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Topics - tayana

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / Spring is on its way!
« on: March 17, 2013, 04:02:41 AM »
  @O@. I went into winter with one goldfish and thirteen koi. Coming into spring I have seen the goldfish and eleven koi.  I'm thinking I might have lost two koi even tho I haven't found any bodies floating.  >:( My pond is starting to warm up, bottom of the pond has been anywhere from 42.1 to 43.5 lately. I went into winter with string algae and figured it would die over the winter but no such luck.  Now that the sun is starting to shine more it's starting to grow again.   My pond is pretty new, started it July 4, 2010.   My plan is trying to put as many plants into the pond to eat up all the nutrients.

Pond Chat / Let pond freeze over or not?
« on: November 15, 2011, 01:56:38 AM »
My pond is about 3500 gallons. Sunday the temp was 36, this morning when I got up it was 32.  The air pump that I have running was keeping the pond open.  Tonight when I got home from work the temp was still 32.  My husband shut down some of the air flow into the pond.  Now about 3/4 of the pond is freezing. Is that what I need to do is let the pond freeze so it will stay warmer in the pond?  It is now 14 degrees outside! >:(-

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