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Topics - txpondnut

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Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / arc-en-ciel for red flare
« on: April 06, 2009, 01:25:51 PM »
I divided our water lilies Saturday and some are pretty large pieces,(camera batteries are dead). I was wondering if anyone would like to swap an arc-en-ciel for a red flare? This is the plant I divided.

Pond Chat / Water lily question
« on: March 18, 2009, 05:10:37 AM »
Hi everybody,

I am wanting to repot my hardy water lilies. This is the 3rd summer in this pot but it is a very large pot. They are in an aquatic gravel type soil now but I have a problem with algae bloom when I fertilize them. I planted them that way to keep from getting that stinky rancid soil that I have found when I bought some pond plants. Also I thought they could get their nutrients from the water plus help filter the water better planted in the gravel stuff. I have since learned that they need more fertilizer than that. How do I plant them in a clay mix and keep it from turning stinky? I think I read somewhere that using Osmocote with the gravel will not cause a algae bloom, is this right? Also, I would like to add some liquid iron to the water to help all the plants. Could someone tell me what type to get. I don't know if it matters but our water is pretty hard with ph around 9 and about 3000 gals with 7 comets, a dozen or so rosys, and a few frogs,



Photo Album / end of summer 08 pond pix
« on: October 15, 2008, 11:29:44 AM »
Hi Everybody, My husband and I finished this pond in the spring of 2007 so this was it's 2nd summer. I'm learning about what will grow best bare root in the rocks with our type water/sun. I love to watch the pond change and grow plus all the different critters it attracts. Some of the birds I have never seen before and we have been here over 20 years. There are just a few comets and rosy minnows plus a golden minnow from a fishing trip. We did have a very pretty bluegill but it got too aggressive and bit the comets. Turns out it was only half bluegill. It was a hybrid crossed with a green sunfish. Who knew??? Anyway, I hope you like the pictures.

Pond Chat / Foxfire anyone?
« on: June 04, 2008, 06:01:54 AM »
I was wondering if anybody might have a foxfire lily for sale? Our pond is only on it's second year so I don't have anything to trade. I don't post much but I come here often to learn from you and also to see your beautiful pictures. I fell for the foxfire lily the second I saw it but thought it wouldn't survive in our pond. Thanks to Sean and Enzo I find out it very well could. So, if anyone has one or even a small start please let me know I would truly appreciate it.

Pond Chat / Parasite?
« on: November 26, 2007, 01:07:08 PM »
Hi Everyone,
 Our water has cleared up nicely but I have noticed some kind of parasites clinging to the tail of one of the goldfish. I'm not sure what they are and the fish is not wanting anything to do with the net. I want to try Parasite Guard by Jungle because it kills a number of different kinds of parasites and it is the most cost efficient for our size pond as you are supposed to treat 3 times. Has anyone used it and if so would this be a good time of year to do this? Is temperature an issue with this medication? I would like to get rid of these things before spring comes. Our pond is 2850 gallons and we have 7 goldfish, 1 bluegill, and 8 rosy minnows along with who knows how many frogs. All the water tests were good.


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