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Topics - jax

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Pond Chat / Goldfish keep hugging the deicing ring. What's up?
« on: December 11, 2010, 12:02:48 PM »
I have 3 big, fat goldfish in my pond.  There has been a long cold snap going on here in the central Pennsylvania area so, with ice forming along the waterfall edges and on the netting over the pond, I shut down the pump and put that and the UV light away for this season.  I put the deicing ring in.  There is a piece of sheeting over a section of the pond for the fish to hide under.  All 3 of them are clustered around the ring, their mouth's open right at the top of the water and blow bubbles out at times.  The ring is working, as you can see steam there at times.  Are they just enjoying the warmer water right there, are they having troubles breathing with this open mouth stuff of what?  Is there anything I need to do for them?

Pond Chat / More string algae
« on: May 21, 2010, 08:02:50 AM »
After writing to you all for advice on my massive amounts of string algae I have reached a conclusion.  I spent money on many, many things to treat the water with, and lightened my wallet significantly, and in the end, it all boiled back down to the good old toilet scrub brush.  I crawled all over in the falls and pond, scrubbing like a maniac and I'd let it filter and I'd take the filter out and clean it down, and repeated this over and over until I had nice, crystal clean water once more.  I never paid a dime for the "elbow grease" I used and a small amount for my handy, dandy brush.  I do intend to get a hard bristle brush with a long handle that I can just reach acrossed and around with and continue on with the scrubbing when needed.  Thanks for all the advice.  Pond is coming along much nicer now. Jax

Pond Chat / Bloated fish....what is this problem?
« on: May 21, 2010, 07:56:52 AM »
I have some of the nicest shubunkins and comets in my pond.  They are nearly the size of a koi.  But, my one female appears to have a problem.  Her left side is bloated and she is listing in the water in that direction.  She has been bloated for sometime now, but equal in size the whole way around.   I thought it might be eggs but there are no signs in the pond she was released any or seen any action from the males.  Do you know what this condition is and can I help her in any way.  Thanks all.   Jax

Pond Chat / string algae
« on: May 01, 2010, 06:27:49 AM »
I need help with string algae in my pond.  I've never had it come on like this before. I had to drain most of the water this spring and clean out dirt and fish waste.  It had been collecting for several years in a small area.  My pump and filter were getting over worked and clogged up at times.  But, since I've done this, I have string algae by the gobs in the pond.  I bought a product called Algaway 5.4.  It will not hurt fish or plants.  I put some into the waterfall and it cleared all of that up in days.  But, it isn't helping me out in the pond.  I don't know how much to use.  How can I calculate the gallons in my pond water?  I have scrubbed off excess.  I never had this problem when I first started my pond up.  I don't like using chemicals because other animals come for drinks at the pond and, even though it says not harmful to fish, I don't know about the rest of the critters coming in.  I appreciate any help someone has to offer.  Jax

Pond Chat / cleaning inside my pond
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:33:47 AM »
This past fall and way into winter I was severely sick and alot of my outside chores did not get done before the cold set in.  I had pulled my pump and filters but, I did not get the net on.  Tons of dead leaves fell in.  I had a deicing ring in and that circle stayed open, but I began to notice dead fish under the ice surface and I was so sad.  All my fish, frogs and several rodents had died.  As it warmed up, it smelled out of this world awful.  We cleaned for hours and got out all the water but I have a lot of white stones in the bottom and they all need cleaned as well as the sides of the liner.  What can I use to do this with?  I was going to shovel the stones out into my wheelbarrow and put them to soak in there but I don't want a residue to linger anywhere that can harm any wild life or fish.  I have racoons, deer, birds, cats and other "critters" that come to drink.  Could you please help me out?  I am so upset.  My fish were several years old and so big and healthy.  My frog had been here for 3 years.  I am assuming it was the rotting leaves in there was what killed them.  Am I correct on that?  Thanks everyone

Chit Chat / How to stop algae growth
« on: May 23, 2008, 08:52:29 AM »
Hi everyone.  I am back from a long winter season.  Opened my pond about a month ago and had leaks in my water falls that kept pumping the pond water down to about half each night.  This happened at least 4 times.  Got the "pond man" here and he finally found them all.  It was just from the freeze and thaw through the winter and it would shift the rubber liner just enough to let the water trickle out.  I have absolutely crystal clear water but I have that soft green algae clinging to every thing in the pond, plants, pots, light cords, lights, rubberr liner.  How can I get this to stop growing but not disturb anything in there.  All fish made it through the winter and so did my 2 frogs.  Now, if it stops raining, I am all set.  Help, and thanks for any solutions.

