat tails, unicorn grass, umbrella fern)
    TIA   Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / My fish woke up
« on: November 16, 2008, 05:18:07 PM »
  Well we've had several days in the 80*s around here. Very unusual!
   With the cooler weather, the fish kind of disappear for most of the winter and I don't worry about feeding them til spring weather starts warming up.
  I don't know if I should feed them now that they are "awake" and active
. I'm sure the weather will cool back down soon and they will go back to their coma-like state.
  Should I give them a bit to eat, or just let them eat all the lovely gunk on the bottom of the pond?

Carnivorous Plants... / Water and soil ?
« on: August 30, 2008, 06:23:40 PM »
  I have 3 plants that were a trade last year for a children's book about C plants O0.
  They live next to my pond.
  I was really good about getting filtered water for them for awhile, then the rain started and I didn't have to worry about it for awhile.
  I've been feeding them pond water this summer, but I'm wondering if untreated well water would be OK? The water tests OK, but it is pretty minerally (sulfer smelling).
   I'm pretty sure they need to be potted up pretty soon. Do I use regular potting soil? I have  succulent/cactus mix, or should I do a special mix?
   TIA   Nancy

Pond Chat / Something new
« on: May 17, 2008, 05:10:02 PM »
   We were at the pond store today (very dangerous even for us small goldie ponders) restocking our pond. We were looking at the barley straw for algae when the lady told us someone who frequents their store said she uses lavender tied in a bunch rather than the barley straw and her pond is clear as a bell!
    Well, shoot! I'm cheap! I'll try free V.S. 5.99 anytime!
    Has anyone tried this?
    It's much prettier than a sack of straw floating around.    Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Poor lil guys!
« on: May 15, 2008, 06:20:39 PM »
   We started cleaning out the pond last weekend. It was totally neglected all winter and VERY gungy.
   We were very surprised to find to goldies hiding down deep in the muck!
   DH put them in a 5 gal bucket and I told him to make SURE they were in total shade, cause we were in for a heat wave.
   Damn! The bucket was right in the mid day sun and it hit 103* today! Poor lil  guys were goners! :'(
   Well, I'll finish cleaning and re-stock this weekend if it cools off some.   NT

Pond Chat / Pond temps up and down
« on: November 13, 2007, 06:17:10 PM »
  Well, here in No CA (North of San Francisco, zone 8ish), we get days that can go from the mid to upper 70s, then drop into the 30s!
  I checked the water temps a couple of days ago, 50*! Today, 60*!
   I have a really hard time NOT feeding the fish, but know from reading that I should stop at about 50*.
  How do you handle this kind of fluctuation in temps? Just see how active the fish are?
  TIA   Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / An odd behavior
« on: October 21, 2007, 05:53:42 PM »
  I had several GF disappear due to some sort of critter. I painted some chicken wire black, covered the pond and got a new batch of little guys.
  One that I couldn't pass by was a fat little fantail. He looks kinda like a pumpkin with Groucho eyebrows! LOL.
  Anyway, he seems to have a bit of a hard time wiggling himself up at dinnertime and I've noticed that Shubby, my largest fish will get his nose under Fatty and push him up toward the surface! I've seen this on several occasions! Once Fatty is up to the surface, he seems to be able to stay up there fine.
  Is this a fish "helping" another fish, a mating behavior or a pecking order type behavior? I've seen the big Shub getting his nose under other fish as well.
  Any ideas?  Nancy

