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Topics - water_sprite

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Pond Chat / Calling Marie Fisher for lotus id?
« on: July 24, 2011, 04:07:47 PM »
Hi Marie,

Last year we did a trade and you sent me tubers of this lotus and I can't remember what it is.....All I know is that it's a bowl lotus.

It had done very well in my pond, multiple blooms.....I love it....

It is white with pink tips...

Hopefully you can ID it for me?

Thanks, Brenda

Pond Chat / Can you find the baby dragonfly?
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:31:41 PM »
At least, I'm pretty sure it's a dragonfly, right?   ;D

Pond Chat / Quikrete tube sand for planting???
« on: June 11, 2011, 04:41:38 PM »
A friend drove in from NY this spring and left DH many bags of tube sand......Any ideas if it's suitable for planting lilies and lotus?

Can't find out much info.

Thanks, Brenda

I am inundated with these lilies and will gladly send some out for postage or trades.


Pond Chat / My Joey Tomoick has done it again!
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:16:02 AM »
I've had this plant for years and it did this once before.  Notice the bud on it.

It's killing me not to re-pot it but I don't have the space to grow it out.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Have to trade....UPDATED!
« on: April 23, 2011, 10:40:42 AM »
Almost Black  hardy lily

Joey Tomoick   hardy lily

Colorado   hardy lily

Celon Pink  trop. night bloomer sprouted tubers

Lemon Bacopa, Arrow Arum, Parrots Feather, Coontail, Bladderworts, Swamp Hibiscus, Floating hearts (yellow), Button bush, Variegated sweet flag, frogs-bit.

Blue Crown passion flower, Maypop passion flower, Yellow and white honeysuckle, Wisteria, Redbud seedlings, Oxalis, Blackberry lilies.

Interested in:

Angel trumpets, any color but pink, prefer named varieties

Japanese trapdoor snails

Rain lilies


and, of course, any lotus and tropical lilies.

Pond Chat / Mayla or not?
« on: August 22, 2010, 10:57:29 AM »
I have a water lily that is tagged Mayla.  It has been neglected in a shady pond for several years and has not bloomed.  This year I repotted and put in a pond that gets full sun.  It has grown by leaps but still has not bloomed. 

I took it out of the pond to prepare for shipping and am now wondering if it is a Mayla.  Does Mayla have speckles underneath the leaves?

I really don't know why I am having doubts.  I usually don't mess up the tags.

Just wondering because I am sending these out as Mayla but don't want it to be a mistake.

Any thoughts?

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Anyone want Mayla?
« on: August 08, 2010, 11:02:17 AM »
I have an xlarge Mayla lily that could probably be divided 3 times.

I need to get it out of my pond to make room for my tropicals.

I'll happily send it for postage.

Any takers?  I'd hate to toss it in the compost.


Pond Chat / Speaking of turtles
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:21:17 PM »
No idea where she/he came from but the poor baby was in my preformed in the ground pond.  I say poor baby because she/he couldn't get back out.

Isn't she a beaut?

So I rescued the turtle and released it in a private lake with permission!

Pond Chat / Todays blooms at my house
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:46:52 PM »
The first 2 are Joey Tomocik.  I love this lily.  It usually has multiply blooms.

Next is Albert Greenberg, also one of my favorites!

Kat sold me a huge pot of Celon Pink a night blooming water lily....It had tons of babies and she gave it to me for an exceptional price....Now I want to pass that generosity on.....

I have always loved the night blooming water lily....I love the way the flowers bloom almost flat.....

So, if you've never grown one and would like to, I have 3 that I will send for postage.  These are almost blooming size.

Let me know!


Celon Pink night blooming pink I got from Kat

Ostara, well sprouted tuber I got from Jessica

Mayla hardy pink

Joey tomocik hardy yellow

also have:

Floating hearts
Parrots feather
Arrow arum
Little bit of frogs bit
Sweet flag
Lemon bacopa
Passion flower Blue crown & native Maypop.

Thanks, Brenda

Pond Chat / How weird is this??
« on: June 16, 2010, 05:21:31 PM »
I've heard of hardy lilies being viviparous but have never seen one until now.   

This is a Joey Tomocik lily.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Lemon Bacopa ~ Bacopa Carolina

Bladderworts ~ Utricularia radiata

Coontail ~ Ceratophyllum Demersum

Pond Chat / Question for Kat
« on: April 27, 2010, 09:53:01 AM »
I'm wondering if your tropicals are showing any signs of life yet?  We also had the colder winter like you did and no sign of my tropicals.  Is it too early?  Do you think I ought to jump in the pond and maybe pull them out to see or re pot them?

My pond was not protected and I'm really afraid they won't come back.  I had several Brugmansias in pots that didn't survive.  It was a rough winter.

Appreciate any suggestions you have.

Thanks, Brenda

Pond Chat / Japanese researchers develop see-through goldfish.
« on: December 30, 2009, 10:50:31 AM »

Say what????   :o

TOKYO (AFP) – First came see-through frogs. Now Japanese researchers have succeeded in producing goldfish whose beating hearts can be seen through translucent scales and skin.

The transparent creatures are part of efforts to reduce the need for dissections, which have become increasingly controversial, particularly in schools.

"You can see a live heart and other organs because the scales and skin have no pigments," said Yutaka Tamaru, an associate professor in the department of life science at Mie University.

"You don't have to cut it open. You can see a tiny brain above the goldfish's black eyes."