Pond Chat / the pond is ready for winter sleeping
« on: November 05, 2007, 03:31:44 PM »
My ponding season has just about come to an end for this year.  First, I want to thank everyone who helped me out with my questions this summer.  I have learned so much in just one season and it helped me make a nicer pond area and a better environment for my fish.  I'll be sending you some pictures of my little pond soon.  I just finished clearing out the dead leaves and all the plants in the flower beds this weekend.  All the marginal plants have been cut back, as well as the lilies, and everything is settled to the bottom of the pond.  I have a piece of sheeting laying over a corner of the pond so the fish have a sheltered, protected area for them to hide under since all the surface growing plants are gone now.  They are all huddled on the bottom and getting ready for the big freeze.  I noticed a bit of ice in the kitties water dish the other morning so I know it is time to pull my pump and put it to bed now too.  I shut down the landscaping lights.  As soon as the leaves are done falling I will put the de-icing ring in and take the leaf net off.  If I have forgotten anything, I hope someone lets me know.  I am sure there are many of you that have just gone through this whole process, same as I.  What now?  Is it time to just sit back, chat to each other, discuss the holidays, talk about our spring pond plans and hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadown on February 2 so we can get back into ponding early in 2008?  Whatever the plans, it's certainly been nice talking to you all and I'll continue to be here through the long winter days and nights.     Jax     o(

Pond Chat / Posting pictures
« on: November 02, 2007, 03:18:57 PM »
I just love seeing all the different photo's that show up on here in all the different sites.  Unfortunately, I do not know how to post pictures on here and was hoping someone would be kind enough to tell me.  You have asked for pictures of my pond and different flowers but I don't know how to do it.  Help someone.         Jax

Pond Chat / when do I quit feeding the fish for this season?
« on: November 01, 2007, 05:38:34 PM »
This fluctuation of temperatures over the past few weeks has me and my fish wondering what month it really is.  I have the pond totally cleaned out and ready for winter.  Some days the fish are really still active and other days they are just stationary in the bottom of the pond.  I was told that when the water gets to 50 or below I should stop feeding them for the winter, but, then we get days in the 60's and the water warms up a bit and I don't know what to do.  They have no vegetation left in the pond to nibble on and the summer bugs that fell in there are all gone.  I want to keep them healthy as possible before we go into the big freeze time.  My pump is still running and I will continue to do that until it begins to get really cold and then I pull everything for winter and put the deicing ring in.  Use to be by the beginning of November you knew you were well into fall and heading for winter.  With the droughts and temperature changes, I don't know where I am at any more.  What do you all suggest for central Pennsylvania?  I don't know what zone I am in.  By next week, the weather could change again and we could be into the 20 and 30's.  Last year we only had light jackets on in December.  What's a pond person to do?  Help.            Jax

Pond Chat / A little more winterizing information please
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:15:57 PM »
I appreciate all the information everyone has given me for winterizing and went to all the web sites that were suggested.  Esther's information was excellent.  My pond is probably 3 feet deep and about 8 feet by 12 feet in length and diameter.  I have a long waterfall coming down into it.  I have a pump outside that is hidden under a "fake" rock.  It has a net inside it for collecting large debris and a type of green solid mesh :) netting that is fitted into the filter that collects all small debris.  I clean them both out regularly.  I have an ultraviolet light too.  I don't know much about the size of these things or how else to describe them to you all.  These were all installed by the contractor last year that put in my pond and waterfalls.  I have only had his instructions to follow as far as care and up keep is concerned.  I have netted everything out of the bottom of the pond.  All the plants are cut back. I have a net over the top of the pond to catch falling leaves from trees and what comes down the waterfalls. Since I pulled out all the water lettuce and hyacinths, cut back the lilies, I laid a piece of plywood over the one end of the pond to allow the fish some shade and hiding area. I feed them a food that states is for autumn and spring and just regular year round fish food. I pulled out my pump and ultraviolet light last year and stored them in the basement.  The deicing ring was defective and that's why the pond froze over.  I got a new one but I am worried about it happening again.  What kind of small pump or air stone could I put in there?  Do you mean something that just goes into a small fish tank?  Would I just lay it along one of the step-down areas into the pond?  What other kind of lighting are you referring to that I could use in the pond without worrying about electrocution?  I know I could never build anything like Esther showed on her formum so that's out.  What other suggestions?  I am sorry I am not very educated in the ways of pond care but with a little help from my friends here at Ponders I hope to continue to improve. I have 6 very large goldfish of different species and 2 small fish that made it through this years hatchlings.  I have 2 green frogs I am worried about too. When referring to a heater, do you mean the type people use in there indoor fish tanks or is there something out there for ponds specifically?  Is there a site that I can go to in purchasing what I might need?  The heat wave has broken here and we are going into seasonal temperatures now with some "thank God" rain.  The drought is just awful.  Thank you for all your help once more.   o(:-)      Jax

