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Messages - Timgod

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Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: September 01, 2009, 10:19:03 PM »
Thanks Howell.
Happy I could help Holldoll... O0


Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:42:30 PM »
Tonights capture...


Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:34:14 PM »
Scott, The one you have been seeing bloom is in a big lotus pot about 18" across by 6" tall.
I have another getting ready to bloom with three buds in a 1.5 gallon roughly.
A third bloom should be fully open now on the first plant... getting ready to go outside and check.
Joyce, Josh, bunny and Howell, thanks for the kind words.

Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 31, 2009, 09:24:29 AM »
Yes Craig, I am on the board of directors but have only been so for a month. One of the things the new board wants to accomplish is to revitalize the flow of information.
Half of the board is new. We have a new President and a new Executive Director.
We want to do whatever we can to spread information however we can.

I had seen your original post about the competition here. I was not aware of the timeline at that point either.
I knew the autumn lily was a vivip and in my own personal thought process, I believe that would have been relevant to a proper decision.
Maybe we can work on the process as it is. Any suggestions you have for making the contest better, please pass them to me and I will get them to the proper people.

Certainly the photos were not the best because I was the one who got the originals.
I did the best I could with what I recieved. The pdf format is universal and I was only trying to make it easy access for everyone.
If there is a major complaint to this, no problem I will not use it in the future.

Joyce, Craig did post this early in the year. Now for you to be offended and want to cast something against the IWGS seems uncalled for.
I was given the information by phone on the results of the competition. I posted it to the IWGS website first. Within minutes of doing that, I put it on here and then on Facebook.
Everthing was correct at the time but when I refreshed the browser, I saw that some portions of the text had hyperlinks underlined that should not have been there.
The text portions actually pointed to a different waterlily pdf.
The site is Joomla based and it can be frustrating to deal with. I spent the next hour deleting information and reentering it only to have it put links where they did not belong again.
In the process of deleting, reformatting the text, manually editing the html to make the links go away and reentering it five or six times, I screwed up when I typo'd.
My fault and I accept the blame. I screwed up in a public venue and I felt it necessary to apologise in public as well. I hope Lou really accepted my apology from his heart because I meant it that way from mine.
If you want to pick some sort of fight well that serves no purpose.

I just wanted to share some information with those on a forum that I enjoy coming to. I did so in the timeliest fashion that was possibly, literally moments after I had posted it officially.


Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:33:53 PM »
No , I am not on that list.
What was said if you don't mind divulging?


Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:32:13 PM »
It is an 8 foot pool.
I am bonsaiing it but feeding it heavily to get the blooms.
The biggest pads have been right at 4 feet.

Yes to white then a rose color the 2nd night.
Longwood is more robust than either parent... amazonica or cruziana.
It is also a bit more forgiving of conditions once it is past the juvenile stage.
I got to go to bed. I am gonna try and get up in about 5 hours to get a few 2nd day shots before I go to work if it has not closed up already.



Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: August 29, 2009, 10:02:29 AM »
If you look close at the 2nd pic you will see the spent bloom from earlier in the week.
To the right is the current 1st day flower closing up.
In the center is a 3rd bud that will probably be up in the next day or so.

Also if you look at the 1st pic, you will see it had already started to change color.
Notice the rosy color vs. the pure white from last night's shot.


Pond Chat / Re: Victoria Longwood
« on: August 29, 2009, 09:59:45 AM »
Here are a couple shots from this morning as it was closing up.


Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 29, 2009, 09:56:12 AM »
Thanks so much Joyce.


Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 29, 2009, 08:23:51 AM »
I actually got to see one. I close today so I was outside and my other Euryale Ferox had opened a bloom under water.
Well it had to be brought up so I could see it.
Here it is for you to see as well.


Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 29, 2009, 07:02:53 AM »
I am so sorry.
There was a problem with the site.
It kept locking in formatting and links to items of text.
It was putting a hyperlink to a picture below (the wrong picture).
I repeatedly had to delete the text and reinput it to try and correct it.
In the final input I typo'd.
I just fixed it.
Please forgive me... as you had seen in the above post I knew it was you and had tried to give you credit.


Pond Chat / Victoria Longwood
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:49:09 PM »
Here is the vic bud that was in the ferocious post before.
It opened tonight
I just took these shots..


Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 28, 2009, 09:34:25 PM »
For those who are not aware, our own Louis entered and did well for himself in the competition.
Like I told you some time ago Lou, I like your hybrid a lot.
If you follow the link, Lou's hybrid is Nymphaea 'Silver Moon'.


Pond Chat / Re: IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 28, 2009, 09:16:40 PM »
The results are in.
Follow the link below to see the winners.

Congratulations to all of the winners as well as all of the entrants for an exciting glimpse into the future of hybrids.

Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 28, 2009, 07:21:52 PM »
Bud  -  wise  -  er..... frog on a lily pad at the top of the screen...
It works.


Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 28, 2009, 12:15:04 PM »
Well, now I am doubly glad my wife got the shots on the Euryale ferox...
It did not even try to open today.

Oh well... I guess I will never get to see this live... it seems to be always a "memorex" moment for me..