The joint team of researchers at Mie University and Nagoya University in central Japan produced the "ryukin" goldfish by picking mutant hatchery goldfish with pale skin and breeding them together.

"Having a pale colour is a disadvantage for goldfish in an aquarium but it's good to see how organs sit in a body three-dimensionally," Tamaru told AFP.

The fish are expected to live up to roughly 20 years and could grow as long as 25 centimetres (10 inches) and weigh more than two kilograms (five pounds), much bigger than other fish used in experiments, such as zebrafish and Japanese medaka, Tamaru said.

"As this goldfish grows bigger, you can watch its whole life," he said.

Anyone else?   I have more and I am going to hate putting them in the compost pile! {:-P;;

I had better luck this year w/the vips.  I have enough for 3 people.  Probably have more, but need to check.   :D

So if you have a place for them, Pm me!


Chit Chat / Does anyone here use a CPAP machine?
« on: August 03, 2009, 07:05:33 PM »
I did a sleep study a while back and was told I have moderate to severe sleep apnea.  My Drs. believe this could have lead to my heart failure. >:(-  I've had the machine but have not really used it enough to get use to it. 

Well, I've been SOOOO tired lately that I've gotten it out and will start using it tonight.

I could use a little encouragement.  How long did it take you to get use to it and how long before you noticed you were feeling better?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Chit Chat / I'm going on a cruise!
« on: July 10, 2009, 12:28:13 PM »
We don't have a lot of money and never take vacations.  DH and I saved money for a year to go on a cruise w/our kids, who are 18 and 21.  I can't wait! @O@

We got a great deal and will be going down to Mexico.  It was actually cheaper to rent a car and drive to New Orleans than leave out of Galvestion (which is a lot closer).

I've never been on a cruise and would like to hear from you guys who have.  Any tips or tricks would be great!


I have a large, already blooming Joey Tomocik I'd like to trade for hardy or tropical lily I don't have.

Tempt me! o(:-)


Pond Chat / Has anyone had any experience with Darmera Peltata
« on: June 14, 2009, 05:45:21 PM »
AKA Indian Rhubarb?

I bought this plant off of Ebay and will receive it next week.  It looks like a great plant for the pond.

Wondering if anyone has this plant or can tell me your experiences with it?  I am considering putting it in my garden pond and also my farm pond.

Thanks, Brenda

Pond Chat / Look what I found in my backyard this evening......
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:20:01 PM »
Yikes!  Don't know where he came from or where he was going but he was much too close to my largest pond w/tropicals.  Didn't want him in my farm pond either!  {nono}

So we put him in the back of the pickup and took him to a creek, far, far away from my house! ;D


Once again, I have tons and tons of this stuff.  It grows all around my 1 acre farm pond.  Great for putting in between rocks and waterfalls.  Lots of tiny blue flowers.  Good in the aquarium too!

Will send a box full for postage.  Or trade.  Love trades! ;)

Just let me know.


Pond Chat / Tropical tubers and baggies?
« on: May 24, 2009, 12:13:24 PM »
I remember reading on here about floating tropical water lily tubers in baggies til they sprout?

Is that right?  Do I have to worry about cooking them?  Do they need to be in the sun?

I've received several tubers (lily unknown) and would love to sprout them.



This is the lily.  I'd like to give it to someone who has never had a tropical lily.  Just pay postage.


This lily will bloom this year. 

I'm looking for a tropical I don't have.  Since I only have Albert Greenberg and Queen of Siam, I'm pretty open. lol

This is my wish list:
Panama Pacific
William McClain
any of Craigs moptops  o(:-)

Thanks, Brenda

Pond Chat / Tropical lily help.
« on: April 30, 2009, 11:46:10 AM »
I'm pretty excited that my Queen of Siam and Albert Greenberg are coming up now. @O@  My Midnight isn't showing any leaves yet and I guess I'm going to have to get in the pond to check it out.

Question, should I repot my tropicals for this season?  Or leave them be?  It's been so long since I've had tropicals come back, I have a case of CRS!

Thanks, Brenda

Pond Chat / Queen of Siam vivips in aquarium.
« on: September 24, 2008, 12:42:17 PM »
Well I survived the hurricane!  Lost some huge trees, but not on my house, thankfully!  Went w/out electricity for about a week, lost everything in the refrigerator and freezer.  I'm not complaining tho, compared to the gulf, we did great!

I plucked 10 vivip leaves and put them in my aquarium like Sean's suggestion on his web page.  And boy are they growing!  I'll have plenty to share w/ Alfonso, Katfish and Kay.  And whoever else wants to try some.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Have Queen of Siam vivips UPDATE!!
« on: September 09, 2008, 05:18:47 PM »
My Queen of Siam is finally starting to make plantlets.  I still have 6 weeks of growing season here and would happily offer them for postage.  Or maybe trade for other viviparous plantlets.  (I know, not a real word! {:-P;;)

I've heard they are pretty easy to over winter in an aquarium.  Haven't tried it tho.


Hey, I have these for trade.  I'm guessing these are hard to find as I've never seen them for sale.  I do not collect these from the wild, I'm lucky that they grow around and in my 1 acre mud pond.  I sale a few each year on Ebay and thought I'd offer them here too.

I'd like to trade for a tropical lily I don't have.  I already have Foxfire, Albert Greenburg,  Queen of Siam and Midnight.
I'd really like a Panama Pacific.

Please do not be disappointed if I don't accept your trade.  I'd like to be picky.

Thanks, Brenda

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