Pond Construction & Filtration / Ding Danged neighbor's cat!
« on: September 27, 2007, 05:50:06 PM »
  Well, I've finally concluded it's the neighbor"s cat that is having a midnight snack on my fishies from time to time. My cats show NO interest what so ever, but I seem to be scaring this cat away often!
  I have a little preform (about 4x6) that is above ground. It is surrounded by plants, and has a few tall plants in the pond as well as floating plants.
  I finally caved and bought some chicken wire and some black spray paint so I don't have a bunch of metal gleaming at me from the pond!
  Has anyone made a cover for their pond from chicken wire? How do you get the wire to go around the tall plants?
  Should I just try covering the areas where the cats get into the pond? Maybe just put the CW around the edges and poke up so the cat can't get to the edges of the pond?
  Any ideas would be appreciated!
  I would like to re-stock my pond before winter sets in.
   TIA   Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Dang! At it again!
« on: September 22, 2007, 08:54:29 PM »
  I was doing well with 2 shubs, 2 comets and 2 goldies and suddenly 1 of each is GONE!!!! :'(
  I think it is my neighbor's cats >:( Mine don't seem to worry about the fish at all.)
  I guess I'll try 1 ore time before winter to keep 6 fish in the pond.

Pond Chat / Temperature ?
« on: September 18, 2007, 05:51:29 PM »
  I remember you guys saying to stop feeding when the temps got down to 50* or below.
  Does that mean water temp or air temp. Our air temp right now ranges from 51* to 80*! Good ole California "fall"! LOL

Pond Chat / Do you name your fish?
« on: September 12, 2007, 06:10:32 PM »
  I know it's kinda silly, but with only 6 fish I do name mine.
  2  goldies, Carole (Burnette) and Lucy (Ball), 2 comets , Spot and Creamcicle (orange head and tail, creamy center)and 2 shubunkens  Shubby Checkers and Bunkin.
  And yours?

Carnivorous Plants... / New fan of CPs! Bartering!
« on: September 12, 2007, 05:54:37 PM »
  DH and I were doing our usual flea marketing stuff on the weekend, and pulled into a new nursery that had fruit trees on sale. DH noticed the guy needed some decent signage, so bartered about $850.00 worth of signs (DH is a woodcarver) for plants/landscaping. After measuring the sign stands, we pulled into a little used store around the corner and DH found a kid's book about carnivorous plants!
  California Carnivores is right next to the nursery we were working with and the owner gave us $35 worth of CPs for a .25 book!
  We also noticed that the guy had signs painted by our neighbor, and some odd carved animal that DH had carved for the county fair! (neighbor is director of the flower show and DH carves alot of stuff for him)
  Not a bad barter, and I have a new hobby!

Pond Chat / Yea, bartering!
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:56:31 PM »
    DH and I went out to do our Sunday flea market today, and I noticed a fairly new nursery on our route.
   I mentioned that I saw a hand lettered sign that fruit trees were on sale. We're in the middle of developing a potager type garden. We saw his hand lettered sign and DH (who is a wood carver and has done tons of signage for Renaisance Faires)asked him if he would be interested in bartering signage for plants/landscaping/etc. His reply was to IMMEDIATLEY turn off the hose and "Let me start off by saying YES"
  So, we're getting about $1000 worth of plants and or labor for a weekend of the DH carving the signs! @O@ @O@ @O@
  Next stop was at a little second hand store near the nursery, where DH found an old book about a meat eating plant (sounds like little shop of horrers) DH says lets stop in and see if we can snag a plant in exchange for this book! This is at California Carnivores.
  We bop in and the owner is soooo pleased, he gave us $35 (on sale) of carniverous plants, for a $.25 book!  New hobby! ;D
    Fun and profitable day!  :D

Koi Corner / Should I or shouldn't I
« on: August 10, 2007, 05:54:41 PM »
  A friend of my daughter's is moving and has a couple of 1 YO Koi that she needs to get rid of.About 8".
  I have a 450 gal above ground preform with 6 comets/shubunkins  3-5".
  I know that Koi don't stop growing to adapt to their environment like goldies do, but could I accomodate 1 koi for a couple of years in this size pond?
  TIA for any info.