If I was to build my koi pond a bit smaller than yours (around 8 ft long 3 ft with 4 ft or 5 ft deep with one foot under ground) how wide would I need my bog to be?
8' x 3' equals 24 square feet. Depth is not really an issue. You want between about 20% of your total surface area of the pond in the bog.
So using your 24 square feet number you need a bog of about 4.8 square feet.
You want the bog to be at an end away from the area where the pump is to get a full circulation of the water system.
You could do a 8' x 1' on the top of your diagram. This would give you 8 square feet. Plenty of surface area.

              l                                                                         l
              l                                                                         l     <--- This entire section would be the bog
              l                                                                         l
              l                                                                         l
              l                l                                        l                l
              l                l                                        l                l
              l                l                                        l                l
              l                l                                        l                l   <----  these 2 areas would be my pond section's
              l                l                                        l                l             And around the inside I would build a
              l                l                                        l                l             bench. This entire area would be
              l                l                                        l                l             between 2 sheds in my back yard creating
              l                l                                        l                l             a cubby. I thought from there I would
              l                l                                        l                l             take lattice staple some sheer fabric to
              l                l                                        l                l            one side of it and simply set it on top of
              ------------                                        -------------       

If you do the horseshoe shape, you might need 2 pumps to get a good flow and circulation throughout. Dead areas that don't get circulated well are bad for fish.
Waterlilies won't care, they actually do not like running water.
Given that I have now done several, I prefer the waterfall type to just the seepage type but that is just a personal choice, not that one is better than the other.
The extra water disturbance created by the waterfall helps with oxygen levels when we get near 100 degrees here,
Make sure the waterlilies do not get shaded by the shade cloth or they won't bloom very well if at all.
As to the guppies... I have never grown them so I do not know their requirements.
If you are planting bog type plants, they really do not need any soil at all after the first week or so. Once the waste and dirt stirred up by the fish filters through the rocks and is trapped, the elephant ears etc will use that as their nutrient source. Their root systems spread out and act as a natural filter in addition to the gravel.

Hope this helps.


Bog Gardens / Re: New Koi Pond with Bog Garden Incorporated
« on: August 27, 2009, 09:29:45 PM »
I apologize. I never saw your question as I do not check on this post since I first put it up.
I have about 6 types of elephant ears, lizard's tail, aquatic mint, thalia, sensitive plant... I think that's all but there might be something else.
I would not put the thalia in if I redid it.
I will have to get in there and dig it out at some point.
These are now over 10' tall regularly and the clump continues to try and expand beyond what I want.
For height though my elephant ears now regularly get to about 7 feet tall.


Pond Chat / IWGS Waterlily Competition
« on: August 27, 2009, 09:00:53 PM »
This year's winners for the IWGS Waterlily Competition will probably be announced in the next day or so.
As soon as the judges get their votes in I will be updating the winners on the IWGS site.
Stay tuned for the results.

If you want to see more pictures of theplants go to the IWGS website.


Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:28:27 PM »
Thanks go to my wife Debs...
As I said earlier, I am never home when this is open.
Sure enough it opened today and I did not get home until it had closed.
Debs knew I was watching for this and took these shots for me earlier today...


Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 25, 2009, 10:55:33 PM »
Pads have the protective sheath.
Flower buds don't.
That should tell you which you are seeing coming up.
The red "phallic" looking item in the closeup is the flower bud.
There is actually a 3rd bud coming up above the sheath in the pic.


Pond Chat / Re: More Ferocious Lilies, and others...
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:57:37 AM »
Great shots Joyce,
Unfortunately I have been at work each time mine bloomed.
Still time for me this year so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
On a more positive note...
One of my Longwoods bloomed last night so I got to smell the pineapple goodness and see it closing a little while ago.
As you can see in the closeup I have more blooms coming.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: "Royal Hawaiian" Taros
« on: August 19, 2009, 09:30:33 AM »
Left you feedback,
Sorry it took so long I have just been really busy and forgot.


Pond Chat / Re: A few tropical water lily photos
« on: August 15, 2009, 07:31:38 AM »
Sean, Laura is a true rich blue.
The photo color cast is off slightly.
That is the right flower and the pads below it are the right pads.
The color of Jack Woods is off some too.
It is a very rich rasberry color.


Hybridizing How To's... / Re: Looking for wide petals
« on: August 10, 2009, 11:25:13 AM »
Well it's most famous offspring is N. King of Siam...


Hybridizing How To's... / Re: Looking for wide petals
« on: August 08, 2009, 05:09:36 PM »
Larp Prasert is very fertile and that is part of it's downfall.
Most lilies seen here in the states are seedlings, not the original.
Even in Thailand where it came from it was bastardized so much that Dr. Sam says there is very few that could be correct.


Pond Chat / Re: Anconas
« on: August 08, 2009, 05:05:51 PM »
Darkest pads out there on a vivip.


Pond Chat / Re: bouquet plants revisited.
« on: August 08, 2009, 09:27:03 AM »
The color depth is fine on what you are posting.


Pond Chat / Re: water lily newbie question
« on: August 08, 2009, 12:54:59 AM »
The fact that it was from a big box store means there is no way to really identify it positively.
The ones sold as dry rhizomes you plant are an assortment like many have already said but in almost all cases they are not the "real" deal that the package says.
My wife actually ran a garden center for Wal*Mart for three years so I saw most of what they could carry.
N. Fabiola is one they carry but it is a seedling from some point and not the true plant.
It is a nice unnamed pink so just feed it a lot and enjoy the show.

BTW Julles, I think maybe you meant a trop... there are no purple hardies...yet. ;)


Photo Album / Re: Photos get the painted on canvas treatment
« on: August 02, 2009, 09:09:11 AM »
Thanks ladies.


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