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Messages - Timgod

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Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 11:44:59 AM »
A little something I created over the last day or so...


Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 11:08:16 AM »
A few plant pix that are not totally lily related...

I hope you enjoyed them.


Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 11:06:21 AM »
The last batch of lily pix for today ...

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 11:04:55 AM »
Some more for you to critique...

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 11:02:51 AM »
It is rainy still but I got some overcast pix for you...  O0

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 08:28:17 AM »
Yes the passiflora does a sweet fragrance. I think it was MikeW who had posted a pic of the beloti and I thought it looked an awful lot like mine. Its humid and warm here today but very overcast and with off and on showers. I'll try and get a few more pics taken and posted for my northern friends before I go in to work.

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 26, 2006, 12:44:58 AM »
I've been trying to get some time to upload some newer images to my website. I have taken hundreds of shots this year. I am still getting multiple blooms on a number of plants.

Chit Chat / Re: Watch this Japanese illusionist/street magician
« on: October 24, 2006, 12:18:24 PM »
No, I believe they were a real audience. The sneeze trick looked like some sort of armature to keep the jacket in place. The head slide was just more of his amazing physical dexterity. If a magician/illusionist is doing his job correctly, he has you looking where he wants and when he wants. The trick is to watch where they do not want you to see. I have always been fascinated by magic and the way to figure it out when possible.

Pond Chat / Re: THE END...
« on: October 24, 2006, 10:31:41 AM »
You know Sean, I was thinking the same thing. I was wondering if they are all the same variety? What variety? Think of all of the lotus blooming possibilities for the future.  {:-P;;

Chit Chat / Re: Watch this Japanese illusionist/street magician
« on: October 24, 2006, 09:35:40 AM »
He's very good at physical stunts. He uses that as a way to change what you are watching. He uses the cameraman to help perform his magic tricks though. Notice how they zoom to the white poster and then the cola is on the floor next to his hat. It was likely that it was in his hat or jacket. But with the zoom in you cannot see. On the sidewalk where he changes it back to paper/plastic watch it slow. There is a pause the third time his left hand goes off camera toward the cameraman so he can be handed the plastic one. Also the camera zooms to the point where you cannot see the bottom of the bottle/ plastic picture so it could easily by dropped out of view without "us" seeing it.

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:38:13 PM »
Don't know for sure. My wife bought it at a big retail place and it had the tag for a mandevilla on it. I knew it wasn't right but had to wait for blooms to know for sure what it was. I have 4 diffirent passion vines. Some named. A few not.

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:32:51 AM »
I am very glad that you enjoyed them. I love my lilies but I do enjoy seeing the snow pics as well. It has snowed 4 times in my life here. When it does it is cold and slushy due to our constant humidity. Five degrees up north feels much better than twenty degrees and wet here.

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:28:26 AM »
And finally a few terrestrial pics...

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:26:33 AM »
Still some more...hope it is warming your hearts... o(:-)

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:24:35 AM »
Still some more...

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:23:16 AM »
Some more pix...

Photo Album / Re: Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:17:06 AM »
Some more...

Photo Album / Pics to warm your heart up north
« on: October 20, 2006, 11:15:45 AM »
These pics were taken yesterday. It was grey and rainy. We finally got a cold front but that put us in the 60's at night. Nothing to compare with the northern extremes. Hope you like the spoils of my work. I'll add more below...

P.S. I would not have the Caliente if I had not found this board and gotten in contact with JoshS. I have been searching for three years for Craig's lilies before hitting the jackpot here. Sean and everyone involved in the creation of this board, these pix are a way of giving thanks back to you.

Koi Corner / Re: Adopting Koi
« on: October 18, 2006, 06:22:05 AM »
The koi will overwinter fine in the aquarium. Inside with a heater they will continue to grow and thrive. Outside in the winter you should stop feeding them when the weather gets cold. Their bodies slow down and there is virtually no growth. I still provide ours with a winter type of food as I don't have really cold temps in Houston TX. But I slow down considerably the feeding schedule when the water gets below 60 degrees. Their biggest growth cycle is in spring and summer. We have a couple butterfly that started out as 3" - 4" three years ago. They are now about 10" - 12" inches long. You must remember that Koi have really long lives if taken care of so they do not grow overly quickly. If you do talk hubby into building a new one then remember their final potential size and how many more you a certain to add over time (trust will ;)) I have to build a bigger pond next year for my wife's. The two that are now 10" - 12" are the biggest but there are more behind them catching up in size...LOL.

Technology Talk / Re: How do I remove a "pirate" copy of XP?
« on: October 18, 2006, 06:00:05 AM »
I've done a lot of shifting and moving of info over the years. Unfortunately I believe you will have to do the dreaded way you software to D, move data and then format C. When a drive is formatted it sets up an area called the boot sector. That is where it sets the basic controls for your computer. I don't know of any way to uninstall Windows and still leave the other software intact. When windows goes you would lose the registry and all functionality of the other software. Same problem if you copy Photoshop, Word,  etc to D, you would not have all of the right information in the registry on D. I also would not want to corrupt any registry or boot settings on D in an attempted migration of software.

I just went and browsed through the Ghost 10.0 manual to confirm that it will back up the entire drive, the entire partition or from a recovery point. But it does not let you selectively move applications. Sorry to be the bearer of unfortunate news but I believe your best bet is to do it the "hard" way.

You did not mention drive sizes. I have a large drive on my main computer. I partitioned it so the it has two logical drives C & D. I installed operating system to C and other software to D. That way if you wanted, later you could use Ghost to copy C or D partition to another drive without corrupting the operating system.

