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Topics - Chevy Girl

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Pond Water Quality / New 6000+gl pond. I am so excited!!
« on: June 16, 2009, 10:35:58 AM »

Since I was last here. The smaller pond is doing fantastic. Lilliys are all in bloom, and the new lillys are starting to get small pads. The 20+ koi had grown to a size that ment a larger home.

Called a friend with a backhoe. Took him a whopping 1 1/2 hours to dig the round 16 ft wide x 4 ft deep hole.
Liner in, oops  sides colapsed,drain mud hole, Liner out. LOL.

rail road tie framing done, liner back in, fill with water. Long time to fill 6000+ gallons. (well water)
OK, find a filter....... Great, one on sale at In The Garden ( pond store)

Get it all hooked up. Nice filter fall. Beckett 5000GPH pump to run it.
Got the skimmer hooked up.(note to self: turn off skimmer to feed Koi)

Took the filter pads from our 90gl DIY filter, clean them out in the clear new pond.

Water got cloudy, cycle beginning, NICE. water started to clear,,,,,,,, then
GREEN WATER, I love the green water in a new pond. Have since moved 15 of the Koi into thier new home. Scared the scales off them in such a big new place. put in some 4 boulders in the bottom. Now they fill right at home.

Amazing how the boulders comforted them.

Just waiting for the Hubby to build the new deck around the new pond... Sorry, No pictures. but the dog ate my memory card .(Honestly Puppies eat anything)

Oh and did I say I love green water.........

Pond Chat / Potting soil question.
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:17:15 AM »
what soil is best for potting lillies?
there all kinds of bagged soils at the pond place.
Wouldn't have asked but the pond sharks decided to yank up my "pearl of the pond" So it needs repotting.
They have also decided the tropicals are very yummy!
The sharks will have thier own pond next season. and the lillies will keep the smaller pond......
thanks for any help. :)

Pond Chat / HELP!!!!!!
« on: July 28, 2008, 07:14:09 AM »
I went out to the pond, and my Lotus pot has sunk to the bottom,
how long will it be OK, The water is cold, Will it be ok till it warms up
Or do I have to jump in there NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Koi Corner / Are they diffrent?
« on: July 24, 2008, 10:57:40 AM »
OK, I just have to ask. Ihave a few "butterfly" Koi.
But I have one that I am the most in love with. o(:-)
The others all have the same fins,
My beauty is a metallic orange, with the most gorgeous fins, more like
Streamers from the edges, when I got him he was much smaller,
And the fins kind of looked spiked on the edges.
Is there a difference between Long Finned, and Butterfly Koi?

Pond Chat / Can anyone Tell me what breed of Koi this is?
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:55:48 AM »
My husband brought this one home, Someone had given it to the  pond place where we got our other fish.
It is a very pretty fish. Just curious as to what it is. Any clue? Anyone?
The white one.

Pond Chat / I need a little help, Please.
« on: July 14, 2008, 07:39:08 AM »
Can someone please explaine,"How to winter" my Lillies and other water plants.
Do I cut the old pads and leaf's off an leave them in the pond?
Do I leave all the pad's ,and bring them in to a kiddie pool in the basement ? Help, Please....... :)

She loves to use her camera,


Koi Corner / What could have happened????
« on: July 07, 2008, 10:20:15 AM »
Ever since a week after we had our Koi, they would come greet us at pond side for food and treats, or just to nibble on our fingers.

Well since yesterday, they have been skittesh, won't come to the hand to get even a worm or the krill they absolutly love.

And if they are out, as soon as we go to the side of the pond that we always feeed them from, they bolt.

Any ideas?
This really bothers me, as they would rub aginst my husbands fingers when he sat pond side.

What could have scared then so ???
I had to stand up on the porch just to try to get a head count. They are all there, even the 2, 3 inch babies...... :-\

Pond Chat / I think it is almost finished,,,,,,,,,
« on: June 23, 2008, 01:07:39 PM »
I think it turned out beautiful..........What else could we do ???

OK, here is the almost totally finished pond picks, Just a few more rocks, maybe

Hybridizing How To's... / My first ever bloom..........
« on: June 16, 2008, 10:19:04 AM »
I was out by the pond this morning,,,,,, and saw the bud,,,,,,,,,,,,,,went out an hour later, and this is what I saw, I'm so excited,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @O@

I have to learn to take pictures.........or get them to sit still,,,,,,,,,,,, :)

Pond Chat / question about feeding water lilies.
« on: June 11, 2008, 09:42:23 AM »
I just received a gift of 2 planted water lillies,
She didn't know what kind, or color they were.
My question is,What do I feed them?
Do they just bloom once and then not again ,till next season?
OR, will they bloom all season long?
Fish I can do, water plants are another story......... :)

I am just curious, as to what substrate is at the bottom of "your" pond?
I need something, Just not sure what........right now, I have  some algae.
any suggestions????
I really want my  o( to be happy...........

Chit Chat / Hi
« on: June 02, 2008, 03:11:38 PM »
I posted this in another forum, Hope you don't mind the cut &paste :)

Hi there...........

My name is Coleen,,,,,,,,,But Chevy Girl is the name I use on all my boards,,,,I have Many interests....
Our pond is the newest addition to them. 700g with water fall.........
I collect diecast, 57 Chevys...........(hence the name)
We have 3 full reef tanks,180g, 125g, and the smallest a 54 corner.
I have a 125 FW tank as a head board Orandas, ryukins, Fantails.
I work at Toys R Us.............Yeah, I'm a big kid...........
Married to a wonderful man for 25 yrs, 6 kids,
along with the indoor tanks we have
Oliver(jack Russel)
Bella(GT Dane/St.Bernard.)
Candy & Chevy(cats)
Blue Bird and & Breezy(Amazon Parrots)( in breeding mode today) ::)

I think My plate is very full..........
Hope I have not said too much........
I love to talk and talking fish or my new pond, or any thing in general, yeah I just like to talk............
by now You have figured that out lol

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