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Messages - finnpond

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Pond Chat / Re: Progress on front ponds
« on: June 09, 2007, 11:42:11 AM »
Lookin' good, LeeAnne!!!!!

Pond Chat / Re: more questions
« on: May 11, 2007, 07:59:46 AM »
Hi Kevin...   If you should lose power or have a pump malfunction, will the water in the waterfall reservoir, pond/stream, and plumbing feed downhill and overflow your 55 Gallon drum?  A one way valve in the plumbing might resolve the problem in that area, but you would be relying on it to work each and every time (might be kinda risky)...  The amount of water in the stream and pond that would drain to the drum is another problem entirely and I'm not sure how you could make that work.......... other than to have a good size pond on the downhill side, where you have your drum now....

The Skippy would probably work best as the waterfall reservoir, and I'm all for skimmers... Savio makes a small unit...  I have the larger one and it really helps with fir needles and leaves, of which I have an abundance of....

You might want to do a search on rock in the bottom of ponds....  Lots of differing opinions on whether or not it's a good idea..  Don't think I would ever want to do it myself...

Take Care....   Dave

Terrestrial Gardening / Tullip Time in the Skagit Valley
« on: April 21, 2007, 09:05:11 AM »
My son took these near Mt. Vernon, Washington State a couple weeks ago...


Hi Tinkster...  Where did you register?  I'm not seeing the place to sign up on that website....

Thanks...  Dave

OK...  I figured it out... thanks!!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Welcome Cheeno
« on: March 24, 2007, 11:19:43 AM »
HOLY COW!!!!!  What a fantastic job you did!!!!!!!  BEAUTIFUL....

Pond Chat / Lotus Division?
« on: March 24, 2007, 09:28:48 AM »
OK...  I have a Chawan Basu(sp) that is going on 3 years old...  I think it needs repotting and dividing...  I 've read all the threads about planting but not much is said about dividing them before potting them up.. 

Is this the time of year to do that?  And if it is how do you do it?

Thanks... Dave

Pond Chat / Re: Johns......
« on: March 24, 2007, 09:11:37 AM »
Thank you, thank you... Mine arrived Wednesday here in Washington State...  Looks GREAT!!!

Photo Album / Re: Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: March 16, 2007, 06:44:14 PM »
LeeAnne.....  You're welcome here any time...  That goes for anyone else that is visiting or lives around here..  Here being Olympia, Washington....  Tried to make the Partay but had other things happening...  Man, what a gorgeous day here in the Pacific NW!!!!!  70*, sunny................. and rain tomorrow :(.......


Hi Tinkster...  That would be me....  Don't post alot, but I've sure learned a wholebunch on this site....
Thanks for the compliment....   Dave

Chit Chat / Re: What is a Uniseal and.....
« on: March 10, 2007, 09:30:14 AM »
Hi Daisy...  Here's a link to Aquatic Eco-Systems site and they sell Uni-Seals...  They're not necessarily for curved surfaces...  They are used in place of regular bulk-head fittings and don't require gaskets, screws, caulking, etc., etc....  Just cut a hole and friction fit the Uni-seal into your container then lubricate the pipe and slide (actually this takes a little effort) it into the uni-seal....

I have about 10 of them in my system and they work great...

Take Care...   Dave

Pond Chat / Re: Would like to give a lotus a try this summer
« on: March 08, 2007, 04:02:47 PM »
Give one a try Leeanne!!!!  Mine have bloomed the last 2 summers....  I need to divide it this year as it is way out of the pot I have it in right now......  I don't bring it in over the winter or put it in a greenhouse, just cut the dead leaves off and keep the stems above waterline...  Don't know if I really need to do that, but it works for me...  Chawan Basu (sp) from Johns....


Chit Chat / Re: Rainy night in Georgia
« on: February 09, 2007, 03:37:24 PM »
Tammie, doggone it!!!!  DW and I are gonna be on Oahu for 2 1/2 weeks starting Monday for our 25th and I don't want to hear RAIN!!!!  We're staying in Makaha and Ko'olina so maybe it'll be nicer than the windward side........  It'll still be warmer than here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pond Chat / Re: I've Got Fish!
« on: February 08, 2007, 09:24:40 AM »
Hi Debbie...   Your fish look great...  I haven't seen hide nor hair ... um...  scales or fins?.... of mine since November...  they seem to do that every year until the water warms up...  And, yup, I've got the green wavy stuff growing too...  Not bad though, and the water is very clear.

