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Messages - Timgod

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Chit Chat / Re: Need help finding a song
« on: May 03, 2007, 09:33:42 AM »
I also have found the Guy Lombardo version... 2:31 in length.
I cannot find the version with Marjorie Hughes anywhere... not even a reference. I did find several other songs she did with Frankie Carle.

I did find another version with a female singer though... MAYBE it is what you are looking for. It is 2:48 seconds. It is from 1945. The singer is Alice Babs.

Just let me know what you want.


Chit Chat / Re: Need help finding a song
« on: May 03, 2007, 01:01:25 AM »
I found a version from Frankie Carle and his orchestra from 1940. It is 1:40 in length but it is orchestral... no singer.
If that helps let me know and I will send it to you.

Photo Album / Re: Nature's Helpers up close and personal
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:44:25 AM »
I'm watching you buddy..... Do make me go all gila monster on you....


Photo Album / Re: Spring garden photos
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:37:50 AM »
I keep debating on buying a macro lens myself. So far I have gotten some pretty decent shots with my main lens. I just have to get as close as possible, be patient and learn to hold my breath really well.

Photo Album / Re: No Lovelier....
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:35:13 AM »
It's kind of plain but they don't all have to be knockouts. It reminds me a bit of the Terri Dunn I got last fall in the flower structure and outer sepal color. The petals aren't even that far off in color, just a little bluer to Terri's purple tones. I do like the pads and since it is a vip you know that is a plus in my book although I know it is not a feature you look for.

Photo Album / Re: Terrestrial Flower Pix
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:30:31 AM »
Thanks Maryvonne. I spend all of my free time which is not much these days out there.

Photo Album / Re: Rainy Days aren't bad for pictures...
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:28:08 AM »
Thanks Maryvonne.
They are now becoming a memory. The next thing to look forward to is July when I harvest the seed pods from crosses the bees and I attempted. It looks like I already have at least 40 that are going to set seed.

Bog Gardens / Re: New Koi Pond with Bog Garden Incorporated
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:20:37 AM »
Ok ladies, I might be able to assist with some pointers, however whips and handcuffs and other husbands sounds like a way different kind of forum... LOL
It is an 1800 GPH pump to circulate through the bog. It sits on the bottom at the opposite end from the bog. In the past they suggested to go through your rocks, out of the pond and to bury the line under ground before coming back up on the bog end. That is outdated thinking at this point. I went straight across the bottom with flex hose. It is connected to 1 inch PVC that is coming through the bottom of the cinder block wall. That way if there is ever a blockage or problem I don't have to dig up the yard. Less turns in PVC and no major changes in hight mean less resistance so I get a truer amount of water circulation. The PVC under all of the gravel is shaped as follows...

8     8         8     8
8     8         8     8
8     8         8     8
Cinder   8 Block Wall

I even ran a stalk of pipe up through the gravel so that it ever get full of gunk in the PVC I can run water or even force air down through the PVC to flush it out.

There are 2 ways to do the wall. I have them interlocked but it allows the water to seep through the miniscule spaces between them. This way water comes up through the PVC and filters through the rock and then clean water seeps back into the main body of water. I had added a bog a few years ago retroactively to my other above ground pond. The only way to make it work was to build a box at a slightly higher elevation, fill the new box with a liner that overlapped into the original. This makes the bog self contained and creates a waterfall coming off of the bog. It works just as well but I didn't want a waterfall in this new pond plus it would have been tougher to do the liner by going up and over the cinder blocks.

There is no bottom drain. I don't have a lot of trees. This type of pond is what they have been doing down here in Texas for about 5 to 7 years. It doesn't matter if it is 50 gallons or 10,000 gallons. The principle is the same. I have good water quality and the water is crystal clear. Even my 500 gallon had no sign of string algae throughout the winter.
This is very close to the pump I bought. I have a large basket assembly to stop large debris like leaves and such from entering the pump.

Hope this answered some of your questions. If you want more info on bogs, this pdf explains just about everything...


Photo Album / Re: Terrestrial Flower Pix
« on: May 02, 2007, 12:49:57 PM »
Thanks emm, glad you enjoyed them.


Photo Album / Re: Lily Blooms - Different Varieties
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:56:11 AM »
That's smoke. I have a couple. One is more to the green side on the 1st day. The other is more to the blue side on the 1st day.
They both get more pale on successive days and then by the 3rd day they have pink tips.


Photo Album / Re: Terrestrial Flower Pix
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:53:36 AM »
Thanks Teresa.

Photo Album / Re: Water Hyacinth
« on: May 02, 2007, 11:52:03 AM »
I haven't done anything with them. I will plant a few in soil just like a lily.
I tried it with one last year. It tripled in size and was as dark green as a pickerel rush.


Pond Chat / Re: Lesson/Discussion #2.... Disinfecting pond plants
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:31:27 AM »
Thanks Teresa.

Pond Chat / Re: Lesson/Discussion #2.... Disinfecting pond plants
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:25:57 AM »
I thoroughly clean anything I get in the mail. I also inspect for snail eggs etc. I haven't ever used a chemical solution for disinfect though.

