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Messages - El Jefe

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Pond Chat / Re: Want some dragonfly nymphs?
« on: April 09, 2008, 07:18:36 AM »
While they may eat your fry they will eat all manner of other bugs, from water aphids to Mosquito larvae (much easier to catch!!) Every spring I get tons and I love it! Last year I shared a bunch of photos like this....

I love having them out there! sign of a healthy ecosystem! I think you have much more to gain than lose... Andy

I was thinking of putting up one of those deer cams up out of reach with a portable alarm attached to it just in case....

Hard to tell how many fish are in there, they are thriving and that means lots of younguns.... Fence well no not at this piont but I am seriously thinking about it. Lots of people stop and look at the pond from the road and I do not want to detract from it however looks like I may not have much of a choice. Why is it that other peoples stupidity or lack of respect ends up costing us money?  >:(


I live in the south, they go nuts for catfish here, and Bream and Bass..... We have had a lot of new homes go up and new people moving in around us. It is pretty obvious that I take care of that pond so someone would have to be pretty bold to walk in with a fishing pole, still under the cover of dark it wouldn't take long to catch one and get out  >:(-  You have to wonder about some people some times.....

Pond Chat / Re: Around the Pond Today
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:39:02 PM »
 @O@ I love that everything is starting to bloom and I have a couple more that have decided to share....
Look even the fish are happy!

Well I see Escarboucle starting to bring up pads and my Berniece Ikins is as well, even the lone James brydon. As I walked around looking at the new plants and taking a few pictures of the plants  and admiring the new growth when what did I see? what did I spy with my little eye?? God help the person who lost it.......
 >:(- They were trying for these guys: And before you ask it isn't one of mine, I only have a few and ther are all brand new!

Pond Chat / Want some dragonfly nymphs?
« on: April 08, 2008, 12:33:22 PM »
Wards natural science sells them..... they are the Aeshna spp variety which could be any of a variety of medium to large dragonfly's..... For those of you who were having a hard time attracting them here you go.


Pond Chat / Re: Around the Pond Today
« on: April 06, 2008, 04:24:41 PM »
A heavy storm beat it up a little but here are some more general pictures. It will look better when I can cut the grass. Like I said she is slowly waking up.

Pond Chat / Re: Lets take a poll on lilies.....
« on: April 06, 2008, 07:47:56 AM »
Hmm tough one.

Hardy? Well I have some great ones I love my n. Berniece Ikins and my n. Joey Tomocik (thanks Tammie!)

Tropicals? Well since I only have two at the moment ( getting ready to expand that too )  It is a toss up between the two but at the moment I think my n. Midnight edges out my Queen of Siam.


Pond Chat / Re: Around the Pond Today
« on: April 05, 2008, 01:12:01 PM »
All the Lotus Tinkster sent  are sending up pads, the lotus from last year is doing great and the new lotus has 4 pads up. all doing well so far.

Pond Chat / Re: Around the Pond Today
« on: April 05, 2008, 11:58:07 AM »
a few others:

Pond Chat / Around the Pond Today... New Pictures added
« on: April 05, 2008, 11:55:39 AM »
This will likely take a couple of posts but my pond is starting to wake up and show some color. So before the storms hit today I thought that I would take a few pictures and share. It is interesting to note that the Splatterdock has sent up pads form it's deep position. The n. escarboucle has sent red pads to the surface and I THINK the tropical that tinkster sent me last fall is sending up a pad. it may not be that lily only time will tell.

I am getting excited.... Andy

Pond Chat / Re: Ponds have thawed out and all my fish have disappeared
« on: April 05, 2008, 10:26:08 AM »
Wow louis That is terrible. I know your loss! Last year  we had a horrible storm that dumped more water then the ground could soak up.  Due to some modifitions made by my neighbor the water moved swiftly across his yard and poured into mine. The onrush of water quickly overwhelmed the previous berms and mixed the runoff into my pond. Come to find out he had sprayed his yard with a mosquito yard spray just the day before and that washed into my pond. Over the course of the next week I buried 52 fish (all native)some of them weighing 15 pounds or more. Including an 8 pound bass. I was NOT  >:(-  happy! He had a very luke warm reaction and I wanted to take him for a swim in the mucky muddy water.... Luckily I had enought in there left that they coud carry on. I know your pain. Sorry for your loss. Hopefully something wasn't introduced prior to the freeze, I can see if a muskrat got in there but with few or no signs it is hard to tell until you drain it down what happened. Even then it is hard tellin'


Chit Chat / Re: Happy Birthday Andy aka El Jefe...
« on: April 04, 2008, 07:32:15 AM »
I am so moved.....  :'( Thanks for the sentiment.... Funny my own kids forgot my birthday (well 2 out of the 3) but Ya'll remembered! My Daughte bought me a Varigated shell ginger for use out by the pond in my shaded areas.... Thanks again everyone  @O@

Pond Chat / Re: Just wanted to say HI, again!
« on: April 02, 2008, 07:18:43 PM »
Well Brenda I wish I could say I was a member that long but alas I did arrive here eventually. Welcome  :welcome: Tinkster sent me one of her mystery Lotuses and it is a beautiful white. There are a lot of members here with great plants and ideas, very talanted people that I try and emulate regularly  ;)
Check out the mystery lotus:


Pond Chat / Re: Mites
« on: March 31, 2008, 10:46:03 AM »
miguynmkoi, I think you may be referring to my post, I had/have spider mites that have infested my Pickeral weed and my Cattails. I picked up and organic pesticide that is supposed to kill them without harming my fish. Acitive Ingredient: sesame oil 5.0% Inert ingredients: edible fish oil 92.0% and Lecithin 3.0%
, Not supposed to harm the plants either..