Pond Water Quality / Algae
« on: August 06, 2007, 05:56:50 PM »
  I have an above ground preform, about 400 gal with 6 comets/shubbies.
  It's a fairly new set up.
  I have a filter with the balls and the foam stuff and also an ultra violet connected to that.
  The ultra violet really cleared up the water when we hooked it up, but this last week since I have been back from vacation I've noticed the algea growing daily! I kinda take my net and scrape around the bottom and sides, but it kind of has a life of it's own! I have a little vaccum that connects to a hose, but the house sitter filled the pond to the top and using the vac is the same as a partial water change cause it pushes water through the vac and into the pond (if this makes sense)
  I don't like to add chemicals if I can avoid it.
  Any suggestions? Or do I just let it ride?
  BTW it hasn't been very hot. Just low 70s this week.
  TIA  Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Starting over!
« on: June 13, 2007, 08:04:12 PM »
  Well, I got my 6 comets through the winter and they must have grown an inch! All was well and they were trained to come up when I tapped the side of the pond.
  The pond is a preformed (about 135 gal) but above ground due to clay soil and being a beginner.
  I went away for a long weekend, and my neighbor who was watching the place said that the fish weren't eating!
  Well, I guess a racoon found the pond! He also got a couple of KOI from the neighbor's lovely pond!
  Any advice on keeping future fish safe? Should I line the waterline with chicken wire? Any other sugestions?
  Damn this is frustrating!  Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Comets stopped eating!
« on: May 29, 2007, 06:03:12 PM »
  I have 6 comets that lasted through the winter and have grown quite a bit since last summer.
  I went away this weekend and had a neighbor feed them. She said they never ate! They always come-a-runnin when I tap the side of the pond ! Actually, they usually hear me walking on the deck and start up to the surface.
  The pond is very dirty. We had planned to re-do it, cause it wasn't level, so we let the water evaporate some til we got around to emptying and cleaning it.
  The fish were just happy as little clams last Sat AM when I fed them!
  I'm in USDA zone 8ish, dipping a test strip shows everything ideal except that I have hard water (nothing new), our temps have been 70s to low 80s, normal.
  Any thoughts or ideas?
  What a difference a day makes!

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Baby season?
« on: May 16, 2007, 06:13:27 PM »
  I just started my small(135 gal) pond last summer, and am happy to report that all 6 of my comets survived the winter and are now trained to come when I tap on the side to come and eat dinner!
  My question is, when is the breeding  season? I'm guessing right around now. These fish are chasing each other all over the place!
  What can I expect for eggs, fry, how to care for the little ones, with such a small pond, do I just let them become food?
  I'm sure there isn't much of a market for comet babies. I could put them on , but I really don't want to go through a big hassle of doing aquariums etc.
  Any advice?   NT

Pond Chat / need help with shade pond
« on: April 14, 2007, 07:10:59 PM »
  I have a small pre-formed pond (150 gal) that I am going to re-do because it was a bit offf center.
  I would like to know what plants to use to help with the algae bloom.
  The pond is in mostly shade, has 6 comets, unicorn grass, cat tails, I have some hyacinths in the greenhouse, but they don't look well, have heard they are tropicals ( remember I'm in shade)
  I need help with shade plants if you know about them!  TIA   Nancy

Pond Chat / Pond gunk and vege gardening
« on: April 14, 2007, 06:16:37 PM »
  I'm a new ponder, but have been vege gardening for about 5-6 years now.
  I'm going to re-do my small pre-formed pond cause it is not level.
  Thinking about it, I thought  fish poop- good for garden!
  Anyone else use the fish gunk in the garden?
  Do you plop it right in.. on or into the compost or garden?
  In the future, after I have fixed the pond level, would it be a good idea to scoop the pond water out into the garden for a semi water change and add to the garden?
  Just LOVE all that poop and organic stuff! @O@

Pond Chat / What do you plant in????
« on: March 28, 2007, 08:01:39 PM »
  I have 2 questions:
 1)  What do you plant in your troughs on the outside of your preformed ponds? They are about 4" deep, but are for bog type plants.

 2)Do you have "ODD" planters in your garden? Funny things hidden here or there?