It is time for me to get the pond ready for winter, although with this 80 plus weather around here, it is hard to believe it is Octoer.  You can't fool mother nature completely though, because the leaves are coloring right on tract, although the drought is probably going to be a factor in the amount of coloring we get here.  Last year, when I got the pond ready, I cut all the potted marginal plants and lilies back and lowered them into the center of the pond where it is the deepest.  I had many hatchlings in the water that were several inches long and fed them right up to the time I was instructed to stop.  I had a net over the pond to catch leaves.  I put in my deicing ring and the fish had a piece of terra cotta pipe to hide under.  I hoped that would do it for the winter season.  Come spring, all my fish were dead.  My marginal plants did survive but that was all.  Despite the deicing ring, the pond froze over anyways and I feel the gas build up killed all the fish.  I bought a new deicing ring and am about to order a second one just incase there could be something go wrong with the first.  I have huge, gorgeous fish in my pond this year that I don't want to die but there is no way I can take them out for the winter.  I am going to put the leaf catching net on tomorrow and cut back the marginals and lower them into the water. What else can I do for my pond and fish?  I also have 2 very nice green frogs who have lived out there since spring and are quite friendly and not scared when I come out.  How are they going to survive and is there anything I can do for them?  I don't want the disaster I faced with my fish this spring.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you all.   Jax

Pond Chat / why won't my hyacinths bloom?
« on: July 26, 2007, 05:33:49 PM »
The one whole side of my pond is covered in water hyacinths.  They are big and healthy and I am constantly pulling some out of there to prevent over crowding.  The water lilies are in the center of the pond and they are healthy and then the end side is water lettuce with marginal plants all around.  I am getting no blooming of my hyacinths.  I have only had one bloom on my lily that I put in this year and one bloom from the lily plant that is two years old, although I do notice several new bulbs coming up through the center of the plant now and should be ready to bloom by the beginning of next week.  What is going on with the no blooms on the hyacinths?  I had them in the pond last year and they did well for me.  The friend who brought them to my pond though, said, they did not bloom for her.  These one's this year are from a different place entirely.  I fertilize the lilies every couple of weeks.  Everyone posts such nice flowers and I have nothing to show you.  Care to see my flower beds?  That's about all I have to offer.  Any suggestions? >:(-

Pond Chat / what do I do with this algae?
« on: July 10, 2007, 11:38:21 AM »
It has been really hot and humid here for days in a row, yesterday reaching 101 degrees and today on it's way again and I have noticed that the long, slimey green algae is beginning to develop rapidly on the rocks coming down my water falls.  The pond is crystal clear, no algae there.  Is this a natural process going on?  Should I scrub the algae off or just let it grow naturally along the water course?  Is this due to the hot humid weather?  It's not that it doesn't look nice, because it does add color and a look that takes away from the fact that everything is man-made but will it get away from me if I don't stop it now?  The fish seem to keep everything all cleaned off around the stones in the pond.  I never develop this type of algae in the pond area, just in the falls area.  Thanks for any advice.

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / what are my fish doing?
« on: July 09, 2007, 12:06:52 PM »
I have a small man made pond with a waterfalls.  I have a shubunkin, several comets and several sarassa goldfish in it that look healthy and happy.  But, they do a strange thing.  The go under the waterfalls and just let the water pound down on top of them, sometimes they even jump up towards the water falling down.  This is a regular habit of all of them.  The water is crystal clear, the filter clean, they have no signs of illness, no breathing difficulties, plenty of food and plants to nibble on and hide under. The water quality is A-ok.  What is this strange behavior they are exhibiting?  Thank you.  Jax

Pond Chat / I need help with lily pad fungus
« on: July 08, 2007, 06:00:55 PM »
I appear to have some kind of fungus or blight on my lily pads.  I am new to this water gardening and I don't want something taking over my whole pond.  It starts out with yellow dots that turn brown, then to black that spread then a hole appears to "eat" right through the leaf.  There can be numerous spots on one leaf or just one area that turns into a large gaping hole.  I have pulled the leafs out and inspected everything about them and find no signs of bugs.  All my other plants are healthy, lettuce, hyacinth, marginal plants etc.  The water is crystal clear, the filter is clean and the goldfish in the pond are healthy.  I have only had two lily blooms so far this season but the flowers were perfect.  This "rotting" of my lily pads just started this past week.  Could someone please tell me what is happening, what I should do so it doesn't spread to any other plants.  The weather here is hot and humid, around 90 and I am telling you this in case it might be weather related.  Thanks for any help with this.

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