Pond Chat / Re: Joyce Grigonis
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:54:07 AM »
Joyce what kind of computer issues? Make sure you pick up a USB Drive and back up any and all of you data. Let me know if I can help.

Pond Chat / Re: I'm so excited, what I walked into
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:35:59 AM »
Wow that is a great find, I should be  so lucky. All my native fish are too big to release small fish into the pond so they have to have some size to them. Great find!!!


Technology Talk / Re: Vista and I dont like it at all!
« on: March 28, 2008, 05:52:01 PM »
I love it, It works well for me but then again I have been running it since RC1 came out! Tinksters favorite techie phrase is FDISK IT... Tink you are really starting to scare me  ;) Andy

Pond Chat / Re: Spotted a Heron in my Pond this morning!!
« on: March 28, 2008, 05:43:18 PM »
large terracotta pot on it's side works wonders  as does a piece of that black 8" french drain pipe both are inexpensive.


Chit Chat / Re: Poating photos
« on: March 27, 2008, 11:34:17 AM »
Okay all I have a great tool for you , it is small and user intuitive. it is called VSO image resizer and it works so very easily. You can resize one at a time or select several right click on a picture select VSO and do a whole batch at once!! Trust me you will love it's simplicity.

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Mystery plant - Calling all experts
« on: March 27, 2008, 07:39:21 AM »
Okay I don't feel so dumb now  {:-P;;

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: Mystery plant - Calling all experts
« on: March 27, 2008, 06:26:53 AM »
My guess would be Trumpet Flower, Comes in many varieties and colors, some grow like vines others like trees.

Ooops never mind looks like joyce nailed it! We have some that are similar looking but they are the trumpet flower... Good job Joyce! O0

Pond Chat / Re: Need a hard to find plant
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:50:34 PM »
Funny how it is SO hard to find for sale. I should ask a friend of mine to harvest some for me Or just plan on spending a weekend down south. {:-P;;

Pond Chat / Re: Need a hard to find plant
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:59:17 AM »
Wow stumped the best of you....that is saying something.  Well maybe you all wouldn't mind helping me research it. It is known by a few names;
Peltandra Sagittifolia (Michx.) Morong, White Arrow Arum, Spoonflower..... See if we can find one. Andy

Pond Chat / Need a hard to find plant
« on: March 24, 2008, 08:31:21 PM »
Anyone know where I can find 'peltandra sagittifolia' White arrow arum (not the green)? here is a sample picture and here as well

I have the green version and I would like to mix in the white.


Pond Chat / Lotus notes..... No not the program
« on: March 24, 2008, 11:08:21 AM »
Recently I added another lotus to my pond (Rosea Plena... hope I spelled that right) and I placed it beside my white lotus from last year ( ) Well that lotus (the white one) came as two tubers with a couple of growing tips each. It thrived all season and died back during the winter. Well when I was done planting the lotus for this year I decided to reach down into the tub from last year and see what was in store there. Man in the span of one season that thing grew alot of tubers and a lot of roots one of those tubers is is huge! I did not want to mess with it to much as I was told not to divide them for at least two years and this is the start of the second season. I noticed some early growth coming from it, a couple of small floaters so now is not the ideal time to divide. when should I be thinking about that? January/February?


Pond Chat / Re: So you lotus pros. Answer me this....
« on: March 24, 2008, 08:26:35 AM »
I think the only reason that it is growing is because it was packed so well. Each growing tip was wrapped in cardboard and the entire tuber was wrapped up well. Unfortunately the box was crushed on one side and pretty badly and not much would have made it throught that. It is almost like my post man was pissed at me..... :-\
    I am glad to hear that she looks like she is going to make it as will the person who sent it to me. They were feeling pretty bad and it wasn't their fault. Quite to the contrary they will be the reason it lived. Now what did I do with those spike strips...... Dang crazy mailman. >:(-

Pond Chat / So you lotus pros. Answer me this....
« on: March 23, 2008, 02:54:14 PM »
During a recent shipment from a friend I received a lotus tuber and some other small plants. upon arrival the box  looked like the post office played football with it. The tuber was broken in a couple of places although not completely (85%) through. I thought it was going to be a loss and I placed the tuber in my indoor tub under the grow light, it had only been in there a few days when Viola.... Shoots.  I did not know what to do other than to get it planted so into the tub it went. Today I have two small floating pads. Can I expect that she will live and thrive or is it all wishful thinking and prayers?


Pond Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: March 21, 2008, 07:12:55 PM »
I have it on good authority that it is indeed appears to be an "Albert Greenberg"  One can never make a true identification by looking at a 2 dimensional picture, but if I wanted this look in my pond it appears that the 'Albert Greenberg" would be the way to go. Thank you one and all!


Pond Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: March 21, 2008, 10:24:34 AM »
Ahh, Roger that. Funny I was on another forum this morning and reviewing an exchange between two members, seems like the fun never stops, just changes locations... Andy

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