The only pest item I have ever been struck with was a plant. That darn azolla.
I can get rid of it but it always finds its way back in the winter. I think the birds or frogs are bringing it to me because it can pop up in previously uninfected areas on opposite sides of the yard.

What is the "PP" tammie keeps referring to?


Bog Gardens / Re: New Koi Pond with Bog Garden Incorporated
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:07:43 AM »
Thanks ladies. My wife does to. I told her that I should be good through Mother's day and her B-Day.  ;)

I would like one for postage if you have any left.
Just pm me with details and I can paypal you the $$$.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Looking for Colorata
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:01:23 AM »
I also will have colorata blue form. Right now I haven't had time to repot and fertilize them so it will be a few weeks before they are big enough that I would want to ship them.
The flower photo is from last summer so you can see what I have.
The 2nd pic is what they look like in the propagation pool right now.
If you are able to get one from J Fischer go ahead. If you want one of mine, let me know.
I also would like to know what you have to trade.
If you don't have anything that I don't, then I would sell it to you.
I can't say how much until I know how big I get it before shipping. I usually sell on my website for $25 but it would probably be smaller than I like to normally sell them for.


Photo Album / Water Hyacinth
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:54:04 AM »
Here is the 1st bloom of the year on my water hyacinth.


Photo Album / Re: Spring garden photos
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:52:32 AM »
Very nice close ups.
I like the speckled flowers.
They have a texture that you can almost feel.


Photo Album / Re: Terrestrial Flower Pix
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:51:05 AM »
Here are a few more terrestrial pix. The daylily is the first bloom on a new plant I recently planted.


Photo Album / Re: Lily Blooms - Different Varieties
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:47:48 AM »
Here are a few pix of Rhonda Kay. The first is a close up of a 1st and 2nd day bloom.
The next is a 1st, 2nd and 3rd day bloom. They are actually in that order from top to bottom.
For those of you wanting to try crosses, remember you want to put pollen from 2nd and / or 3rd day blooms into the stigmatic fluid in the 1st day bloom.


Photo Album / Re: Lily Blooms - Different Varieties
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:43:10 AM »
Here are a few pix from a few minutes ago.

Photo Album / Re: Terrestrial Flower Pix
« on: May 02, 2007, 08:55:40 AM »
The last 2 pictures are an Aztec Lily.
I bought three bulbs at a plant sale for $10 and was told I was getting a great deal. They had a single plant that was about 6 inches tall that they wanted $25 for.
I only planted this a few weeks ago and already I have a bloom. I haven't researched the plant yet but it is pretty cool looking and man was that fast.
I do know this much...
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Genus: Sprekelia
Species: formosissima


Photo Album / Re: Rainy Days aren't bad for pictures...
« on: May 02, 2007, 08:47:39 AM »
Thanks Kathy


Bog Gardens / Re: New Koi Pond with Bog Garden Incorporated
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:39:18 PM »
As you can see in the last two shots above, the ones where I am in the water and finalizing the setup. The water if pretty dirty from the 1.2 cubic yards of rock that I put into the bog section.
It only took a couple days for it to clear up.

One other note... the plants in the bog were dug up from the back yard to be placed in the bog. that is why they show a little droopiness. They were in the shade and they need to acclimate to the sun. They were put into the bog, dirt and all. this feeds the plants and the dirt is covered with more gravel so it does not get into the pond.


Bog Gardens / New Koi Pond with Bog Garden Incorporated
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:33:30 PM »
I was on vacation last week and spent the entire 7 days building a new koi pond for the wife's babies.
It is 8 ft wide by 10 ft long. 2ft long by 8 ft wide is a bog as a filter. It is about 1800 gallons.
As you can see in the pictures it is both above ground and dug almost 3 feet down at the same time for a 4 ft depth.
The only filtration on this pond is one 1800 GPH pump to circulate through the bog. The Rocks in the bog are 2 ft deep.
All debris sucked into the pump is trapped in the rocks before the water seeps back through the cinder block wall.
Beneficial bacteria grows and thrives in the bog to break down chemical issues before they are a problem.
There is also a pump used to run the fountain. That is not really used for filtration. It is for decorative use as well as the breaking of the surface adds air to the water and discourages predators.
As you can see even though the rocks were dumped and dirty( I bought 3 yards od rainbow rock) the water is already clear and will only become more so as the plants that I just planted in the bog grow. They will feed off of excess nutrients and fish waste and in turn their roots systems provide a further filtration of the water.

For anyone who wants an easy, trouble free system for clear water, this does the trick. You will notice there is no skippy, skimmer, UV clarifier that needs to be maintained and cleaned.


Photo Album / Re: Lily Blooms - Different Varieties
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:14:26 PM »
Here are 2 more shots...
One of Ostara taken today,
and one of Foxfire as I mentioned a couple days ago. Unfortunately it opened as a 1st day bloom while I was at work yesterday.


Photo Album / Re: Lily Blooms - Different Varieties
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:08:23 PM »
Here are a few more shots.


Photo Album / Re: Terrestrial Flower Pix
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:03:24 PM »
Here are a couple more blooms from today...


Photo Album / Re: Nature's Helpers up close and personal
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:00:25 PM »
A couple more.


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