 I have a couple of stadium speakers that I plant. I have old mop buckets with the squeezer thingys that I plant sweet alysum (looks like bubbles!) I have several scales tat hold pots of flowers.
  I have gnomes tucked in every nook and cranny, some old 60s ashtrays that were broken in the flower garden.
  We are planting a '57 (I think) VW ragtop with a palm tree this summer (the thing was totally rusted out and was painted for a flower show)
    To keep this OT, I have an above ground small pond that I started last summer. We have it surrounded by plants right now, but I want my woodworker DH to make some sort of wood enclosure/bench for the pond. He has already carved me a KOI benchback so I have a bench to sit and watch my little comets eat.
  Love odd things to plant in!   Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / I found them!!!!!
« on: March 03, 2007, 06:38:58 PM »
  Well, we have finally had a couple of days of near 70* AFTER A very COLD, dry winter for NO CA. (I know, I know- nothing like other areas that are still frozen!)
  I figured it has warmed up enough to give the goldies a little food.
  They tend to hide alot and we have had racoons and other critters through the fall and winter, so I wasn't very optomistic about them making it through the winter.
  I plopped a little food into the pond and disappeared for a few minutes, and WOW!  ALL 6 were up, hungry and chowing down!
  I'm so glad they all hid from the critters!
  They have grown from 2 to about 3 inches long.
  Do they grow more in the spring/summer?
  When do they mate and what do you all do with the little ones? I'm sure my little pre-formed pond won't be able to handle many more fish.
  Another question is- Do the goldies take care of the mosquitoes on their own or should I get some mosquito fish free from the county?
  TIA   Nancy

Pond Chat / Lurking newbe with ?s
« on: February 23, 2007, 06:49:30 PM »
  Hi. I've been mostly lurking here and have a pre formed pond, about 700 gal. Right now I have 4 or 5 comets, still pretty small, 3-4". I think the racoon may have gotten 1 or 2 of them!
  We have had a very cold winter for our area, many freezing and below days. Spring is coming soon and I have sone questions about ponding I just don't get yet.
  What is a skippy and what is a bio filter?
  I have one of those vaccuumes that use a hose ($20 or so at WM). Will this count as a partial water change?
  With the above gallons and goldies, do I have room for any 8" Koi I was offered?
  What do you think about the ultra-violet filters?
  In the pond right now, I have unicorn grass and died back cat tails. In the green house, I have umbrella palm and water hyacinth.
  Right now, I just have a cheapo WM filter connected to my fountain.
  We're thinking of a waterfall of some sort if that opens up any new possibilities.
  Any help would be great!  Nancy

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / need to clean the pond
« on: January 18, 2007, 07:08:42 PM »
  Well, we started the pond about last July.
  Kinda knew we would have troubles with the leaves. tried to cover them with netting, wind didn't let it work!
  We've had major freezes for CA, which have frozen the pond, garden and......
  We need to clean the whole pond! Does this mean a total water change????
  Do we need to start all over?
  I have also noticed the water level dropping in thelast couple of weeks!  Could my pond structure have frozen????
  Don't know if I still have fish! Haven't found any dead. Pond is pretty gunky!  Nancy

Pond Water Quality / cold water and clarity
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:06:45 PM »
  I'm new to ponding and have noticed that my pond was really nasty during Aug and Sept during the hot months.
  Now that it is cooling down (Oct) We have noticed that the pond seems to be clearing up!
  Is this how it works?
  Any other help with water quality would be helpful!
    TIA  Nancy @O@

Pond Chat / Clarity and cold weather?
« on: October 31, 2006, 06:00:50 PM »
  My new little pond (about 270 gal) got really murkey in Aug and Sept.
  We have a cheapo filter for the time being and got a vac that attatches to the hose for the elm leaves.
  The weather is really starting to cool off here (No Ca USDA zone 8ish), and we have noticed that the water seems to be clearing up!
  Is this due to the cooling weather and lack of heat to make algae?
   Boy! After reading another post, I was a little afraid to post!
  Sounded alot like someone on the old AOL garden board I used to read!
  Well, just a simple question.  Nancy o(

