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Topics - crazyfishlady

Pages: [1]
Pond Chat / What a lily
« on: September 04, 2009, 07:10:21 PM »
Didn't know if you had seen this lily pad. They said it was in the Netherlands and the pad could support 33lbs.

Pond Chat / Why do they love Colorado?
« on: July 04, 2008, 07:47:42 AM »
Everytime Colorado blooms the Koi eat the blossom.  >:(-

I can have four other lilies blooming and the minute Colorado opens they tear it apart! Tried yelling and scolding them; did absolutely no good.

Koi Corner / 3+ days without power
« on: July 01, 2008, 06:39:28 AM »
Our electricity is back after being off for more than 3 days. Sure learned a lot.

Don't over stock your pond.
Can't have too much surface coverage.
Koi are smarter than I knew.
You can run 2 air-stones off an inverter and your car battery for over 10 hours.
Streams really do add lots of oxygen.

The first 10 hours after loosing power the koi did okay. But then they lay motionless on the bottom of the pond under a mass of floating plants. I bought a two outlet air-stone and hooked it up to an inverter we rotated between cars. We lucked out because temps were only in the mid 70's for two days. But as temps began to climb and we were in our second day, I knew further intervention was needed.

Everyone I called about a generator didn't think they would handle the 2 4500/gph pumps. We are lucky to have a motorhome with a powerful generator. We brought it home and hooked up the pumps; within 20 minutes the koi were back in action. Can't tell you how good it felt to see them swim again.

I no I'll have some issues regrowing my bacteria because the bog was dry and I've lost some cattails and plants in the streams. But my koi are all alive and that is a very good thing.

Chit Chat / New pond additions
« on: June 07, 2008, 11:00:45 AM »
Found a turtle that won't eat my plants or fish and some permanent cattails. Just love art fair season.

Terrestrial Gardening / In the last three days
« on: June 07, 2008, 10:52:09 AM »
The Knock Outs started opening in the last three days. I think I have about 28 of them in front of the house.

Pond Chat / Can't believe this
« on: June 07, 2008, 10:44:03 AM »
This isn't the best pic, but las year I planted this lily(smaller upper pads) directly in the rock 8-10inches below the budding lily (larger lower pads) it spead upwards? Didn't know they did that.

Koi Corner / New Koi
« on: June 07, 2008, 10:39:21 AM »
I had never seen a blue koi with black spots before. Know he's probably not prize material; but he's so cute o(:-) o(:-)

Terrestrial Gardening / Just gotta love WalMart
« on: June 07, 2008, 10:36:09 AM »
You just gotta love WalMart...I bought the Bloodgood Maple for $10 on close out 2 years ago, last year the Artic Willow and the honeysuckle were also extremely reasonable

Pond Chat / Foolish... What do mink like?
« on: May 31, 2008, 12:28:07 PM »
I was was foolish.  :'(

I live more or less in what is now the middle of the city. One block off the main east/west route through the city. We have a billion rabbits, but I didn't think we had raccoon or mink or whatever. Something got all my small goldfish and has scarred the Koi to death. For 2 days they lay motionless on the bottom, like fish sticks.

I put a black milk-crate in the middle in the deepest part of the pond and put a lily pot and rocks on the top. This morning the Koi were all inside. They swim around and eat but really stay in a bunch. They hide when I approach the pond. I am afraid to feed them because I want them to stay scarred. They used to come to meet anyone who came near the pond.

I put out a havahart trap last night near where we found a little piece of gold tail. But, had no clue what bait to put in it. The local pond store says there are a lot mink in the area. What do mink eat besides goldfish?

My other question is what happens when they grow to big to squeeze into the holes of the milk-crate? My biggest is only about 10 inches. Some have tripled in size since I got them last summer. Each morning I spy from afar to make sure everyone is accounted for. >:(

Koi Corner / New little disabled butterfly
« on: May 11, 2008, 12:06:13 PM »
 o(:-) Love my new little blue butterfly koi. I couldn't resist adopting him when I noticed he was missing his left pec fin. Doesn't seem to slow him down at all.

Pond Chat / What have Koi got against...
« on: May 08, 2008, 12:38:35 PM »
What have Koi got against string algae? Or goldfish for that matter. Why won't they eat it?

I certainly have enough to go around. They wait 'til I scub it off a rock then chow down on the hair algae that's left.

Koi Corner / Surprise Visitor-any ideas?
« on: August 06, 2007, 03:57:32 PM »
Found this little guy in the pond today. I know the pictures aren't good but he isn't 2" long and moves very fast. I haven't bought a new plant in over a month and never from a stocked pond. Does anyone have an idea?

Wakin, Shubunkins and Goldfish... / Any good ideas?
« on: July 31, 2007, 11:10:27 AM »
On my 1st fish buying trip I bought several Sarasa Comets. Big mistake they are so mean. They pick on the little fantails so bad; eating their tails and even putting little Sara's eye out. They killed an Orunda.

I spoke to Pet Smart and they will let me bring them back, but how do you catch them? My daughter and I spent the morning in the pond with nets. But they are way too fast and quick to hide. The little fantails and Koi came all around us to see what was going on, but those comets literally disappeared.

Any input would be appreciated.

Photo Album / Newbie says Hi
« on: July 30, 2007, 09:31:39 PM »
Just wanted to introduce myself. My real name is Dianne, but since we put in a pond a couple of months ago, my son-in-law has dubbed me, crazy fish lady. I suddenly have trouble getting anything done. I just stare at my fish. These are some of my new children.

These are some pics of the pond. Next year hope to finish the landscaping and add some larger boulders at the bends in the stream. Filtration is only a river rock bog at top. Seems to work pretty well.

I hope to learn a lot from all of you, as I am a true newbie.

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