Kai lives and works in Seattle, unmarried and very happy..  He's into surfing on the Washington Coast and what I would call Extreme SnowBoarding in the winter...  There are probably quite a few folks we know mutually from the Valley...

Take Care...  Dave     o( 

Pond Chat / Re: American Ponders gets Mag Plug
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:51:29 AM »
Howdy...  From the Managing Editor:  "There are no subscriptions, as Water Gardens only comes out once a year.  It's sold on newstands across the country and, depending on the region, can be found at Barnes & Noble, Borders, some grocery stores or whereever magazines are sold.  If anyone is having a hard time finding it, they can call our Back Issue Dept. and order a copy (this is issue #83).  The phone number is 212-807-7100 ext. 536."

$5.95 US...   $7.50 Canada...
I have no financial interest in this by the way..........!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pond Chat / Re: American Ponders gets Mag Plug
« on: February 07, 2007, 07:59:40 AM »
Jerry....  Trying to get info on buying single issues or subscriptions right now.....  It only comes out annually... They sent me a free one as they used a picture of my pond in it.....

The Harris Garden Group, 1115 Broadway, NY, NY; 212-462-9585..   Single copy Sales Manager Richard Ciotta


Pond Chat / American Ponders gets Mag Plug
« on: February 06, 2007, 06:20:19 PM »
Just was sent Water Gardens Magazine by Country Decorating Ideas, Harris Publications and it has this plug under "News You Can Use":

"Magazines and books are a great place to start when you're seeking ideas and tips for your water garden.  But when you have a specific question or a conundrum that can't wait until a trip to the bookstore-or the next issue of Water Gardens magazine- look no further than the many pond-related message boards on the internet.  These boards are crawling with everyday homeowners who have faced similar challenges and are eager to offer commiseration, advice, or at least a nudge in the right direction.

"We like the AMERICAN PONDERS forum at, which features lively discussions on general pond questions, DIY projects and a special section all about fish."

It has an article about Joyce's "Pondsai" and pictures of ponds that look very familiar to me, ............   o(

Take Care.....   Dave

Some more lively than others, don't ya think!!!!!!!!!!

Pond Chat / Re: Winter Pond shots
« on: February 05, 2007, 05:42:58 PM »
Nice pond GeorgiaJen!!!

Debbie those pictures do NOT make me homesick for the Valley at all!!!!!  50 degrees on this side of the mountains, so you are probably in for a little warm up soon........

Leave next Monday to Oahu for 2 1/2 weeks for our 25th!!!!!


Photo Album / Re: Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: January 30, 2007, 04:57:56 PM »
Howdy OutsideGirl...   Yep, born and raised in Oroville, graduated 1966.  My son, Kai, graduated from Tonasket in 1991....  I'm back in the OK Valley alot..  My brother has a place on Lake Osoyoos, so we visit often...  Frozen over this year and I think its been awhile for that to happen.  I love the valley, but my wife got to choose where to settle down this time, after dragging her from Olympia 25 years ago.......

I'll be up in your neck of the woods this Spring, as we do work for the PUD and this years project is in the Ellisforde area...

Take Care...  Dave

Photo Album / Re: Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: January 18, 2007, 07:57:50 PM »
Well...  My wife's organizational abilities are most certainly better than mine...   The tag from the plant says it is a "Cordyline Indivisa"... Hardy to 30 degrees... My SIL's neighbor has one that is 20' tall...  So maybe the larger they get the more they can take... 

Take Care...   Dave

Photo Album / Re: Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: January 18, 2007, 04:54:59 PM »
Howdy...   Been on the road for a few days, so I'm tardy getting back to you all.....

Thank you for the compliments...

Mikey...  Where in the Pacific NW?  We have been fortunate enough to live in Alaska, Hawaii, Florida, California and Utah...  And though I miss the warm places;  I really thank my lucky stars to be able to finish my working career up here....  If I need hot and dry I can go to Eastern Oregon or Eastern Washington in the summer, and the same places for cold and snow in the winter...  If I want temperate, damp and warm in the winter, and uh, ......damp and warm in the summer........I stay on the coast side of the Cascades.... LOL...   the last several summers have been absolutely beautiful on this side of the mountains ..... If we really need a shot of sunshine we go to Hawaii for awhile...

Joyce... I've been searching for the tag for that plant, but 6 years ago might be asking too much for my level of organization..  and in any case, the tag could be wrong as you suggest.... I get many comments regarding it from visitors,  everyone thinks it is a palm....  Do Yucca flower?  This plant has never shown any inclination to send any type of flower or seed up.....  Anyway,.. we just like the tropical look it imparts......