Pond Chat / Winter, plants, leaves etc
« on: October 21, 2006, 06:23:03 PM »
  Well, this is my first winter with a pond. I found one of those nets that you put over your bed to keep skeeters out, hoping to keep the tiny elm leaves out of the pond. Problem is that once the wind starts, the net blows all over the place, looking more like a Halloween ghost!
  The plants that I had in the pond (hyacinth umbrella palm and unicorn grass)The hyacinth died, the palm I put into the greenhouse  and is adding alot of new growth, and the unicorn is doing OK. I'll put it in the greenhouse if it gets yellow. Oops forgot about the cat tails that are turning yellow! Do those need to go into the greenhouse also? They grow wild in the area all year! (USDA zone 8)
  I would love some tips on shade plants and what plants to use during the winter.
  I have a cheapo filter from WM that I clean out each week, but it isn't doing the job.
  Alot of you said I shouldn't use one of those UV filters, but I'm not  sure about that, since I can't see the fish anymore.
  You guys also mention alot of things that don't make sence to us newbies (skippies, bottomdrain, etc......)
   Maybe you should have a newbie section, so we don't feel so stupid askin those ?s. I have felt really dumb asking ? that the regulars all know.
  Anyway, just some suggestions, and happy ponding!   Nancy

Pond Chat / More newby ?s
« on: October 08, 2006, 06:08:14 PM »
   Hi again, Nancy here.
  We don't have a huge ammount of $ to spend on this pond right NOW, but have some questions.
  Has anyone heard of a UV pond filter called the SUNTERRA P.F.1000W?
  Any info on it or other inexpensive U.V. systems?
  We only have a pre-formed 270 or so gal pond right now, but will probably go bigger in a couple of years.
  Also, DH wants to catch all the fish (6 comets) and empty the whole pond, clean it and start over once we get the UV filter. I thought it would be better to empty 25%, do some cleaning and repeat maybe once a week. I thought once the UV was in, it would clear up the water. Am I in the ballpark? Should we start from scratch?
  I lucked out today on pond nets to keep leaves out! I found 2 bed nets to keep out skeeters for 5$! I can keep one over the pod for the next month or so til the elm leaves are done! After that we can use them as skeeter nets in the spring!

Koi Corner / Adopting Koi
« on: October 05, 2006, 08:24:08 PM »
  An aquaintance has 2 koi in a tank indoors. He has decided that they don't belong there and is offering them to me. They are about 3-4 inches long.
  I've only had a pond for a few months, and have been sticking to comets for the time being.
  I have a pond approximately 3'x7', maybe 270 gals. I have a half dozen comets in there. The water has gotten pretty murkey due to elm leaves that are beyond my control! (bought a great vacuum at aTarget last week, works great!)
 Are 2 koi, along with the comets a reasonable amount of fish for this sized pond? I don't know the sex of the koi, but I've heard that the comets breed like rabbits!
  Another ? The hyacinths I was given rotted! I have "unicorn grass" That is supposed to die back in the winter, but is doing fine.
  The umbrella palm I bought is turning yellow. I have cut back all the yellow and have it well watered in the greenhouse.
  Any help with pond plants would be appreciated!
  TIA  Nancy

Pond Chat / Newbie plant ?
« on: September 21, 2006, 06:20:27 PM »
  Hi all!
  I've just started my little pond about a month ago. I was given some hyacinth a couple of months ago, anticipating getting a pond. They did fine in a bucket in the shade for a month or more. Now they are looking pretty yukky in the pond. I had read that they want the fish waste as food.
  Do they die back in the fall? We still are having very warm days (80s), but the nights are cooling off to the 40's.
  Same thing with my umbrella palm. It's not in the water, but well watered. Half the little umbrellas are turning yellow.
  My comets are pretty happy, though I think I lost 2 to kittie cats :(.
  I almost did Slash in by scooping him up with the leaves! AKK. He was in shock for awhile, but just dandy now!
 Anyway TIA for your help!
  Any ideas for shade plant would be appreciated.   Nancy

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