I have tried for three years to get crosses to work... with no luck. This year I decided to go back to the beginning. I bought 4 species lilies... I had not had any before. That was the breakthrough I needed. For those of you trying to cross lilies that has been very helpful for me. If you want to try your hand at crossing lilies here is a link to a compiled list on the Victoria Adventure site on known pod and pollen parents. Obviously there are more out there but these have been confirmed through literature or recent breeding enthusiasts.

I have had seed to collect and begin to grow in various states of growth in all of these varieties over the last month or two. They are confirmed as pod parents.

Pink Pearl
Purple Zanzibar
Lindsey Woods
Jack Woods
St Louis
Purple Nangkwag
Shirley Ann
Shirley Bryne

I had posted a topic about this a while back so I contacted Rich. He confirmed what I had read in his book that you get from the International Water Lily Society. In searching for it I had to order it off of the net.

I have not been able to test it yet as I knew I had a planned trip and have not been home in the evenings to pull the seedlings and spray them down.

I did find a great source to test it though. There is a link below that sells it all imaginable amounts. Since I want to test the results I was going to order the 1 gram pkg for $5.43. But since I was a new client they will also sell you the same 1 gram pkg as a sample for $1.00. With shipping it was less than $5.00 U.S. Quick turnaround on the product as well.

Photo Album / Re: Sometimes it Works
« on: October 17, 2006, 03:07:35 PM »
Wow... I love the structure of that Lily...petals forever.

Terrestrial Gardening / Re: 'Taint very purdy, buuut.....
« on: October 16, 2006, 10:50:07 PM »
I've been mulling over building one along those lines for the last few years. Do you have the plans and materials list that you used available? About how much did it cost to construct? One of the biggest costs when I started designing one was the poly covering. About how much does it cost each year to re-cover the structure? I've actually gone to Home Depot at least twice with thoughts of doing this but decided against it at the last minute. Where did you get your vents? Any and all info on the construction would be greatly apprecciated.

I came across this a few years ago and dimissed it just like you Jerry. I have looked around but have never found good concise plans for the intermittent misting system he describes. That is the biggest key to rooting cuttings quickly. high humidity and never letting the cuttings get dry or soggy. As to the thousands of cuttings....Hmmm. his neighbors sure must get ticked off because you would need hundreds of adult plants to generate thousands of cuttings without killing the root stock. He must be poaching cuttings from other locales.

Pond Chat / Re: Some pictures
« on: October 10, 2006, 09:59:32 AM »
The wife and I got back here Saturday afternoon. We were in your area on Tues since Hanauma is now closed on that day of the week. I am back at work... :no: but I now have to go through the 500 + photos the wife and I took while we were there. I never got a chance to find out where you lived so I didn't get to visit. I did however collect quite a bit of seed while I was in Waimea Falls though.

Here is a pic of what looks like a huge Woods Blue Goddess that is growing there. There was no sign. The pads were nearly 2' across with flowers about 10 ".

By the way, for those of you who have never been... the last shot is from Makapuu Beach and Rabbit Island near where Tammie lives. So how soon do you all want to go to HI for a pond party??????? It will take a few years for me to finish paying for last week's trip. LOL.

Pond Chat / Re: insulating a raised pond?
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:41:25 AM »
I don't have very cold winters but I have thought about covering my propagation pools with a clear plastic to retain heat so that the lilies won't go dormant. Most of my lilies bloom until January and then restart up at the beginning of March. However it is the large swings in temperature between Janauary and Febuary that cause me to lose some tropicals. They will start to go dormant. We will have a week of warm weather and they will put of new growth and then we will get a new cold front that puts some back into dormancy but kills some others.The question I have is this...

How does covering in a plastic to retain heat affect the plants; or goldfish I keep in there for insect control.

My concern is the exchange of gases. Does anyone know how much of an oxygen/carbon dioxide mix is necessary to keep everything alive. How often would I need to uncover them to make sure they don't suffocate... the plants more than the fish. If I have to uncover each day to retain a proper air mix wouldn't that negate the heat saving effects if I mix in colder air? Or are the fish able to put out enough carbon dioxide to provide for the plants.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has covered their ponds/pools to know if this was even an issue.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: water lilies for sale
« on: September 30, 2006, 09:40:09 PM »
Kat, I also got my lilies from you and have them at home in the water. I left you feedback on the sale/trade. Thanks again.
 O0 Tim O0

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Aussie Seed
« on: September 30, 2006, 05:41:05 PM »
If you can get some of the Winch's out that would be great. I thought the display in New Orleans was fantastic. He is sort of a propagating genius, but you are my favorite on the scene today because of the structure of many of your releases. If you ever release Serendepity I would like to be first in line to get one...please...please...please. It is one of my favorites of all the lilies I have ever seen.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Re: Aussie Seed
« on: September 29, 2006, 05:10:23 PM »
I was referring to the fact that the surface would be warm but the lower depths would be cool.
On the color question, I was just curious if you were crossing from different colors or a self cross as you have now described. I thank you for the clarification. I would be grateful to you if you keep me in mind when you get some seed.

On a side note....boy are your cultivars hard to get... I have been trying for two years to get some. I had even asked Rolf to try when he came to Fla for the symposium. I work in retail so my schedule is tight and I could not get away. Thanks to Sean and the wonderful members of this board I now have four of your fantastic creations that I received earlier this week.
  ;D @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ @O@ ;D

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