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Topics - kamala

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / how did he get there?
« on: September 22, 2008, 08:04:25 PM »
I go out every night with my flash light and do a head count.  DH likes to tease me about it, but the other night, he was the one to run for the camera.  I couldn't find Jebidiah anywhere and while walking from my water garden back to the turtle/fish pond, a glow on the table on turtle island caught my eye.  We didn't get very close, I was afraid to scare him and cause him to jump in a panic. 

 :D  seems crazy to me.  this is the table he was on.

I assume he jumped up the waterfall, to the chair, to the table.
He obviously got down safely, I spotted him in one of the ponds two nights later.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / plant newbie ?
« on: June 28, 2008, 03:26:18 PM »
I have a creeping jenny that has so many legs its gonna get up and walk!  How do you divide this plant?  The branches have tons of roots, can I snip and plant?  How do I thin out the pot?  And...  I have a mosaic, that is going crazy.  Same question regarding thinning.  Hopefully its okay to post this here.  Any and all help would be appreciated.  thank you.


Photo Album / turtle island update
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:32:08 PM »

Roxy's idea of helping.

almost done.  Stream/waterfall is leaking.  Still working on that.

Jebidiah, waiting to be released.

the turtles are happy to be free again.
Can't wait to be done.  Ignore the dates.  I can figure out how to post these pictures, but for the life of me I cannot get the date to be correct on the camera.

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