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Topics - Rocmon

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Koi Corner / Easter Koi
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:44:07 PM »
This was in NYC Central Park, just prior to Easter. (Near the boathouse.)

Pond Chat / Veterinary help
« on: March 23, 2011, 02:28:39 PM »
Hey folks I came across a great resource if you have a sick aquatic creature you want professional help with.

You can look for veterinarians in your area who can treat your fish or other water critters.

I have an overgrown small pond of plants—can't see the fish anymore. I have three 'Almost Black' Hardies I'd be happy to give to anyone willing to drive here to pick them up. (I do want to keep the pots they are in though) Two of them are vigorous and huge, the third is a bit wimpy. I just pulled them and pruned most of the pads and put them back. I could probably be talked out of an Arc-En-Ciel as well, as long as the Almost Black go.

I also have an excess of water hawthorne (dormant now) in 4" pots. If you'd like some yellow eyed grass, I could part with some of them too...

Pond Chat / Group plant purchase W/
« on: March 18, 2008, 08:50:57 PM »
There is a group discount offer on lotus, lilies, and marginal plants. Pretty good prices and the plants were good as well

Spring is coming...

Pond Chat / Do you know what kind of fish, and snail these are?
« on: April 30, 2007, 08:59:30 PM »
I've had these for three years now, got them as babies from a feeder goldfish tank at a local fish shop. Wish I could get more... they are about 4" and very fast. They tolerate 85* water as well as 35* water.

This year I've had an explosion of these snails, which I don't see when they are small but they get to about an inch in diameter. They are laying eggs all over everything drives me nuts—they wrap up the lily leaves before they can open. The egg "sacks" are about 1 1/2 " long.

Pond Chat / Savio skimmer w/brushes modification...
« on: August 10, 2006, 09:05:26 PM »
I keep trying to improve the skimmer set-up. It's my entire mechanical filtration unit so I've been trying to eek all I can out of it...

When I first installed brushes across the back of the skimmer I found they did very little filtering. There was nothing to get the water to flow through them all. I then moved them to the side of the skimmer where the first two brushes in line pick up most of the goop. The 4"x14" brush in the UV port is a perfect fit.

My problem was the central housing portion of the skimmer was coming loose and letting water get under it. I had removed the screws to the side plates that hold everything in place to fit in the brushes, even when I would fit them back in place without the screws, things came loose.

So this angled bar across securely holds the housing in place so even the mat holder across the back slides right into place where it belongs. I can rapidly pull up my brushes and not worry things will get pulled loose.

I used an anodized aluminum angle 3/4"x3/4"x1/8". Cut it to length, shaped it, notched to fit the center housing?(see close-up) then drilled a hole to fit the standard screw that comes in the skimmer, and screwed it down. I also added an additional piece of mat to the inside of the pump chamber in front of the standard mat holder. I don't have UV but I suspect this modification would allow one to still be placed in the UV spot, using one less brush on each side.

Pond Chat / Pond plants...
« on: August 10, 2006, 08:45:02 PM »
Here is a .pdf link that has quite a few pond plant descriptions and with photos.

I'm not associated with Wally's but got some plants from them this past winter. So I'm on their mailing list...

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