Teresa..  We are Zone 8 here, probably very similar to Atlanta in temperature.... and usually only have one or two snow events per year...

Thanks again...  Dave

Photo Album / Re: Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: January 12, 2007, 09:12:11 AM »

Just over the mountains from you!!!!  Oly, Wa.  Although I'm originally from Oroville, up in the Okanogan....  That's with an 'o', for all you Canadians!!!
I'm in Yakima alot as my company contracts to Pacific Power..  I had crews actually working in Cowiche this year.... 

And you are right, the dracaena probably wouldn't make it at your place...  unless you kept it inside during the winter!!!

Take Care....  Dave

Photo Album / Re: Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: January 12, 2007, 07:29:27 AM »
Hi SheilaJ... It is a Dracaena....  Not supposed to be as hardy as this one has been!!!  We've had it outside for 6 years and it's been subjected to freezing weather, snow, etc., etc.  I do have have Christmas lights on it right now, hoping it will help get it thru this latest bout of sub-freezing temps.  We have a couple others that are outdoors and they are doing well, along with some Hebe, which are also kinda tender......... 

I think maybe the moving water in the WF and pond help keep the air moving and raise the temperature slightly...  It's one of those deals where if you lose it, you replace it with something else...

Thanks....   Dave

Photo Album / Ooooo (BRRRR)..... Aaaaaaahhh
« on: January 11, 2007, 03:41:35 PM »
This morning and last summer.....
Take Care... Dave

HMMMM.... It posted the pictures in the opposite order that I did....  Ah well...

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: I see guacamole in my future....
« on: December 21, 2006, 06:44:18 PM »
Watch out for those Avo's!!!!!  Lived in Hawaii for quite some time, and we were on the Big Island near Kealakakua Bay (you know... where the little grass shack is) picking avocados.  These were the 'butter' type which are gigantic, and quite heavy and LARGE....  My buddy was up the tree (and these trees had to be 50 to 60 feet high) with a forked stick knocking them down to me and I was catching them before they hit the ground..............   He inadvertently loosed two...I caught one...didn't see the other on its way, but caught it too, right on the noggin.........   Knocked me out and I'm surprised it didn't do worse.... 

They sure are goooooood, though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take Care.....    Dave

"the beatings will continue, until morale improves!!!"

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Anthurium Seed
« on: December 07, 2006, 06:02:26 PM »
Hello...  Any chance of getting them started in the Pacific NW?  Love anthuriums after living in Hawaii and Florida for 8 years apiece, and we have some colocasia's as indoor plants, but am also wintering over some from the pond in our garage...  I do have lights and a bench to start things, but don't have anything to trade....... I would pay dollars, however... 

Thanks...  Dave

Photo Album / Re: Pictures on Labor Day, Olympia, Wa.
« on: September 17, 2006, 10:53:00 AM »
Thanks so much everyone..

Jerry...  You are right!!!  We tried to achieve a tropical look, even though we're in the NW..
We lived in Hawaii for 8 years and Florida for 9..  Pam and I are from Washington State originally, but tried to bring a tropical accent to the pond and our interor decorating..

Take Care...  Dave

Photo Album / Re: Pictures on Labor Day, Olympia, Wa.
« on: September 07, 2006, 07:39:23 PM »
Thanks everyone....   We expanded the planting bed around the pond this year (probably will next year also) and were able to put more perennials and annuals in.  We spend ALOT of time on the deck admiring the colors and drinking some fruit of the vine O0 .....  WL blooms are tapering off and the lotus has just about had it (Thank You Johns!!!)  But it was an exceptional year for everything in and out of the pond....

Take Care ....   Dave

Photo Album / Pictures on Labor Day, Olympia, Wa.
« on: September 04, 2006, 11:39:57 AM »
Howdy All...   Here're some pictures from this morning....   It's a beautiful day in the Pacific NW!!!

Take Care....   Dave

Pond Chat / Re: My new Pond & Garden!
« on: August 20, 2006, 09:08:33 PM »
Oh Yeah!!!!!  What a great job you did!!!!  Lookin' goooood!!!


Pond Chat / Re: Savio skimmer w/brushes modification...
« on: August 14, 2006, 01:37:28 PM »
Howdy Rocmon...   How do you keep the mat holder in the back of the Savio seated?  I'm assuming you do away with the UV covers when you have your angle bar in place..... 
Thanks...  Dave

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