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Topics - Shep

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Submersible Pump Flow///Cleaning the pump
« on: June 19, 2007, 03:27:24 PM »
I have a question for those familiar with submersible pumps as ours has me stumped. We have a 1 year old Pond Master 950 submersible and roughly 3 months ago it lost some of its output volume. I cleaned it by running the garden hose spray through it and even took the Vortex off to make sure everything visible was removed. It helped some but the volume was less.

Roughly 2 weeks ago the pump resumed to its origianal output volume by itself and now two weeks later it looks like it has lost a little output........

The question is, How do you clean your submersible pump and or is there a trick to keeping the output volume up?

Chit Chat / Indoor Growing to the Extreme "Not exatly Lillies"
« on: March 04, 2007, 06:18:24 PM »
"Hydro" apparently the name for pot (marijuana) grown in water, indoors has a high THC level......... 34 "Homes" in the 300 to 500 thousand dollar range dotting the Atlanta area have been busted for not growing but litterally FARMING the Big Buck crop.....$3600 in Atlanta.... $6,000 in New York

The Mexican ring used a realtor to help with the selection of the somewhat secluded homes......... The head "Grower" hired sitters to watch and follow hand written instructions in spanish to care for the well cared for crop.

From special heating/cooling systems keeping the basements at a tropical 81 degrees to the art of "Hydro" growing to splicing in to underground electrical lines going undetected by the power companies to multiple lights burning at different temps to mimick the seasons.......... it was something I would expect to find in the fiction section.

The link to the story

Chit Chat / New Year Wish
« on: December 29, 2006, 04:57:50 PM »
Hey all, long time with no posts. I am Jen from Ga's husband and posted somewhat often in the late winter and spring of 2006.

I just wanted to say hi, hope that all had a wonderful Christmas and that this coming year finds you overflowing with God's Blessings... and of course happy ponding.  :)

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